Friday, April 27, 2007

Did Dora send Alec Baldwin over the edge?

We didn’t jump on the Alec Baldwin answering machine story when it broke because it was a cheap shot from a sleazy gossip website run by people whodon't have kids; a private matter that involved an eleven-year-old girl. But then Alec fired his agents, tried to quit his TV series, turned to Dr. Phil for advice (just as Pat O'Brien did when his phone machine messages destroyed his image) and today spills his guts to Rosie O'Donnell, the only celebrity perceived as more liberal, dislikable and fat than himself.

And now, there's word that Baldwin has thrown his career into disarray not because of Kim or Ireland--but Dora The Explorer!

When Alec fired his agents at the once-invincible CAA on Monday, conventional wisdom had it that he was pulling out because the once-invincible agency repped his ex. But today our pals at the great Page Six report that Baldwin split because fellow CAA client Will Ferrell and his boys posted a parody video on their website. Baldwin demanded that his agents force the team to remove the clip, and when they didn’t, he walked.

Hey, we would've fired them for The Cat In The Hat.

1 comment:

  1. I have 5 kids--At one time or another I have called them all kinds of names -whipped there asses-In general been a great parent. Anyone who has kids and been in a divorce knows what Alec did was no big deal--Kids are pigs MOST of the time.My kids turned out to be medical doctors ,college profs,only one is still in college.
