Tuesday, January 01, 2008

TMZ kicks off 2008 in fine form!

The first post of the new year from the corporate porn-pushing gossip site TMZ.com tells of singing star Mariah Carey being a few seconds late in counting down to the New Year at the TAO nightclub in Las Vegas. The headline even topped their New Years Eve embarrassment, "Ex-Idol Constantine Toots His Skin Flute":

Mariah Carey: Clock Sucker

Yes, that's the talent that an injection of millions of dollars from Time-Warner and AOL buys you on the Internet these days.

It's also what's obviously on the flighty minds of the TMZ boys in their West Hollywood aerie the morning after last night's Bacchanalian revels (no cunning linguists, they), showing that our decision to honor TMZ queen Harvey Levin as Tabloid Baby's 2007 Journalist of The Year was right on the money.

We can't wait for the next twelve months.

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