Saturday, June 23, 2007

As soon as she gets out, Paris will do Larry King

It looks like Paris Hilton's first interview after getting out of jail will take place with Larry King on CNN. The flatulent old lizard gets the exclusive, apparently for free, after the geniuses at ABC and NBC network bungled the negotiations and walked away amid publicity over the big money figures that were being offered. Both networks are trying to maintain the charade that they don't pay for interviews or exclusives -- when anyone who has worked for a network morning, magazine or news show knows that is a big fat lie. (CBS was left out of the picture, probably because they spent all their mad money on Katie Couric.)

Paris is expected to be sprung on Tuesday from jail in Los Angeles, where she's been cooped up since June 3 on traffic charges. The King interview is set to be an in-studio affair Wednesday night, which will allow King to question Paris about her first post-prison sex, but also allow someone with a checkbook to slip in for the spoiler the day before.

In any case, Paris released a statement this afternoon:

"I am thrilled that Larry King has asked me to appear on his program to discuss my experience in jail, what I have learned, how I have grown and anything else he wants to talk about. Larry King is not only a world-renown journalist, but a true American Icon. It will be an honor to do his show."

"Anything else he wants to talk about?"

Ask her about that first sex, Larry!

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