Suspicions that former Charlie's Angels actress Kate Jackson picked a fight with Ryan O'Neal as a way to revive her career have been put to rest by a portion of her story that has yet to receive widespread exposure in the Hollywood media: she is planning to leave the country.
Jackson raised a storm when she claimed last week that O'Neal and Alana Stewart had prevented her from visiting her dear friend Farrah Fawcett in the final weeks of her life. The uproar was kicked into hurricane status when she made a stunning reversal and backed Craig Nevius in his legal battle against O'Neal and Stewart over their commandeering of his and Farrah's cancer documentary. Jackson also suggested that O'Neal had coerced a delirious Farrah into signing over the rights to him.
As it turns out, the interview that appeared on RadarOnline.com was conducted by international journalist Dylan Howard, known recently for bringing further exposure and validity to the claims by Farrah's college beau Greg Lott that O'Neal prevented him from visiting Farrah, his recent, secret lover.
A version of the story also appeared in Australia's Woman's Day magazine, and in a sidebar, the 61-year-old actress reveals her surprise plans:
"I want to move to Australia. When I started acting school, I thought, 'Gee, I would love to go to Australia,' but then my life took off.
"I ended up going in the '80s for the Logies... and I think it is great there. Australia to me feels like America when I was growing up. It feels safe. Here, I can't let my 14-year-old son go ride his bike without supervision. You need to put a GPS chip in him to do that.
"I'll live in the city in the beginning, to meet people, and then move somewhere where I will be more comfortable.
"I'm too young to retire. I want to work and Australia is the place for me to do that."

Jackson raised a storm when she claimed last week that O'Neal and Alana Stewart had prevented her from visiting her dear friend Farrah Fawcett in the final weeks of her life. The uproar was kicked into hurricane status when she made a stunning reversal and backed Craig Nevius in his legal battle against O'Neal and Stewart over their commandeering of his and Farrah's cancer documentary. Jackson also suggested that O'Neal had coerced a delirious Farrah into signing over the rights to him.
As it turns out, the interview that appeared on RadarOnline.com was conducted by international journalist Dylan Howard, known recently for bringing further exposure and validity to the claims by Farrah's college beau Greg Lott that O'Neal prevented him from visiting Farrah, his recent, secret lover.
A version of the story also appeared in Australia's Woman's Day magazine, and in a sidebar, the 61-year-old actress reveals her surprise plans:
"I want to move to Australia. When I started acting school, I thought, 'Gee, I would love to go to Australia,' but then my life took off.
"I ended up going in the '80s for the Logies... and I think it is great there. Australia to me feels like America when I was growing up. It feels safe. Here, I can't let my 14-year-old son go ride his bike without supervision. You need to put a GPS chip in him to do that.
"I'll live in the city in the beginning, to meet people, and then move somewhere where I will be more comfortable.
"I'm too young to retire. I want to work and Australia is the place for me to do that."

Tabloid Baby ... I think you FUCKED UP here! You should of investigated much better than to 'assume' that Kate spoke directly with Radar.com, before you printed it! You should know them better by now! After all, they did STEAL from you when I gave you a 'scoop' regarding the Farrah hair being sold!
It would of avoided a lot of trash that Kate got from bloggers saying she sold Farrah out by going to Radar etc. etc. etc ....
I think you should print an article apologizing to Kate Jackson!
If Kate is reading this ... I'd tell her she could come to where I live, here in Europe, instead of going all the way to Australia! It's just what she's looking for and much closer to the States! Plus, I can 'help' her get adjusted, if she wants! :)
"As it turns out, the item that appeared on RadarOnline.com was based on a Jackson interview with international journalist Dylan Howard, known recently for bringing further exposure and validity to the claims... by Greg Lott..."
Well, that says it all for me.
Michael is not a stalker,he was a fan of Farrah's and we all know what went on at Farrah's condo and it was'nt good.
Michael has morals and we all can see that a dying woman was being taken advantge of for other people to profit from,so knock off the stalker bullshit and we would rather me fans of Farrah and Kate then like you a fan of Ryan and Alana,how pathetic to be a fan of a never was and a has been!
