Monday, March 05, 2007

"I'm the Osbourne with HIV!"

Jack Osbourne is not HIV-positive. The son of Ozzy and Sharon and reality TV star in his own right has been the target of speculation the past few weeks, ever since his sister Kelly broke down onstage at an AIDS benefit and blubbered that a "member of my family" is HIV positive-- "and I'm very proud of him."

It turns out that recovering drug abuser Jack was not the Osbourne Kelly had outed. The family member is not even a member of the TV family-- and not even an official "Osbourne," but, as we'd suggested, her cousin. Terry Longden is a 43-year-oldhairdresser and star of the UK reality show, The Salon. He'd attended the benefit with Kelly, and was standing offstage when she made the announcement in London. And he says he knew in advance that she'd make the disclosure.

"I told her to say whatever she wanted because it might help someone in a similar situation, but I didn't expect her to cry. I felt quite guilty. She gave me a big hug when she came off," Longden tells Inside Out Australia.

He says he found out he was ill after being tested six years ago, a case of "unfortunate" timing, as Ozzy's wife Sharon had just been diagnosed with colon cancer.

"I (eventually) spoke to Sharon and she was fantastic. She totally understood and gave her support. Five minutes later Ozzy rang and he was great, which was a relief. Then Aimee (the Osbournes' eldest daughter) called. She was a bit worried, but very supportive. Then I had dinner with Jack and Kelly the other day to tell them face to face. They were amazing. I couldn't have a better family."

So what took him so long to step forward after Kelly's remarks turned into a mystery?


    Am leona knight
    Thanks to God and also to dr akhigbe , the great herbal man that cured me of HERPES. I contacted the virus from my partner 4 year ago, i almost spent all i had because i was restless , until i saw peoples testimony about Dr akhigbe recommendation online for how he has being curing HERPES with his herbs herbal medicine , and i emailed him and tell him my problem and he prepare my cure and send it to me through UPS and gave me instructions on how to use the herbs herbal medicine, i followed as i was instructed for 2weeks and behold after i finish drinking it i notice something in me, i went to the hospital for checkup and the result was negative and the virus was completely gone from my body. You can contact Dr akhigbe to get your herbs too and cure yourself from these virus. You can email him on or you call him and whatsapp him on +2348142454860. . Dr akhibge cure so many different type of diseases with his herbal herbs such as HERPES, HIV/AIDS. CANCER of all kind, DIABETES and so many more. I want to thank God for using Dr akhibge to cure me. He is real.

  2. Brothers and sister, let me use these opportunity to introduce a great doctor that cured ME FROM HIV/AIDS WITH HIS HERBAL MEDICINE. Dr Akhigbe, he is also know as the godfather of berbalism and all kind of root to cure different diseases.i meant his different testimonies on this blog site i also reach him through his email. first he encourage me with good advise, he told me to stop thinking on about the HIV and let my mind be free.secoundly he learnt me a short lesson that was very cleard to me and make me to understand that using condom when having sex is best protction. how ever,
    The period of HIV infection to develop in the body is about three to four weeks. This period can, however, be longer up to 3 months and in rare cases up to 6 months. Most people generally develop detectable HIV antibodies by current method within 3 months of infection or to 6 months before it expand to years.Dr Akhigbe feel for patienas as his own sons and daughters he sent my herbal medicine through UPS express delivery and it took me 5 working days before i received it, he also instruction me on on how to use it. he is a good caring doctor he must write me each day to know if am following up with the herbal merdicine for good three weeks before he later order me to go to hoapitle for another test and i get a surprise result, that was how i get my freedom from the hand of hiv/aids.Dr Akhigbe also use his herbal medicine to cure diseases like HERPES ,HIV/AIDS , DIABETES , CANCER , ALS etc for his help please reach him through his email or whatapp him +2348142454860

  3. I saw Liah's comment about Dr Iyabiye’s medication concerning HIV/aids. I tried it and it worked perfectly, it was like hell living with HIV/aids all this years until now. No more pains, weakness and no more buying of anti-viral drug to slow down the viral load. Not only am cured /healed am financially OK also because I don’t buy drugs anymore. I would've come to testify before now but I have to wait for a couple of months to see if it will come back or feel pain as usual, I also went to the hospital for test and i was tested negative. All thanks to Dr. Iyabiye and to you Liah for spreading the good news. Doctor's contact: ( +234-815-857-730
