Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Feds probe Danny Gans pharmacy sex pill

The Las Vegas Sun reports that the federal Drug Enforcement Administration, the Nevada Public Safety Department and the State Board of Pharmacy are investigating the manufacture and distribution of Vegas Mixx, the male erection pill that combined Valium and Viagra and was advertised to Las Vegas visitors with the promise it would allow them to "F* like a pornstar."

The drug was manufactured and marketed by of Green Valley Drugs, the Henderson, Nevada pharmacy that was partly owned by the late entertainer Danny Gans, whom the Sun reminds its readers "died May 1 of a prescription narcotics overdose" and was "known for his squeaky-clean image." Scot Silber, the target of the probes. claims Gans did not know abotu the product that was manufactured and marketed while Gans was alive and starring on the Las Vegas Strip, and "would not have approved of Vegas Mixx."

The probes are centered on whether the pharmacy was producing the sex pills on speculation and distributing samples rather than waiting for patient-specific prescriptions from doctors. Silber said he invested thousands of dollars in Vegas Mixx, but sales were limp so he discontinued the product.


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