Friday, January 08, 2010

Artie Lange used a 13-inch Wolfgang Puck kitchen knife to stab himself nine times

Artie Lange stabbed himself nine times with a 13-inch Wolfgang Puck kitchen knife.

That word is from Hoboken, N.J. police detective Mark Competello, confirming the report from Page Six that Howard Stern's obese, drug-addicted, slovenly satellite radio "sidekick" and slurring comedian Artie Lange did indeed attempt suicide-- despite the enabling Stern's efforts that kept the incident under wraps for five days.

The detective says Lange's mother found him on the floor of his home on the waterfront on Saturday-- unconscious but breathing. The 42-year-old was taken to Jersey City Medical Center, where doctors cleaned nine abdominal knife wounds and operated.

He also says Artie Lange has been released from the hospital.

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