Kate also was nominated for a golden globe or emmy in 2007 so her career is just fine.
Any woman in hollywood over 50 is lucky to get work regarless of who you are, but Kate has had a a long successful career so she needs to prove nothing her resume speaks for itself.
You go Kate!
"Michael is not a stalker,he was a fan of Farrah's and we all know what went on at Farrah's condo and it was'nt good."
Really? What makes you think a FAN has ANY inside info? They don't!! They are make 3rd party, outsider guesses as to what they THINK happened. He knows nothing.
And "we all know what went on at Farrah's condo?" Are you HIGH??? You have NO IDEA - you weren't there so what makes you think you have any clue.
What a bunch of freakin' morons on this site. You all rush to make assumptions and none of you have a first hand experience. Get a life you freaks.
Really?? You KNOW what went on in Farrah's condo? HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?? Were you there? Or because you heard it from a guy who reads it on a blog who gets it from a tabloid that gets it from another tabloid? Just listen to yourself.
More on Farrah:
Entertainment Tonight on YouTube: It's very good!!!
I've seen it on the excellent site of Steeve MacKinnis,
the best one dedicated to Farrah
Anon 10:03 aka Keith Sundae
Fired from Farrah's employ, but later forgiven! Why forgiven, because you aren't getting to heaven without forgiveness in your heart. Keith, you should take that forgiveness and let go!
Your insults on bloggers does no good. Just shows what kind of person you are!
Michael Europe is Right: Tabloid Baby owes her an apology, as do most of the insulting posts that were tossed her way!
Again, you want to say that those of us who believed her are crazy and don't know what we are talking about....who is looking bad now? YOU ARE!!!
10:03 - Aren't you the one who has the scrapbooks...more than your former Old Neighbor? Sicko is what you are!
Anon 10:35
What makes you the expert?
Were you in Farrah's condo?
Do you know for certain what happened? I seriously doubt that you do!!!
But keep going, it makes for even more entertainment that you will lose on again!! Kate told her story to a source that was NOT a tabloid. All of you yammering about her going to the National Enquirer were wrong! You can start eating your words anytime now! We are waiting....but, I'm sure you are not "Big" enough to admit your mistake! Or are you?
Isn’t it nice when they loosen the straps and let you use the computer?
Just like “Normal” people get to
You might wanna talk to ‘em about upping your meds though
Ummmmm, 11:00,
Tabloid Baby is the one who said RadarOnline.com is the internet branch of National Enquirer, not us. They were wrong, not the readers. Try to keep up. Breeeath. There you go.
LOL, tough to lose isn't it???
And what about your meds? Don't you have them home delivered?
Better call it in so they can get there today! Bye Keith!
11:21 ah, but you are so fast to jump on Kate about talking to a tabloid. Yes, TB made the mistake, but you were wrong too.
I am breathing....no wait, laughing at all of you!
Meds, take your meds!!! Commander Keith said so!
Anon 11:21
Yes, we new that you would not admit to making the mistake of believing this story from Tabloid Baby.
It's okay. You don't have too.
But, Kate did nothing wrong. That is the real fact!!
Been reading your comments all morning only to find out that Tabloid Baby made a mistake. Kate Jackson gave her story to international journalist Dylan Howard. I would say that his interview with Kate was on the up and up! So, all the back bitting name calling comments were a waste of time.
I do think the readers owe Kate an apology, especially the ones that thought she was a horrible person for going to a tabloid.
Kate's friendship with Farrah remains intact. Rest in peace Farrah. There isn't any down here!
Wow! One wrong doing by Tabloid has shut the comments down. Good!
It is nice when all is quiet and nobody is insulting everybody else!
I have no problem apologizing to Kate. I apologize for believing what Tabloid Baby said was truth. They said you spoke to a branch of the National Enquirer, that proved not true.
So my question to all of you is this: Why/how can we believe anything Tabloid Baby says??
