Sunday, January 10, 2010

Run, Conan, Run

"NBC chief Jeff Gaspin said the network is pulling the plug on The Jay Leno Show beginning February 12, and he is in active negotiations to try and keep Leno and Conan O'Brien on NBC..."


  1. I almost never watch Conan.
    Too silly.

    My wife and I did watch Jay. We watched him more at 10 pm than other shows. And Jay was our choice at 11:30 over other shows
    Pvt. Francis Jemison

  2. I love Conan and I was thrilled when he got the Tonight Show. It's been absolutely painful to watch his own network undercut him, and now place him in a position where any decision he makes will be embarrassing. I hope he moves to FOX, although if he could somehow team up with Stewart and Colbert on Comedy Central I would be in heaven.
