Thursday, October 26, 2006

SVU "Hassenback" murder was no coincidence

Elisabeth Hasselbeck, who started out as a Survivor: Australian Outback cutie and wound up as the dim conservative prig and now Rosie O'Donnell's whipping girl on The View, got herself in the news this week by going after Law & Order: SVU because the show named a raped and murdered character "Elizabeth Hassenback."

Little Lizzie said the stunt was "socially irresponsible and gruesomely suggestive, "disrespected" her and put her "at risk," and called SVU executive producer Neal Baer to complain. She said that before Baer hung up on her, he claimed that any similarity between Elizabeth Hassenback and Elisabeth Hasselbeck was purely a coincidence.

Coincidence? Our source at SVU says there's no way it's a coincidence.

"That's like having a character named 'President Bushed.' They definitely knew what they were doing," he or she told Tabloid Baby last night. "Law & Order is scrupulous about making sure they don't use anyone's name as a character-- especially not someone who's famous. Whenever we use a name on the show, we have people who check. If there are even five people in New York with the same name, they don't use the name. To use a celebrity's name like that? It's a joke."

So why would they do it? "Dick Wolf is the 'law & order' guy around here. But Neil Baer and all his writers are liberals. She's a conservative. Why not have her raped and murdered? Real funny.

"Neal Baer hates unscripted television, and he probably doesn't like the woman because she became a star on Survivor. He's also a liberal medical doctor and I bet she's against stem cell research. "

Well, it went on from there.

Most people we spoke to think Lizzie has a point. But leave it to a right wing crackpot to blow the sympathy vote. We're more concerned that Elizabeth threatened to retaliate in the most chilling manner, telling Baer she wouldn't allow SVU actors on The View (leading him to say "Goodbye, lady," and hang up), and then threatening a Law & Order boycott on the air.

Her producers ought to throw her off the show for saying that.

What do you think?


  1. The Reality-Celebutard turned Quarterback's-Wife SHOULD feel disrespected.

    She's a blabbering gal who thinks people are interested in what she has to say (Which is not the case). She's an easy target for dis-respect.

    That said, the producers of the SVU series WERE irresponsible. Why go down that path and risk the negative response they were bound to get.

  2. She should go down the same path that Star Jones did - off the air.

  3. Hey, dodgeron, it's the producers of The View who think that people are interested in what she has to say. That's, you know, why she's on the show. That being an obvious, inescapable fact, why on earth would one blame or criticize the woman for thinking that people are interested in what she has to say. Not fair pool, pal.

    The typical echo chamber liberalism at this site continues to amuse (although showcasing the Dem vs. Republican women pic was a nice change of pace).

    Fess up, Tabloid writer, when you refer to Hasselback as a "Right wing crackpot", aren't you being redundant? Or do you believe that there is such a thing as a non-crackpot Right Winger? If so, give us an example.

  4. ex-voto:do you believe that there is such a thing as a non-crackpot Right Winger? If so, give us an example.

    Our Man Elli in Israel

    Colin Powell