You can't! You have to go to all the stories and read before making a comment or believing a story.
If anyone (me included) had done that, we would not have 100+ comments that cover 3 different stories all about Kate Jackson.
What suprises me is that people believe half of anything written anymore!
However, 2 thumbs up for the apology. Shows some class!
1. The collecting, writing, editing, and presenting of news or news articles in newspapers and magazines and in radio and television broadcasts.
2. Material written for publication in a newspaper or magazine or for broadcast.
3. The style of writing characteristic of material in newspapers and magazines, consisting of direct presentation of facts or occurrences with little attempt at analysis or interpretation.
4. Newspapers and magazines.
5. An academic course training students in journalism.
6. Written material of current interest or wide popular appeal.
Well to be fair it really doesn’t say anything about confirming “Facts” before publishing or broadcasting your report
But I think everyone believes that to be a “Given”
Sorry TB
Hey 10:08,
You still haven't said how you know what went on in Farrah's condo.
Let it go
Wasn't the one to start it---tell them to let it go.
Let it go
There ya happy?
Her father knew what was going on in that condo and so does his wife.
It will ALL SURFACE... it always does sooner or later!
Right now Keith is Ryan and Alana's little clean-up boy and when they o longer have use for him they will toss him back in the gutter.
Ryan and Alana used Kate Jackson by feeding her lies about Craig before she and actor Dr.Piro were were to appear on the Today Show and Ryan and Alana Im sure knew the questions before hand and know Kate is honest and outspoken and after they got what they wanted from her they tossed her away.
But now it's all coming out little by little and soon the court hearings against Ryan and Alana will soon be underway.
Where There's Smoke There's Fire!
Sorry but all these people are making the same claims and they all can't be lying.
I believe Kate Jackson she has NO REASON to lie.
Cannot say that about Alana and Ryan,as they have been caught in many lies!
Yeah I did read farrah's dad could'nt wait to get out of that condo. Sad he was too old to really have done much and his health is not good.
But Ryan and Alana were walking around in bathrobes nude underneath sharing a bed and Jim Fawcett as it was reported was disgusted and left.
Where did you read that one? ANOTHER reliable journalism source? Hitman Blog? Pffft.
I know that when there is any anti Alana or Ryan story this Keith guy would fill the boards with so much trash talk about farts and poop comments.
Trying to disable the boards so others could not comment.
He is one sick person,does anyone know this Keith guy's mental history?
You need to check your history a little better--that wasn't at all what set off the freak.
P.S. I mean the REAL poop-fart freak.
Is that anything like a "Pop Tart"?
Why are you always trying to start trouble with somebody? This blog is about Kate Jackson, not the guy thanked by the Farrah Foundation website for helping, obviously a friend. Your hatred is getting really boring and IS NOT helping your case at all. Whatever that is.
Anonymous 10:19, (probably the same Fan) wrote:
"Really? What makes you think a FAN has ANY inside info? They don't!! They are make 3rd party, outsider guesses as to what they THINK happened. He knows nothing."
SO are you saying YOU have inside info?? Were you there? ... How much did they and still are PAYING you? ... If not, then WOW you must be Farrah's father! Didn't know an over 90 year old can still use the computer to comment on a blog! That's GREAT! :) ... I say this because ONLY James Fawcett can disclaim any of the things that are being said, about Ryan and Alana and all the 'others' on the 'inside job' since HE was ALSO there too! AND he, out of ALL of them WAS/IS the ONLY person still ALIVE that LOVES/LOVED Farrah WITHOUT any MOTIVES!
FANS may NOT have been there, BUT they KNOW BULLSHIT when they see and hear it! ... Also ... NEWS FLASH ... they have COMMON SENSE!
Anonymous 3:22 ... You wrote:
Thanks! :) ... I just HOPE everyone else is and won't! ... KEEP FIGHTING THE FIGHT! ... :)
Tabloid Baby ...
Since I have A LOT of time on my hands and NO LIFE ... Let me post one more thing and this time, DIRECTLY to you! ...
