Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Heather Mills sex book up for grabs on eBay

It’s been weeks since they were resurrected in the UK Sun, and the complete, uncensored collection of Heather Mills sex photos has yet to surface online.

But you can buy them online. They're on sale on Ebay.

Several several versions of the 1988 German stroke book, Die Freuden der Liebe (“The Joy of Love”) have been on the auction block, with bids starting at a dollar, and the most pristine version available at a $335 “Buy It Now” price. Sellers say there are 170 photos between the covers.

You’d figure some website editor would snatch them and make a splash—Hey don’t look at us!

Meanwhile, the UK tabs report that Heather is literally screaming for attention, yelling at photographers and expressing fears she’ll be shot dead, like John Lennon, or stabbed, like George Harrision. And Yoko Ono's piped up to compare Heather’s plight to her own thirty eight years of negative press.

In all, it’s a shrewd way to steal attention from the Beatles Vegas show.

Strawberry Feels:
A never-seen
alternative version
of Heather's
saucy fruit shot:


  1. I hope that's whipped cream.

  2. More goodies from Heather Mills...
