Thursday, September 03, 2009

More photos! Cristina's Court's Emmy night

Cristina Perez moments aftr her winning her second Emmy

So is anyone still talking about the Daytime Emmy Awards? In the case of the Outstanding Legal/Courtroom Program, the answer is resoundingly "Yes." The second win in a row by Cristina's Court not only is giving new attention to judge Cristina Perez and the show's production team--but has a lots of execs pointing fingers for canceling the show midway through its second championship season!

Senior supervising producer Lisa Brennan and executive producer Peter Brennan

Our favorite story is the one about the Fox exec who uttered these immortal words when he got the news: "Oh, sh#$!!"

Cristina with fellow two-time Emmy winner Dean Manibog, who produced and did most of the field camera work for the award-winning episode.

We've got more exclusive photos. Why stop the party now?

Jerry Kupcinet, Cristina & Peter Brennan

2009 Daytime Emmy Award
Outstanding Legal/Courtroom Program
Cristina's Court

Host: Cristina Perez
Executive Producer:
Peter Brennan

Co-Executive Producer:
Jerry Kupcinet
Senior Supervising Producer:
Lisa Lew

Senior Producer:
Dean Manibog

Senior Show Producer:
Terry Powell

Coordinating Producer:
Robin Craig

Sandra Gin

Judson Touby

Monique Stinson

Patrick Harris
Trisha Boyd
Danette Kubanda

Richard Velasquez

Dione Calderoni
Megan Hundahl

Michele Fitzgerald
Jeannine Sullivan

Co-host: Reynard Spivey

Bailiff Reynard Spivey holds court-- and Judge Cristina!


  1. What is the obsession and interest in this Cristina person and her Emmy win??? Who really cares??? So it was cancelled - lots of good shows get cancelled. This is NOT news. It's SNOOOOOOZZEEEE!!!

  2. Sounds like "Anonymous" works for Judge Judy. Congrats to a great team!

  3. Cristina lloked so pretty that night, she defintely kne that it was gonna be unforgettable. Also her couple supported her the entire night and that made her looks shiny.