ONCE AGAIN ... I REQUEST for you to POST an APOLOGY to Ms. Kate Jackson! ... Redeem yourself, and admit your 'mistake'. If nothing else, to shut the fuckers up who are condemning you!
Also, you know that from all your listings ANYTHING about Farrah gives you the MOST hits! :)
Well if you want us to stay on the subject then tell Keith Sundae to stop insulting everyone who gives their views on the subject.
We all know it's him,HE"S FOOLING NO ONE!
You don't know who anybody is. Quit trying to stir shit up.
Hey Michael,
At Feb 17 11:25 you told TB to apologize "If nothing else,to shut the fuckers up that are condemning you". Read the first comment on here. I think it was YOU that was the first to condemn. Are you gonna shut up if they do!!??
Michael has every right to speak his mind and if ya don't like it the get lost!
Michael is dead on with his comments and the truth scares the hell out of you Keith!
I wish Greg would kick Keith's fat A**
Anonymous 6:07 said ...
"Hey Michael,
At Feb 17 11:25 you told TB to apologize "If nothing else,to shut the fuckers up that are condemning you". Read the first comment on here. I think it was YOU that was the first to condemn. Are you gonna shut up if they do!!??"
Nice Catch! ... BUT I WAS NOT condemning Tabloid Baby ... I was pointing out to them that they FUCKED UP and should of INVESTIGATED ACCURATELY, before people like YOU started insulting and making up stories on Kate Jackson! ... THUS, the later posts started DISSING Tabloid Baby calling it all sorts of things, such as what is posted here on TB is 'NOT TRUE' etc. etc. etc! Go back and read some of the comments in previous listings, NOT this one! AND before you turn this back on me ... THE ONLY THING I said about Kate Jackson is that I found it to be ODD and STRANGE that she had a change of heart, which didn't make sense to me! I admit it gave me dubious/mixed feelings of her involvment in this, BUT it now makes MORE SENSE ... UNLIKE YOU!
As for me 'shutting up' ... WELL ... I DON'T THINK SO!
Well like Kate said in her first statment was that
Does anyone really think Ryan and Alana were going to tell Kate that they forged Farrah's signature or when she was semi concious heavily medicated had her a sign a document handing them control over the documentary? Hell No,they lied to her and after Kate unknowingly what the real story was went on The Today Show and after that she was no longer allowed to see Farrah. So they manipulated Kate!
When your 8 weeks away from dying I really doubt Farrah was out to hurt people or cut people out of her life for no reason. And this crap that Alana say's she did'nt want people to see her like that is a lie.
Alana was on ET right after the documentary aired and said Farrah watched it with them and then was asked if she knew Redmond was in jail and Alana said no and if she did she made no metion of it.
They can't even keep their lies straight!
6:43 .... BINGO!!!!
I've been stating this since DAY ONE!!!! Same holds true with Ryan's comments!
Farrah DID NOT SEE the documentary! FUCK NO! If she did, she DIDN'T SEE IT ALL! BUT my best bet would be she DID NOT SEE IT!
If she did see it, she would of KNOWN that Redmond was in jail! ... She would of KNOWN all the shit Ryan was saying that he claims she didn't know! PLUS if she saw it, she would of KNOWN this WAS NOT the documentary she wanted shown!!! She would of KNOWN that even the TITLE was CHANGED!!!!!
Ryan and Alana may have SEEN the documentary with Farrah in the room, BUT they probably made sure she was KNOCKED OUT after a few seconds! ... either that of Farrah was in no mood or cared less what the fuck was going on! Just like when she 'signed' those documents!
I've never insulted or made up stories on Kate Jackson. Don't know the lady. I did, however, make a statement that it was 'uncool' for her to talk to WHAT WE WERE TOLD was a branch of the National Enquirer. I also apologized for it.
I never talk trash on ANY of these people involved, Kate, Ryan, Alana, Keith, Craig. I don't know these people and I never witnessed anything. The only thing I ever saw was Farrah with Ryan, Alana, Mela,Craig, Redmond, her dad. I saw pictures and video that show loving, caring relationships with these people. That is unchangeable history. Anything else is speculation, heresay and gossip. In other words GARBAGE, and probably most of it untrue.
