Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Will the iPad save newspapers?

Apple's now got its new iPad tablet on its store site. The iPad looks like an iTouch on steroids and falls somewhere between an iPhone and laptop and, with its use of the New York Times as promotion tool, could be seen as a last-ditch chance to save the newspaper industry.

It also introduces iBooks, an electronic book store that turns the iPad into a direct competitor to Amazon’s Kindle.

The iPad is a half-inch thick, 1.5 pounds, with a 9.7-inch multi-touch screen, powered by a customized "A4" Apple microchip. It's got the same operating system as the iPhone and access to its 140,000 applications.

The price starts at $499 for the most basic model, with a Wi-Fi wireless connection. More expensive models will be offered with more memory and with 3G wireless access from ATT, which will charge up to $30 for an unlimited monthly data plan. Wi-Fi-only versions of the device will be available in March. The more expensive 3G models, including the $829 model with 64-gigabytes of memory and 3G connectivity, arrive 30 days later.

Contrary to rumour, the iPad lacks a camera and the ability to make phone calls and does not work with Flash software. Accessories like a stand and keyboard will be sold separately.

No stand? Steve Jobs flopped on a couch during his introduction to show how Apple sees folks using it, sitting back and holding it out in front of you, like a newspaper or book.

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