If you haven't caught his radio show, here's a good enough reason to dislike
Adam Carolla, the freeform monotonal "comedian" who's in his third year of attempting to create a listenable, if not successful, radio show in slots once occupied by the late Howard Stern in Los Angeles and a few other unfortunate cities: This morning, he's advertising his appearance tonight on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, and offering up ten tickets to listeners who want to sit in the audience to see him go through the motions after crossing the Writers Guild of America picket line. (Remember the days when a ticket to The Tonight Show was a hot commodity? Those were the Carson days.)
Carolla's guest spot is a sign of Leno's difficulty in booking guests during the WGA strike, when most compassionate performers will not cross the line to pimp a product, not to mention Hollywood's disapproval of
Leno's decision to continue to write monologues and somehow find scripts for videotaped bits despite his membership in the WGA.

It also indicates that Jimmy Kimmel had his own interests at heart when he created an
alliance with Leno against the WGA strike limitations. Kimmel, of course, is Carolla's "rabbi," a CBS radio "comedy" consultant who has been instrumental in keeping Carolla on the air. Now the perennial also-ran is getting his friends and associates on a late night show that actually has some viewers.
As for Carolla? What a hypocrite. The supposed "working stiff," who mocks immigrants on his radio show, Carolla, who last month maneuvered the ouster of co-host Danny Bonaduce after Bonaduce brought the show new life and ratings, plods on toward cancellation with a dull cadre of followerss including the drab Teresa Strasser (who works for the whitewashed syndicated television show based on the corporate porn-pushing gossip site,
TMZ.com) and a few other nonpro acolytes.
Shame on the lot of them.
The Guild should take action on this one. Adam Carolla is a member of the WGA. He's been scabbing since the strike started. He works for Viacom, a struck company. 'Rabbi' Kimmel got him signed with the agent who handles late nite hosts (Stewart, Colbert, Kimmel). Yes, folks. It's a man who doesn't read and never bothered to learn until after high school-- in the Writers Guild.
The only show in the history of Hollywood to get 2 years to fix itself. Unfortunately, this coordinated appearance on Leno will only help the imbecile.
Strasser no longer works for TMZ (quit? fired? laid off? who knows). At least get your agenda-based smears up to date.
"Who sexually abused you, babydoll?"
Adam would ask that of you if you called into his radio show. The question is still applicable here.
carolla's a fucking scab
Adam Carolla is a scab. He's a member of the Writers Guild.
Carolla and Jay are friends. They've known each other before Adam knew Jimmy.
He doesn't lean o the WGA for support, they just took his paycheck and threatened him. Fuck the WGA.
Carolla can't 'fuck the WGA' (...except for his scabbing, done to appease Jimmy). He's got an agent doing million dollar deals... Jimmy's agent... and those include ALL THE PROTECTION AND BENEFITS the Guild deals provide.
In other words he's a hypocrite. Which is okay. But soooo many people are being screwed while he crosses a picket line.
As for Jay, he has to protect the show and his name. NBC sure as hell ain't gonna do it for him. He's in a tough place.
All the anti-Carolla comments are clearly from Bonaduce or C-class writers who never would've been given opportunity to work on his show, let alone park his cars.
Get over yourselves. And "Tabloidbaby?" Seriously, you're just a slightly different version of Dessarae Bradford.
you don't have to be a bonaduce to despise a scab
Danny Bonaduce is doing more than just the one hour show on 97.1. Sorry, he's not going anywhere. Except maybe mornings.
Adam has mentioned on several occasions that he'd wave any "rights" and "protections" given by the WGA.
A true free market doesn't need unions.
And yes, people are getting fucked by the strike. These people work 6 days a year and demand benefits. GET A FUCKING JOB LIKE EVERYONE ELSE.
And you bozos can grow some balls and stop posting anonymously.
I wonder if you get ANY facts straight in this pathetic diary of yours.
All these anti-Carolla comments are just being made by "tabloid baby" himself, continuing a practice he's sadly engaged in for a long, long time. Don't believe me? Go back and read all TB's past Carolla posts and comments.
Sorry, never met the guy.
When Arkain says screw the workers, you're basically saying, go ahead and line the pockets of the Corps with more money. Money that also belongs to the creators.
Writers want about 4 cents per DVD. Studios don't want to share, which is wrong. The greed you cite is with the AMPTP.
I know unions are a shaky concept right now. Why not just outsource everything? That's what almost every industry is facing.
Seriously, for Carolla, he wouldn't get the breaks and jobs he's gotten without that agent, who's spent an entire career developing powerful contacts. You can't take the goods and ignore how they got there. Gifts don't just drop from the sky.
Adam, good or bad, has climbed the ladder with a great deal of backing by the WGA, essentially with Kimmel opening those doors.
"All these anti-Carolla comments are just being made by "tabloid baby" himself.."
Sorry, anon, you're mistaken. It's not us.
Look dude, I've nothing against writers making money. I have EVERYTHING against them acting like mobsters and threatening people because they don't want to join the union. Carolla was indeed helped by Kimmel. He was NOT given any breaks by the WGA, and he's talked about how they just take his money and annoy him to no end for literally a decade.
He gets no perks from the WGA, and yet he's called a "backstabbing scab" by writers who never knew him or anything about him.
He opens his lines up for everyone every day, and yet until now only one writer called, some bitch who basically yelled "You're not funny and the WGA rulez!" and hanged up.
If you want to talk the talk, walk the walk. Man up.
Say what?
Scabola gets a WGA pension he gets residuals and he gets insurance all because of the annoying guild. He's the hero of the working stiff? He's the bitch. He's the backstabbing scab. He's the hypcocrite. Man up? what the hell does that mean?
Man up means REALLY making it on your own. That agent he's with is the best of the best, and you can bet the guy's got 20 or 30 years of deals and clients with the heaviest names around town. Jimmy and Ace can put on a show and throw it in their parents' garage, for that matter.
Unions are a pain, but guys like Carolla are getting the CREAM of the CROP in benefits, PAY, MEETINGS, deals and projects. Sorry, anyone pissed that their Lamborghini didn't arrive by 5 ain't no 'working class'.
"Sorry, anon, you're mistaken. It's not us."
Then how come you're carrying out hits on Carolla on behalf of a guy that makes movies about legos? And what does he have against Carolla?
Look, it could be worse. Instead of money, the Guild could demand that Adam read a book. (You know that's his deepest fear.)
Paying dues? A friggin' piece of cake. Lucky SOB.
San Francisco just dumped Carolla, according to the Chronicle.
^ No one cares, Tabloid Baby. Just you. By the way, Carolla's ratings are WAY up sans Bonaduce (your "genius").
why do you keep putting "comedy" in quotes? is this you attempt at comedy?? there isn't a funny ounce in your body, stop hating.
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