Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Pink Slip web series goes to The Dance

Writer, producer, director and Tabloid Baby pal Muriel Campbell can be called a full-fledged Internet cinema auteur, now that's she's unleashed the fourth part of her continuing comedy webisode series, Pink Slip. The series has crashed through boundaries of sexuality, age, economics and art as it features a wide array of up-and-coming Hollywood talent throughout its course of comic twists, biting zingers and surprising hot romance.

Check out the shoutout to Page Six in this latest episode, called The Dance. That's where it takes place and more than a few threads come together, though Muriel assures us there's more to come. This combination of Billy Wilder and Penny Marshall is just getting started...

...and check into the new Pink Slip website at

Parts I, 2 and 3 below:


  1. Tabloid Baby does this mean I'm now entitled to be haughty, demanding & rich?...OR NOT!

    The truth is, I couldn't have done this without Bernie Gewissler, my wonderful first AD, co-producer on this episode, line producer, etc. Bernie keeps us all sane, especially me....he has my back at all times & makes sure we don't run overtime or over budget. My wonderful DP,Shawn Dufraine, editor, Ryan Roberts, a fantastic crew and my wonderful actors, Kaitlin Snyder (Suzie), Michael Adam Hamilton (Max/Aunt Florrie), Jason Ellefson (Joey/Lullabelle/Gertrude),Tiffany Thomas (Carra),Isaac Cheung (Simon), Anya Benton (Larissa), Ernest Dancy (Jean),Richie Ring (Brett), Sandy Marshall (washroom attendant),Emma
    Zerner,Joycelyne Lew, Lauren Nicole, David James Kono, Jimmy Choo and all the wonderful background dancers.

  2. Tabloid Baby what is the url so I can send this review to my cast & crew.


    Muriel Campbell

  3. What language are these comments in? I think you have a computer problem...this is weird.

  4. I guess folks are commenting in Chinese....if so, fantastic. Pink Slip says hello to our Chinese fans.

  5. I'm so sorry. I guess folks are writing to us in Chinese. Pink Slip welcomes all of our Chinese fans and wishes them all a great new year.
