Sunday, June 04, 2006

McDermott Lives: Media finally follow our lead

Patrick McDermott, Olivia Newton-John’s missing boyfriend, is alive. Sources close to the case have told Tabloid Baby that McDermott... has been sighted numerous times... in the Baja California region of Mexico... Tabloid Baby continues to lead the way in keeping the Patrick McDermott story in the public eye... In the spirit of Tabloid Baby’s original “Stories To Steal” site, (we) hope to open avenues of investigation for intrepid reporters and editors to take in the pursuit of the truth...
--, March 6

Three months after Tabloid Baby broke the story that Olivia Newton-John’s missing “boyfriend” Patrick McDermott had been seen alive in Baja California, an intrepid newspaper reporter has picked up our lead-- and is getting credit for the scoop.

Kudos to Australian newspaper reporter Nick Papps for getting his editors to pay the tab for him to follow our information to the town of Todos Santos in Baja California, where sources had told Tabloid Baby in March that McDermott had been sighted.

As Tabloid Baby operatives have been doing for the past few months, Papps has been showing McDermott's photo around, and now reports that three separate witnesses say they’ve seen McDermott in the remote region as recently as ten days ago. McDermott vanished from a fishing boat last July. All along there were suspicions he faked his death to escape debts and possible jail time over thousands of dollars in unpaid child support.

Equally suspicious was Newton-John’s failure to report him missing or acknowledge his disappearance for more than seven weeks-- until the media picked up the story.

Several Tabloid Baby contributors were on the story from the day it broke, scooping the world for the television show A Current Affair. They worked closely with Papps, and featured him on the show. After A Current Affair’s cancellation, Tabloid Baby remained the only major news outlet to stay on the McDermott story and break new leads.

Papps’ enterprise casts shame on the United States news and tabloid entertainment media, which scoffed at Tabloid Baby’s digging. Already, Fox News is trumpeting the “exclusive.” Watch as the American media jumps on the story (and look here to see why). Propaganda outlets like Entertainment Tonight and Good Morning America, which folded McDermott’s saga into the Newton-John “tragic diva” myth, will revert to scandal mode, though few are expected to use the story as an avenue into exploring Hollywood relationships of convenience.


  1. It was a lucky April shower
    It was a most convenient dorm
    I found a million dollar (tabloid)baby in a five and ten cent store
    The rain continued for an hour
    I hang around for three our four
    Around a million dollar (tabloid)baby in a five an ten cent store
    She was selling china
    And when she made those eyes
    I kept buying china until the crop got wise
    If you should run into a shower
    Just step inside my cottage door
    And meet the million dollar (tabloid) baby from the five and ten cent store
    If you should run into a shower
    Just step inside my cottage door
    And meet the million dollar (tabloid)baby from the five and ten
    Five and ten cents store

  2. Kim is talking trash about Melissa, Dale, Kevin and others since she is not getting on the board as much and for letting others hijack her thread about Linda.
    OK Kim, get off of your soapbox, OO will hand you the award for being most seriously stupid on a thread.

  3. And if only TB handed out awards for most stupid, this poster's (see above post) sentence would take the cake:

    "will hand you the award for being most seriously stupid on a thread."

  4. Wow, I just read on OO that the girl with the bird on her shoulder has a niece who writes Kiliki under her internet address and is now very sorry. I accept her apology on everyones behalf, but this plot is more complicated than "A Pig Tale".

  5. maybe this will help explain things:

    Jim wrote this around the same time I wrote to Kiliki/Kris. I'm sure this was aimed at me. I wrote to Kris telling her that my cousin's daughter had been staying with me for Spring Break and had written to her. Sharon (the daughter) and Sherry (her mother~my cousin) don't have web access at their home, they're very poor. I found out she was writing Kris because she left her Yahoo! account open and I saw what she was up to. Sharon said some really very nasty things...things she believed to be true about Kris that she read on Tabloid Babe. A friend of Kris' replied to Sharon, defending her...using the name "Dan". I thought this "Dan" person was a friend of Kris' until the real Dan posted a thread here about Kris harassing him. I contacted Sharon and got her password and forwarded the "Dan" emails to the real Dan. I also checked the IP address...whoever wrote the emails is from Glasgow, Kentucky. I can post the last email so that everything can be seen if needed....what Sharon wrote...what "Dan" wrote...there are a few emails from each.

