Monday, August 20, 2007

Nude gal faces Christian gal on Survivor: China

Hey! Never mind the genocide and human rights issues connected to Survivor: China, which premieres next month. Announcing the 16 contestants for the 15th season this morning, producers revealed they’re adding some dirty spice to the repressive regime— as well as adding a morality battle royale by matching up a full-frontal nude WWE wrestling diva with a Christian radio hostess and former beauty queen.

Ashley Massaro (right) is a SmackDown! sweetie who won the 2005 RAW Diva Search 2005 and was on the cover of the April issue of Playboy.

Leslie Nease is a Christian radio deejay who says she was raped as a child, spent her teenage years as a drunk and kept drinking through four pregnancies before getting in shape, winning the 2001 Miss North Carolina pageant, auditioning for Kelly Ripa's gig on Live with Regis & Kelly when Kelly was on maternity leave and pouring all the booze down the drain-- giving her life over to Jesus along the way.

Actually, they should have a lot in common.

Read Leslie's inspirational story here.

See some of Ashley's inspirational, NSFW naked shots here.

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