My problem isn't with the people actually involved, it's with the people who come on here and blog and say they know things they can't possibly know. They ENDLESSLY spread ugliness--for what? Fun??
There's a big difference between 'voicing your opinion' and downright slander and bullying. Saying "I think Craig has a case here, and I hope the truth comes out", "Farrah wanted the FF Foundation, I hope it flourishes"...THAT'S an opinion. Saying "Alana is a gold digging cancer pimper, Riding on her friends coat tails", "Ryan is a fat ass has-been", "When did Kate become Korean", and on and on--you know what I'm talking about. That's NOT an 'opinion'. That's hatred, jealousy, slander. And frankly, it just makes the poster sound, childish and uneducated.
By the way ... to the ASSHOLE (Anonymous 10:19) ... Going back to your comments ...
You see, Fans DID NOT have to be in the room or condo or hospital or wherever ... Fans with COMMON SENSE who viewed the interviews (whereby hearing the words come out of Ryan and Alana's mouth)and seeing the documentary, ALONE, as well as those who read Alana's book can put two and two together!
AGAIN ... COMMON SENSE! ... My previous post speaks for itself! COMMON SENSE tells you that something is NOT RIGHT when Alana and Ryan are saying one thing,(Farrah NOT knowing about Redmond) YET then claim she saw the documentary where if she did she'd know what is being SAID about her, as well as what her son is up to!
COMMON SENSE tells you something is NOT RIGHT when Farrah's REAL friends are SHUT OUT without NOTICE & OUT OF THE BLUE!
COMMON SENSE tells you something is NOT RIGHT when people who wanted to attend the funeral service in a PUBLIC CHURCH are NOT ALLOWED IN! ... I can understand this when it comes to the general public, but NOT when it comes to people who were in Farrah's life and wanted to pay their respects!
COMMON SENSE tells you something is NOT RIGHT when paparazi photographs show Farrah with Alana or Ryan YET NEVER when Farrah was with Mike Pingel, Jaclyn Smith or Kate Jackson and whoever else took Farrah around to get treatments etc.
COMMON SENSE tells you upon reading Alana's book that all she did was BITCH and MOAN and WHINE how she is about to be BROKE, then out of the blue, she gets an upgraded title and a good sum of money by blackmailing the documentary release. Not to mention releasing a book so soon after Farrah's death, with a Cancer Foundation address which hadn't been set up yet!
You see, ASSHOLE ... REAL Farrah FANS KNOW what's going on and they didn't NEED to be there! ... Now, answer your own question ... How do YOU know what went on??? By having a check signed in your name, as long as you read 'The Script'??
No I doubt she watched the documentary as well.
Dr.Piro was the Today Show June 26th and said Farrah's cancer had already spread to her lungs.
There is no way she was in her normal state of mind or to know who was there and what she was signing
and the last thing on her mind was her looks.
Farrah believed in Christ and I don't believe what Alana told Kate Jackson about Farrah not wanting to see anyone except Her,Ryan and Mela.
They were hiding something or afraid someone would be told or sense what was really going on in that condo.
I doubt seriously that farrah only wanted those 3 vultures around her! All 3 are jobless and made careers or tried to revive their careers through Farrah. Has anyone checked out Mela Murphys IMDB resume? It's a joke! Alana married into fame and Ryan is probably the least liked actor around who can't carry a movie on his own!
Their entire plan was to spend the rest of their pathetic lives cashing in on Farrah's death and one can only wonder what's next to come from those 3 idiots.
Thanks for validating my point. Oy vey.
Anon 7:26
Ryan himself said he lies to Farrah and her dad on her condition on The Today Show.
I do remember Alana saying that Farrah asked her if she only has a short time to live she wants to know so she could get her affairs in order.
No to get off of the subject
But does it say in Farrah's will who was to be in charge of her Foundation?
Who the F*%K does Alana think she is to assume she was the one Farrah wanted to run the foundation?
