Monday, July 06, 2009

Exclusive! Michael Jackson's brain!

In the eleven days since Michael Jackson's death, the fallen idol's brain has gotten more attention than his dancing feet or spotted genitalia. Great speculation and concern has been expressed about the organ being removed from the inside of his head, as if the process was unusual in the case of an unexplained drug overdose and not common to every autopsy. In Jacko's case, the brain will not be returned to its home behind Jacko's scarred face in time for his memorial and possible burial, as it will be needed for a couple more weeks as tests continue to find exactly what deadly cocktail of pharmaecuticals killed him.

In a bizarre twist, Jacko's only major movie role was in The Wiz. He played The Scarecrow, who did not have a brain.


  1. Michael Jackson's Plastic Surgery:


    Michael Jackson's Brain Surgery:


  2. Tacky guys – Real Tacky

    Yes you have the “Exclusive” you’ve got what others don’t but then you have to ask yourself – do we post it?

    Or do you rethink it and decide that that might just be going a “Little” over the edge – to the dark side.

    Hello TMZ2
