Thursday, August 30, 2007

TV debut in sight, TMZ goes back on attack

Corporate porn-pushing gossip site is back on the attack, now that the big stories-- Britney, Owen, Lindsay and Hogan— are breaking and falling far in advance of its September 10th debut as a short-lived syndicated television series.

In wake of the embarrassing "exclusive" misinformation TMZ spread about the cast of Dancing with The Stars earlier this week (and subsequent bullshit explanation of why they got it wrong), the non-pro kids that Harvey Levin and company hire for peanuts to point video cameras outside exclusive Hollywood nightspots got what they were looking for early this morning, as they baited comedian Andy Dick-- refusing his requests to leave him alone-- until he took a swing at the taunting team.

TMZ characterized his feeble defense as “smacking the crap out of a camera and ripping the snapper's shirt” and titled its video Big Swingin' Dick, but despite the alleged savagery, one of the TMZ pischers enthuses, post-confrontation, “This is funny, being chased by Andy Dick,” as the comic follows him down the Walk of Fame.

It's an aggressive, dangerous bid for attention that will not sit well with television advertisers-- nor will the continued homoerotic fetishistic worship of Matthew McConaughey’s naked chest (right) or the sordid, double-entendre and downright dirty headlines that continue to surface on the site (despite our free advice) while TMZ falls mysteriously short on mainstream Hollywood scandals like the Owen Wilson incident:

Face Sucker Spice

McConaughey Bareback in Mountains

Nick Hogan -- My Supra Is "A P***y Magnet"

Angry Dick Explodes on Photog

Brit's Ex-Ass-istant All Funk'd Up in Vegas

While that hackwork can probably be attributed to more inexperienced kids working the TMZ laptops, whatcan explain the fact that the ABC Family Channel is running ads on the TMZ video attack clips? We’d guess no one at the channel has looked at the site!

Meanwhile, the countdown is on to the launch of the TMZ TV series. Set your TiVos to September 10th. There are but eleven Harveys to go!


  1. Thanks for pointing out TMZ's failure at spoilering the DwTS new lineup. This show is a biggie in reality TV sites, and I was following it at Television Without Pity.

    I hate sites who want to spoil every show, and ABC really gave it back good this time!

  2. TMZ sends those kids out to annoy celebs until they react. That isn't news, it's instigation for the most tawdry of reasons.
