Monday, September 03, 2007

Telethon shocker! Jerry slurs gays!

Remember the time Jerry Lewis said that "God goofed" in creating dystrophic kids? Now they're even. It's one thing to say that Merv Griffin deserved to die, as Jerry did a couple of weeks back (with an explanation), but in Hour 18 of the Labor Day Telethon, Jerry really went and struck a blow against allowing 81-year-old tumlers to host live telethons when, in a bit, he referred to the imaginary son of a cameraman as "the illiterate fag."

It's Old School Vegas. Way old school. Did it take a bite out of donations? No. The final tote read $63.7 million for Jerry's 42nd telethon. Last year's record was $61 million.

But it could mean that Jerry goes the way of Imus and Rather...


  1. This is the funniest post I've read in ages. Jerry has steroid madness or something. Comedy gold!

  2. A few years ago I called the telethon to complain because I observed Lewis point at a male dancer and mouth the word “faggot” while grinning into the camera. It occured at the end of a dance number when the dancers were all surrounding Lewis. The operator who answered the phone told me, “Im sure he was just joking.” I told them I didnt care if it was a joke, and I thought it was inappropriate. Anyone who thinks he doesnt use that kind of language need only look at his past telethons.

  3. Why don't GLAAD just stay the heck out of it. We have a right in this country and it's called FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Go away GLAAD!

    On another note, after 42 years and over one BILLION raised why has there been no cure. Somebody has been getting very rich all these years and it's not the people with MS.

  4. Just curious, how much did GLADD donate to these children. What ever happened to the old "sticks and stones.... but names can never hurt me" saying. People need to grow up!

  5. Good for you Jerry! Time to kick that noisy perverted 2% back into the corner. I'm tired of having fag programming shoved in my face from the TV networks.

  6. Wow....more typical bigoted comments from religious hate group types, no doubt. (The same people that tell Ni**** jokes daily to their co-workers) This is exactly why organizations like GLAAD exist.
    Bravo for GLAAD!

  7. I'm assuming we have a band of trolls here, no one can possibly be that stupid, right?? Either way I continue to lose faith in humanity, one person at a time.

  8. who cares, it's called freedom of speech. Either you choose to laugh at it or you don't, but personnaly I laughed at it. He looked drunk for one but it was entertaining none the less.

  9. I can't believe the disgusting comments from some people! Of course he has freedom of speech, that's why he's not getting arrested. As a celebrity, hate speech isn't okay! For ANY group!
    What a disgusting bunch of intolerant jerks - and before any of you jump to conclusions I'm a very happily married heterosexual woman.
    I don't care who this guy is, or how much money he raised, someone needs to wash his mouth out with soap!

  10. "I wouldn't want to claim that Lewis won't live to see a cure for any or all of the 40-some neuromuscular diseases that MDA funds help fight, because evidence suggests he can't be killed. At 81, he has fought prostate cancer, diabetes, pulmonary fibrosis, viral meningitis, a bleeding ulcer, two heart attacks and an addiction to painkillers from injuries sustained in the pursuit of comedy. But he has never missed a telethon."

    but what will he be most remembered for now?An anti-gay slur that has everyone jumping up and down, pointing fingers and demanding his head.

    Give the man a break! In his life, he has done way more good than harm so quit picking on him.

  11. Wow the sodomites are insulted by Jerry Lewis --- waaaaa...

    The guy is 81 and has been serving this country for years in a very honorable way. What has the Sodomite agenda given us that we should embrace? Disease, perversion, public indecency, forced teachings, political corruption, and the socialist takeover of Massachusetts?

    What Jerry should have addressed them as what they are -- Sodomites! They are a plight that is destroying this nation as they come out of their homes to socialize their perverted teachings to our children.

    Just exercising my FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!

  12. And freedom of intolerant stupidity. If you're so zealous about your religious convictions why don't you move to the middle east with the rest of the fruit loops who murder over fairy tales. Then you'll see what it's like to be on the receiving end of hate and prejudice, rid the world of one more unthinking bigot.

  13. He called an imaginary person a faggot. OMG - just how far you gonna take this?

  14. Oh boy, seems the sorry bunch of sexually misplaced persons have joined in on the "Jump a Jerry" campaign. The abnornal activities of these folks is a medical question to be examined at least, pushing for its' acceptence as being a normal life style is not!

  15. GLAAD should get their noses out of free speech issues and back up their friend's asses! Jerry shouldn't apologize. Gay men running around the Village during the annual Gay Pride parade are more offensive and hurtful to their cause than Jerry Lewis using the word "fag."

  16. Jerry Lewis is a very SAD MAN. As a child I was scared and sent home crying by him while he was dressed in a clown costume. Something about him saying "Who's F___ing kids are these. Whoever brough these kids to work are fired. And no it wasn't a joke he was dead serious. Not to mention he was filming on my street and in front of my house.

    Just a jerk

  17. Speaking only for myself, as a gay man, I am not surprized, offended nor amused by Mr. Lewis' use of a word that I hear far more inside my own circle of friends thatn I do anywhere else. GLAAD, bless their hearts, can explain until they're blue in the face about how "fag" is detrimental to the cause, but the bottom line is that "fag" gets a laugh from people with a certain sense of humor, and that's what Mr. Lewis is all about, getting a laugh. Maybe he should apologize, or maybe not. At the end of the day, what an 81 year old comic says to make people chuckle isn't nearly as important as finding a way to rise above it and keep our humanity in tact.