Maybe Alana needs to start washing cars for a living and stop her nonsense!
I guess if you were involved and it were any of your business, you'd already know that.
Michael Europe needs to take his meds. Obsessed stalkers who NEVER met or knew their idols tend to go off the deep end when they realize they NEVER will when they die!
You are a loser! You make assumptions, create conspiracy theories because you are nothing more than a creepy weirdo that Farrah NEVER wanted to meet. Sure she signed pix for you but she didn't want you near her because you are a psycho mental patient.
Wake up freak - you know NOTHING.
The only MENTAL PSYCHO is YOU ANON FEb 15th 8:15
AT least her fans did not abuse her in her final weeks like You,Ryan,Alana and Mela did!
Talk about psychos look in the MIRROR
I hope they keep a close eye on that Foundation and Alana!
Here it goes again
The Old Meds and Obsessed defense.
Oh I Wonder Who That Is??? LOL
Keith calm down and take your meds!
How much is Ryan paying you to come on here and go nuts on everyone?
If what we feel is not true in anyway why all the anger?
Does something ring true that frightens you so much that you get so enraged?
Take your Meds Keith and relax if you four have nothing to hide.
I wonder how many of you are suppose to be working and not wasting company time? Why do you feel the need to keep fighting over something that is none of your business?
Well Metech when Ryan and Alana need to sell something it's ok then for it to be our business,but when it's not flattering then it's none of our business.
That's not how this game works, you put yourself out there selling your friend out and the so called love of your life to the public then be prepared for the public to respond. Get the picture!
When your a public figure and put yourself out there
then be prepared for the publics opinions and if ya don't like it then go away!
Many would be thrilled to see both Ryan and Alana to go away. Until the court battles are over none of of us are going anywhere so deal with it.
Oh Look Keith's back.
What happened Keith Mcdonald's closed lolololololol!
From Meredith Viera's interview with Kate Jackson on May 15th,2009:
"Recently, I walked into the room and I don't think she wanted to see anyone and she didn't say anything", Jackson told Meredith Viera Friday. "But, I was given a very clear signal, a hand signal, that I should probably leave the room. So I did!"
That the 62-year old TV icon Fawcett can raise a joking middle finger to a close friend is proof positive that recent tabloid reports of the actress lying in a comatose state are false......
Your giving yourself away Keith.
You guys are not as smart as you think.
I should not say this but..maybe You,Ryan and Alana really need to get together and practice on how to lie better and get your stories straight.
You three must be hitting the wine bottle too much your not even smart enough to be anonymous.
But what can you expect from a fired hairdresser one old former model who had to marry famous men to pay her way in life and a old has been actor who's own 7yr old daughter upstaged him in one of the few hit movies he had.
So, isn't there a chance that as her health continued to deteriorate, she really didn't want to see people?
Please if your going to quote Kate please don't forget to quote Ryan.
Well that may be hard to do since everything he said was a lie.
well yes anon her health was declining,but don't stick a camera in the room with her son for the entire world to see and tell loved ones your not allowed to see her or even talk to her on the phone in private.
Farrah could not have known they were filming her with Redmond,she barely recognized him to begin with and that was April 2009 when that was shot.
So lets get that straight!
What about Mike Pingel and kiko chehin? I guess it is ok for them to be making money off of Farrah on Ebay! What do you think TB is doing? Making money off of this blog and you are helping them!!
I guess that is ok though. None of this is ok, it is so disrespectful on so many levels. I know it is all in the defense of Farrah because you are fans. Fan being key word, it says so much about how empty your own lives are that you spend so much time on here. If you weren't there and you are not a personal member of the family, than it is all gossip and speculation. Even Kate Jackson is only expressing her opinion and assumptions. I wonder how all of you would feel if all of your neighbors stuck their nose's in your personal tragedy and judged you without knowing what really went on in your home? I'm sure that you would not like it, but I guess being a fan gives you an entitlement to judge and speculate and say cruel things. I guess though if there weren't so many of you TB, National Enquirer and many others wouldn't be around and getting rich!
