Saturday, October 17, 2009

Garth Brooks too excited over comeback

PHOTOS: Las Vegas Review-Journal; Las Vegas Sun-Scott Harrison

1 comment:

  1. Hi Garth, so pleased to hear the great news that you are indeed going to finally becoming out of retirement, we deeply appreciate it as we know full well this is a sacrifice on your part with your daughters but I have a huge hunch they are just gonna adore seeing their "Daddy" up on the stage with everyone screaming and going all nutty over him, I am pretty sure I am right about that one, well I wanted to wish you the very best of luck not that you'd need any but all the very best, have an awesome time and wow but do we ever wish we'd be able to come and see you! I am not even going to attempt to get any of my hopes up as my husband is doing is very best to try and beat leukemia, God willing he will keep doing okay. All though lately he has had to have a blood transfussion every single week, he had to have 3pints of blood and platelets the last week so God willing this week will be better, I won't even try to sugarcoat its really been a roughride, he went into the hospital a year ago in October b4 Halloween, he spent Dec & Jan. there it was the end of February when he finally came home I sti believe with all of my being that they didn't want for him to come home and when I called them on it thet hsd the nesrve to tell me he would be far better off as would I if he went into Palative Care, my husband is my whole life and vice versa I would never do that to him, My heart just broke as did his. Please forgive me for being so depressing, but it wasn't intentional, we do love you Garth, we have never seen you sadly but have all your music!
