Sunday, April 02, 2006

New York Times revives A Current Affair!

Monday’s New York Times has a great article on Cindy Adams, the New York Post columnist whose influence, political contacts, savvy and style raise her high above the label “gossip” (the title, of course, is On Job With Empress of Celebrity Gossip).

There’s a small ironic twist. The story opens with Cindy at the premiere of Spike Lee’s new movie:

“Reporters from Variety, 'Entertainment Tonight' and 'A Current Affair' might be expected to remain corralled behind a length of velvet rope, but at a recent premiere for 'Inside Man' at the Ziegfeld Theater in Midtown, Mrs. Adams curtly rebuffed a perky film publicist who had asked her to join the salivating pack...”

Catch that?

The TV show A Current Affair, listed up there with the standbys Variety and Entertainment Tonight. A Current Affair, its very name shorthand for the best tabloid entertainment reporting in the business, relaunched at great expense and with great fanfare one year ago, reuniting a pack of top tabloid and television talent for the first time in more than a decade--

Someone's got to remind The Times that A Current Affair was cancelled last October-- suddenly yanked off the air after Fox News boss Roger Ailes took over Fox Television, in part because the show was competing with his cable channel, the time slot given to his expensive pal Geraldo Rivera (and who knows that show’s still on the air?).

Besides, no studio flak would ever give an A Current Affair reporter a spot on the receiving line next to tradesters like Variety and PR-regurgitators like ET. We'd be covering it from the street...

We'll watch for the correction.

(Cindy was a star of A Current Affair in its original incarnation. Read more about Cindy’s exploits in Tabloid Baby. She and her late husband Joey Adams play a big part in the story!)

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