Tuesday, November 27, 2007

This just in-- and out-- from TMZ.com!

Corporate porn-pushing gossip site TMZ.com keeps emailing us "news" alerts. You know, important stuff we need to know, like Kim K. Ripped Off! $50,000 in Bling Jacked at JFK and "Bachelor" Byron Gets His Ass Kicked.

These are the two most recent:

3:02 pm:

From: alerts@tmzcorp.com
Subject: Gillian's TMZ Alerts - Underage Hogan Bought Alcohol Right Before Crash
Date: November 27, 2007 3:02:12 PM PST

17-year-old Nick Hogan loaded up on beer at a local grocery store just hours before he was involved in a horrific crash.

For the rest of the story, visit http://www.tmz.com/2007/11/27/

3:07 pm:

From: alerts@tmzcorp.com
Subject: Gillian's TMZ Alerts
Date: November 27, 2007 3:07:17 PM PST

Please disregard the previous email regarding Nick Hogan.

3:15 pm:

(from us)

Ha ha!

Jerks. As if the Hogans don't have enough problems to deal with!


  1. TMZ wouldn't send you those alerts if you hadn't signed up for them. Yet you conveniently omitted that part of the equation.

  2. TMZ, the celebrity site. Turds Make Zillions.

  3. do they ever get anything right? they have their heads up their asses.
