Wednesday, October 17, 2007

First photo! Dr. Ruehl at London movie premiere

"So the Nike SB premiere of Nothing But the Truth has been and gone and the team will be off on another plane to the last stop, New York, on their gruelling promotional tour of incredibly nice food, roof-top swimming pools and free flowing bloody Mary’s..." So writes the UK's Extreme Sports Channel in its report on last night's premiere at London's Royal Festival Hall on Southbank of the skateboarding movie that stars Tabloid Baby pal and contributor Dr. Franklin Ruehl.

Dr. Ruehl was one of two non-skateboarding professional actors who were on hand for the European debut of the movie.

The event sounds to have been quite a memorable bash. And the film, financed by Nike as the corporation moves in on the indie skateboard scene, also made a favorable impression on the Extreme Sports correspondent:
"Was it good? I think so. It was most certainly entertaining. Bizarre may be more apt to describe the breakdown of short skits appearing between some awesome skating. Opening with Lewis Marnell, some frontside 180 fakie nosegrinds from Wieger, ending up with P –Rod closing the show there was a lot of excitable whooping and cheering as the crowd threw their free popcorn around in rapturous applause.

"In many senses the film doesn’t stray from the traditional skate model but in other ways it certainly breaks moulds and in many ways is groundbreaking within the skate genre... By the looks of it filming was most definitely an enjoyable experience: busty blondes and a lot of fake sick will bring a smile to any male surely?... Conventional skate footage is accompanied by a basic story line. The result is something David Lynch may have come up with, albeit whilst he was still in nappies, all dumped on the set for The Hills Have Eyes. Interpret it as you will, I’m not sure even the stars of the show themselves knew quite what to make of it but the soundtrack is quite frankly brilliant... What everyone wanted to see was the skating and goddamn it that’s what they got!"
Dr. Ruehl plays a Hollywood producer in the flick. We'll get his first-person report as soon as he's back in town.

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