Saturday, March 11, 2006

Exclusive! 'Lost' star taunted by paparazzi & nudity

Evangeline Lilly hates stripping down to her underwear in her hit TV series, Lost!

And even in the remote, far-off location sets in Hawaii, Evangeline complains that the paparazzi are the bane of her existence.

That's only part of the exclusive story tracked down by tabloid television legend and Tabloid Baby cohort Doug Bruckner as he cornered the former Ford model at a sci fi convention.

Doug, a famed tabloid television reporter, producer, writer and voice, confronted the beautiful breakout sex symbol starlet Evangeline as she charged eighty five clams an autographed photo at the Grand Slam Sci Fi Summit in Pasadena.

And he got the exclusive during Evangeline's first fetish appearance, as she was speaking to a room full of sci fi geeks who'd plunked down a month's worth of comic book money to breathe her exotic tropical air.

Evangeline told the Lost obsessives that the second worst thing about her first starring (or maybe even speaking) role are the shutterbugs who’ve singled her out—as have we—as the breakout star of the great ABC series.

She complained that one paparazzi was rude enough to chase her down the beach!

First worst? Stripping down to her flesh-colored brassiere and bikini bottom undies-- and the constant pressure by Lost producers that she appear as close to nude as allowable as often as possible.

These concerns from a model? Keep in mind, the gal’s from Saskatchewan. Katheryn Winnick, the lovely who co-stars in the new hit motion picture Cloud 9, written and produced by Burt Kearns and Brett Hudson of Frozen Pictures and Academy Award winner Albert S. Ruddy, is another native Canuck who had a similar problem with stripping down on the beach—and she played a stripper (turned beach volleyball star)!

Also remember that Evangeline’s underwear shots are the hit of the series. Just this week, she showed off some super-skimpy almost-a-thong bikini bottoms and back that give Jessica Alba a run for the money and surely would have been blurred had the butt been attached to a contestant on Survivor. But part of her mystique is her refusal to do a semi-nude scene in Lost’s first season. “I’ve been trying to keep my shirt on all through the first for two seasons,” she told Doug.

The Ford model from Saskatchewan is bound to break that vow soon. Money-- and her future-- will talk.

Doug asked Evangeline what she said to the wife of Lost lead Matthew Fox after she and Fox shared a passionate spit-swapping kissing scene. “That was my last conversation with her,” she said, her tongue this time partly in her own cheek.

Doug wasn’t allowed to ask if Evangeline is pregnant by her co-star “boyfriend,” the Hobbit Aussie Dominic Monaghan (isn’t he supposed to be gay)?

Anyway, despite that pesky paparazzi "bump" photo (right), Doug says it wasn’t showing.

(This site shows Evangeline stripped down as far as she’s gone, so far…)


  1. Um, first of all... She was born in Ft. Saskatchewan, and that's in Alberta. Also, could you please at least try not to make her sound like every other actress in Hollywood? Miss Lilly is many things, but a complainer and a bitch she is not. Next time? Let's try to write a more positive article...

  2. Isn't modern technology wonderful?

    Anyone with a camera and a website can trash anyone with poorly written sarcasm.

    What a country!

  3. You tell em cassandra! I, being a fellow northerner, know that Ft. Sasketchewan is in northern Alberta, and anyone who grew up in northern Alberta is neither a complainer nor a bitch, as the climate will not tolerate such weak types. Evangeline is way too hot to be cold. WAG

  4. Well, since it's already been said where Miss Lilly is from, I won't bother to repeat it...however, Mr. Monaghan was born in Berlin, Germany, which say the LEAST...a far cry from Austrailia. Probably, you should get your facts straight.

    Also, why is it SUCH a big deal that Miss Lilly doesn't like the "nude" scenes? I wouldn't! Perhaps, regardless of her physique and phenomenal beauty, she is a human being with self-esteem issues? I wonder if anyone has bothered to consider this possibility?

  5. Keep up the good work.

    The TRUE fans of Lost appreciate any and all morsels of information we can get about our show and the ones who act in it.

    Your site has an excellent layout, too.

    Thanks for caring about our world.

    (And you're very funny, too).

  6. haha
    you're so cool - you have a webpage where you can rip off someone elses work and post lies that aren't even interesting !!


  7. Evi and dom seem like two of the sweetest ppl , u seriously need to do some research before you start writing bullsh*t articles . Im sorry but you cant assume from a pic like that , that she is pregnant and if she is good luck to them both . You suck A.S.S
