Saturday, January 23, 2010

Haiti telethon should be a series

One thing last might's Hope for Haiti Now telethon demonstrated is that these things are great showcases for music on network television. You put the artist in a studio with a piano, a bunch of background singers and a versatile, low-key backing band-- maybe a cello or two-- and let 'em rip. With 9/11 and Katrina, we've had three of these telethons before and we're surprised no one's taken the format and turned it into a variety show. It's all pretty simple. Substitute the celebrity pleas for a comedians, the Anderson Cooper packages for video bits, and live or maybe live from Los Angeles, New York and London, you've got yourself a series.

Not only have these telethons had superior audio compared to 35 years of poorly-mixed messes on Saturday Night Live and shrill late night spots, but in today's manufactured Auto-Tune pop scene, it's a great way to get music stars to prove they really know how to sing. Look at Shakira last night. That's bound to sell some downloads.

1 comment:

  1. It was one called, let see if I can spell it, The Ed Sullivan Show.

    Pvt. Ed Jemmison