All of you need to take a step back and think about what you are saying.
If you were a Fan of Farrah Fawcett then you know that she would not back down from a fight, but would not be hurtful in putting people in there places.
Before you type, think of her, then type. Maybe if you did, it wouldn't be so nasty in here!
Mike and Kiko have been on ebay for years! They do not claim all of their items are "personally signed" or make false statements about what they may or may not be selling. However, I have never seen Mike sell anything on ebay.
Where is it? And for that matter what is Kiko selling?
Get your information right.
The stuff Alana and Ryan are selling (if they really are selling) is stolen or was given to them as a gift. How tacky!
Oh poor Griffin!
Our lives are empty...what is your excuse?
How did Griffin get brought into this?? What is your "Griffin" point. Again, you pull another name out of your ass. WTF is wrong with you?
I wonder how many of these people have the right to be using Farrah's images and recreating them for sale, manipulating them on the computer and selling them on Ebay because they are definitely doing it!!!
Think about it, WTF is wrong with you!
Kiko and Mike are not making money off Farrah.
Collectibles of Farrah have been on Ebay since day 1.
Now the people selling unsigned personal items that is wrong.Farrah wanted her personal items such as jewlery to go to her nephew.
Even Starwares stated that they only thing they sell of Farrah's was signed by Farrah and once signed items are gone there would be no more Farrah items for sale and that's being honest.
Kiko and Mike never sold ANYTHING personal of Farrah's and both can prove that all you have to do is look at their feedback and check every item and people can see what they sold.
So you need to give that accusation a rest because it's not true and can be proven with a click of a button.
YOU are WTF is wrong with me!
You have got to be the worst person that I have ever come across on the face of this earth.
Right I never saw Kiko selling anything and same goes for Mike Pingle.
Why are people even bringing Mike and Kiko into this?
Everytime someone touches a nerve they go after anything and everyone.
Let's hope this is not their defense in court.
Craig will win for sure. lol
Collectibles they make themselves and sell. You had better check your facts because I have seen it with my own eyes.
I find it funny that it you are not slamming Ryan and Alana you get slammed. I was pointing out that contrary to popular opinion, there are people on both sides doing crappy things!
Is Mela now posting LOL
Just came on this stupid page to see what was going on and you 9:31 are scum.
You bring up Griffin. Why? What did he do? Are you just trying to change the subject because you can't keep up.
Then you take off on Kiko and Mike.
Why? Ebay and Farrah things have been going on for years. You aren't saying anything new about that and you are wrong about them making money off of Farrah!
Again, WTF is wrong with you? Seriously, dude what is the problem? You can't even make your case without make calling and bringing innocent people into it, again because you can't keep up.
Go away and think awhile, then come back and see if you can do better. You are a disgrace even to O'Neal and Stewart!
Your charm is so endearing. I am sure that you really are a kind and thoughtful person, who is just riled up over your admiration for Farrah. It will be a wonderful day, you will see.
Maybe so Anon but it's not Kiko or Mike.
Selling stolen items or gifts like Alana did is low and Mike and Kiko are not doing that. That's a fact.
Selling collectibles that were once store merchandise is not a personal item of Farrah's.
Her clothes,her hair,jewlery and anything she personally owned and used is and only one seller was doing that and it's the one that sells items for Alana.
9:39 Sorry, but I disagree!
Kiko has sold on ebay for years. He didn't start when Farrah died.
Mike, I have not seen anything he is or has sold, so I don't know about that, but Mike is a collector and a published writer. I doubt he would sell anything of any value. It means to much to him.
If and that is a very big IF, Ryan or Alana or both have begun selling, or have someone selling Farrah's personal things on ebay, then that is wrong (unless she gave it to them as a gift and they don't want it anymore, then sell it). But, the nephew was supposed to get Farrah's personal items and if they are selling them....then that is nothing short of stealing.
I don't think Kiko would fly to the US to steal from Farrah and put it on Ebay!
Why would I quote Ryan? Isn't this blog entry about Kate?