    I apologized to Kris for Sharon's behavior. I contacted other members for advice because I hadn't heard back from Kris. I didn't know what to do, I'm not into drama...I try to stay away from it. Several members told me it wasn't worth worrying about...but I still worry. I hate the fact that people think I am the one who wrote to Kris. I don't know Kris and I doubt I'll ever meet her. I'm certainly not confrontational...Even if I believed all that crap on Tabloid Babe, I'm not going to write to someone telling them off because of it. This is quite embarrassing for me. This is my family...what's left of it. I'll say this one more time and then I'm done. Kris, I'm very sorry for what Sharon did. If I had that 10 day period to do over again, I would and you wouldn't have gotten involved with my family. You didn't deserve to be treated like that. What she wrote was terrible and...hateful. Nobody deserves to be treated like that. It is obvious you're loved on this site...I really don't know what to say other than that I'm sorry.


  6. So, if this cousin by the name of Sharon does not have a computer, nor web access at her house, as explained above, and lives across the country, then how does she know enough about Kiliki, Tabloid Baby, Kiliki's email, among other things to write her hate mail?

    People are so extremely gullible. But I guess it is good that Heather girl is apologizing regardless of who really wrote those emails.

    Also. People think they are tracing emails back to the origins. But don't forget, there are tools called anonymous proxy servers that will hide/mask the actual location of emails and message board postings. Even let you choose what city/location you wish to appear from.

    I really don't care about any of this. People should just stick to discussing Olivia and her career. But also need to quit buying into malicious gossip.

  7. This Sharon girl doesn't have internet?
    Then how did she know all of that stuff? She visited her cousin, got on the cousin's computer, and was on the internet long enough to learn all about OO, TB, Kris etc, and even had the time to send and answer several emails before anyone found out? All in the matter of a few days?

  8. Is Kentucky near Cabos San Lucas?

  9. The important thing is that apologies were offered. No matter who wrote what.

  10. I use something called "IP Hider" program. It is something you download and it puts a button on your toolbar. You can click the button to go online anonymously or mix up your location to your choosing. Then you can click the button to just turn it off. I think a really good example of this program is
    I don't use it to anonymously attack people via email, although you could use it for that. I use it to avoid cookies and info gathering worms. However, if you use it while registering for message boards, you can't really be banned according to your IP address.
    With the nuts sending all these hate emails out, I am glad nobody can trace me anymore.

  11. This is all very Nancy Grace conspiracy if you ask me.

    'Sorrys' dont' always make it better Nancy! Peoples lives are at stake.

    Why can't Sharon have a laptop?
    Why is Sharon crying out for attention?
    Which Olivia Newton-John 45 record best depicts the facts of this case?

    Why isn't anyone asking the hard questions? Is it just me or has the world gone mad?

  12. At times the world can seem an unfriendly & sinister place. But believe us when we say there is much more good in it than bad. & what might seem to be a series of unfortunate events, may in fact, be the first steps of a journey.

  13. Sharon doesn't have a laptop because she is po.
    Aren't you paying attention?

  14. Shouldn't Sharon step forward and be the one to apologize?
    If sharon doesn't have internet access at her home, then why is it that Heather says that Sharon posts on F&A frequently?

  15. "Which Olivia Newton-John 45 record best depicts the facts of this case?"

    A side or B side?
    hmmm, how about The Biggest Clown?

  16. She apologized publicly on the board, that should be enough. Leave it be.
    If you really want to vent, go find an AL SHARPTON thread. There is a person that deserves any kind of malicious comments thrown at him.

  17. -Reminder people!

    You can still NOT wear white until after Memorial Day.

    It's the same rule every year, why is this so hard for people?

    There are rules people! Moral and social norms we have in our culture. How can we expect harmony in the world when simple, basic rules can not even be followed?

    Why isn't anyone asking these questions?

  18. I think it's very nice the ex Mrs. McCartney can take the time to babysit her niece Sharon and I think it's very unfair for her to be blamed for not watching her p.c. 24/7 with all the dance practice.
