Thursday, April 19, 2007

NBC News ratings are in: Screw "humanity" & "sensitivity"!

From tomorrow's LA Times:

While many viewers were repulsed by NBC's decision to broadcast videos and photos from Virginia Tech gunman Seung-hui Cho, the scoop translated into a ratings bonanza for the network.

"NBC Nightly News With Brian Williams," which led its Wednesday broadcast with rambling diatribes the killer recorded and mailed to the network, averaged a 7.5 rating/15 share in the top 55 television markets, according to early data from Nielsen Media Research. That easily bested the competing newscasts on ABC (6.1/12) and CBS (4.2/8).

The numbers are particularly significant because ABC's "World News With Charles Gibson" has lately gained a slight edge in its tight race for the top spot with "Nightly News."

NBC News, which showed off its crass tabloid instincts back at Columbine (see the Tabloid Baby Epilogue) would have done itself a favor by running the Virginia Tech video and photos and then giving them out to everyone-- instead of plastering its ugly logo all over them as if they're an ad for Heroes!

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