Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Exclusive! We find Barry Wom

Barrington Womble (who, history tells us, changed his name to Barry Wom to save time, and his hairstyle to save Brylcreem) won worldwide acclaim as drummer for The Rutles before moving on to a career as two hairdressers. In real life, or as real as it gets, drummer John Halsey made his mark with his appearance in the Rutles film, All You Need As Cash-- and immortal status drumming and singing on The Rutles album that's just been remastered and re-released.

This is John Halsey today (yesterday, actually) in Cambridge, England, at his pub, The Castle Inn, where our pals at Frozen Pictures interviewed him about his Rutle days, and allowed him to refute comments that he has "a dour face" for the Neil Innes doco fim, The Seventh Python (and where, surprisingly, there's not a single memento of his Rutles or rock 'n roll days on the walls-- except for a Jerry Lee Lewis poster in a back room that John picked up at the recent New Orleans Jazz Fest).

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