Friday, August 28, 2009

DJ AM's last Tweet

DJ AM, former fat kid Adam Goldstein, who was severely burned in a jet crash that he and Travis Barker survived somewhat miraculously less than a year ago, was found dead in his apartment in New York City, which he knew ain't always what it seems.


  1. Why would you write "former fat kid?" Is this hack, wannabe website so desperate for ANYONE To read it that it resorts to such an insensitive first sentence? You should be ashamed of yourselves - the guy just died. A bunch of loser pricks must run this site.

  2. NY Times story, fifth graph says :

    "...he also said he had cleaned up his life — including having gastric bypass surgery after his weight ballooned to 324 pounds..."

  3. "former fat kid" was fine.
    Being fat was once an important part of Adam's identity.
    He created a new him, and a new life.
    I see the line "former fat kid" as a Bravo for Adam. It's says, Here's a guy who reinvented himself. And, good for him.
    He lived his own life.

  4. Can anyone get the message at Dusk to work?

    Dusk AC

    I can't find the official site for LAX LA.

    This is from googles news page -
    "There's no reason why I should have lived or I lived and they didn't," ... "And it's something I struggle with every day"
