A day after our Tuesday update on the status of Aussie outfielder Jason Rees from the Bet Shemesh Blue Sox and the Modi'in Miracle's Eladio Rodriguez, the Triple-A Yankees of Scranton/Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania made their first cuts, releasing six players-- including Jason Rees.
According to Chad Jennings of the Scranton Times-Tribune, Reese "saw regular time in right field and left field but didn’t do much offensively and perhaps made his greatest impression when he was picked off of first base to kill a rally last week."
Catcher Rodriguez never even showed up for Spring Training.
It's too bad but time for a reality check for anyone who wants to put down Rees... Do you have any idea how many players get to play a single day in AAA baseball for any part of there career? If he was 2 years younger he would have been given more of an opportunity. Hats off to Jason!
Jason had the strength of character to get in there and give it his best shot. He should have our respect for doing that in such a public way. I had the honor to get to know Jason while we were in Israel last summer and found him to be a well spoken and responsible young man. He will be a success in life and someone that we all will be proud to know. Good luck Jason in your next effort be it baseball or otherwise.
So Rees gets cut. Gee Elli how much joy did you take in this. I'm sorry was the IBL touted as being superior to the MLB? or was it touted as a league for players to play, probably on the level of single A ball. The fact that Rees got recognized for his achievements and signed by the Yankees speaks volumes for what the IBL accomplished in their 1st season. The number of players that ever get to actually play at AAA let alone the BIGS is incredibly small. And while you're bashing the IBL for doing such a horrible job in their first season, get your facts straight: Eladio Rodriguez was with the Modiin Miracle.
I don't think they're bashing the IBL. I think they're just reporting the news and doing a darn good job of it.
Y didn't Rees get placed in single or double A ? He could have worked himself up from there! Good Luck Rees! You are a great guy!
To the "So Rees gets cut" comment writer...it's about time to lose the anger buddy and learn how to read...the piece says that Eladio played for Modi'in.
Rees is both a tremendously talented ballplayer and a solid citizen. Let's keep in mind that only about 17,000 men have played in the MLB over its history and only a relatively small percentage of guys get any shot at all out of camp. Jason flew half-way around the world and put it all out there. It only takes a couple of miscues to fall down the charts. He will re-surface, whether he joins Big Berg in Bridgeport or ends up going into business back in New South Wales. As Greg Raymundo would say, "So what!"...Jason will be a success with whatever he does, so long as he doesn't get caught running aruond in his Speedo anymore.
Who the eff is this guy and why does anyone care?
A nation cares.
A race of people cares.
A generation cares.
Baseball fans... care
If you did not care why are you reading it???
To the "I don't think they're bashing" commenter- whuh?: just about every one of their articles is full of comments like
"as opposed to the previous regime"
scooper!!!!hellooooooo! did you notice he cancelled the april tryouts.
$1250 good way to start off the season, ha!!
i bet if you were to ask coach from dade what he really thought , he would tell you that there really was no talent that could be called pro's
but i heard that there will be baseball in israel 2008 but it won't be Rosen.
and that chaim Kats guy will be giving it away to someone else .
Rosen has to cough up too much money in order to play in Israel
Good luck Larry on your upcoming season in Israel. I knew you could do it!
If the above comments are true about Baras/IBL playing in '08 in Israel. Baras really needs to be praised. After getting an inaugral season off the ground he was met with a massive wave of sh*t slinging that Clinton wouldn't have survived and yet will show Elli for what he's worth - ZIP! Not only will he be the force behind Israel baseball in '08 but the '07 debt will be paid off. Nice try Elli and gang but you can go back under the rock you crawled out from.
I don't know what you are talking about with the IBL. I know for a fact the players hven't all been paid from last year....I am one who hasn't had his last check made good yet!
Baras should be praised?? Either you are a relative or delusional. If people have not been paid at this point, they never will be. The JNF owes it to its contributors to find out where the money went. This is other people's money that they spent and only by taking some action do they have any chance of recovering some of it-- but it's increasingly unlikely.
Another posting mentioned that Baras' wife is divorcing him. The likelihood is that it is a way to divert assets to his wife and kids, protecting whatever money they have from creditors or lawsuits.
The JNF knows where the money went.
It went into Larry's pocket. Larry raised 1.5 million dollars and is in debt for 1.5 million dollars. That means his expenses were 3 million dollars. Anybody who knows anything also knows that 3 million dollars was not spent on the IBL season. Hence, the money went into his pocket. He wanted to steal more this coming season but somebody blew the whistle on him.
Boy none of you have an idea how much it costs to run that season.
just by reading what you are writing really shows that.
how much did it cost to run that season?
Whether the first season of the IBL cost $1.5 million or $3 million is almost a moot point. If in fact it did cost $3 million then it shows how poorly prepared the management team was to commence the season. If it cost $1.5 million, then why so much debt?
The real issue here is that Larry Baras will not disclose any of the financials. And this is a pattern in how he operates. It is the very basis for his bagel business lawsuits (by the way, there are multiple lawsuits related to SJR Foods) and we see it here with the IBL. Those who continue to defend Larry is like defending the indefensible. If they have any influence over him they should be doing some sort of intervention to get him to do the right thing.
What is the right thing? Jump off a skyscraper?
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