Saturday, January 26, 2008

Fans mourn death of Israel Baseball League

Click here for the story.


  1. oy

    It is a sad day that the great idea to bring baseball to Israel is dead. The problem is that the founder had intentions of making money for himself as evidenced by all the LLC companies he set up. He should apologize publicly and go back to the bagel business. Oops that business is bankrupt ,as his fraud was exposed as well. It is mind boggling that there are people who stand by this criminal. (Unless they are criminal themselves)

  2. No baseball in Israel does not compare with the hardships of many Israelis on a day to day basis. The good memories they had for one short summer will soon be replaced by the harsh reality that a piece of s--t from America ripped off many Israelis and didn't even pay their players.

  3. Considering the real mourning for real losses that goes on here all too often, I find this photo display in unbelievably bad taste, even for Tabloid Baby.

  4. Baseball is not life. It is only a form of entertainment. TB is also a form of entertainment.Yes those pictures are in bad taste but they are entertaining. TB pictures of Larry Baras in jail will be even more entertaining.

  5. There is a sex story involving the IBL to come out eventually. Is that of interest?

  6. Larry will run baseball for years to come. It might not be from Israel but from jail.