We all know the day farrah died Alana put a personal gift from Farrah on Ebay. How Classy.
And after that all these personal UNSIGNED items were on ebay from the same woman who put Alana's gift up for sale. I wonder how much was stolen since the majority of items were unsigned.
Recreations they are and I doubt they have the rights to do that. Mike is not selling the recreations, but he does make money off of Farrah and the Angels, not saying that is a bad thing, just saying alot of people are making money off of all of this.
9:41 I am a kind and good person and You Bet I'm riled up over Farrah! She had her faults, but overall was a good person.
You people are hateful and mean. You don't care what you say or who you say it to!
Remember people, it will come back to bite you. Can't wait for that day to arrive! LOL Waiting !!!
It's going to happen!!
Anonymous 7:26 ...
I wasn't talking about you, at all ... I was just stating that what you posted was what I was saying all along, since DAY ONE! ... I tend to agree with you ... the bullshit going on here is 'childish' BUT sometimes you just gotta fight fire with fire!
This may sound hard to believe, BUT I DO NOT HATE Ryan O'Neal, nor Alana Stewart! ... I gave them credit where credit was due, HOWEVER, I am stating my OPINION as I see it, and from the 'get go' I do not see it any other way, then how I've been explaining things! After all, these people never did anything to me, YET people in their own inner circle and WORSE ... BLOOD RELATIVES ... have come out and said things about them, AND they ALL can not be lying! ... They have/had NOTHING to gain, EXCEPT JUSTICE for Ms. Fawcett, and her legacy!
As for Mela Murphy ... To be HONEST, I have NOTHING BAD to say about her! ... I DO NOT think she is involved in ANY this shit, at all. She may come out sounding defensive of Ryan and Alana, for who knows what reasons, but her own!
It is about Kate,but underneath this whole mess there are two people behind it and the names are
Those two with their deceit and greed started all this crap so let's not forget that.
Had they been fair and honest none of this would be going on. They started it and sooner or later someone who does not buy into their shit will stop it and I hope it comes from the courts! If they did indeed do all of what they are accused of ,it will come to light and that they can count on.
Right if they did nothing wrong then they should'nt worry or have Keith on here acting like the Ted Bundy of Tabloid Baby. Is he crazy?
How do you know that it was a personal gift? The woman who sells these items has a business selling items for celebrities and she is the wife of a famous producer/writer and friends with many of these people, so unless you witness the actual handing over of these gifts how do you know? She has stated many times that many of these items were given to her by Farrah, some of the items were on there along time ago and then put back on after Farrah died. As well she donates alot of the money from Farrah's items to cancer not for personal gain.
Greg Lott started all of this with her website and Hitman blog. And now that he has his money he has become very quiet don't you think?
Im sure it was Ryan who talked Alana into all this in the first place. That man is no good and Alana with her need to make a living using others jumped at the chance. But I believe Ryan was the mastermind beginning with stealing the Documentary and Alana probably thought why not she's dying anyway.
It was reported they broke into Farrah's safe and went through her papers and maybe they knew they were not in the will and decided to cash in on her in other ways.
Greg im sure advised by his lawyers to stay quiet and he said what all he could say long before Farrah died.
But right now Kate is saying the same things,so there is truth to all of this.
But I guess the next step is the Court Hearings and hopefully justice will prevail and this all can be put to rest and bring Farrah's real memory back and not all this garbage.
Farrah has been all but forgotten in this mess and it's not fair. Ryan really should have been honest with everbody instead of cheating and back stabbing people. None of this would be happening if he had been. And to blame this on Greg is not fair really if you sit back and look at the entire picture it was Ryan and Alana who brought this on themselves and it's not over for them yet.
Anonymous 8:15 ... MY NUMBER ONE FAN said ...
"Michael Europe needs to take his meds. Obsessed stalkers who NEVER met or knew their idols tend to go off the deep end when they realize they NEVER will when they die!"
Sounds like you're talking about YOURSELF, since you know so much about this kind of situation! Is that what your shrink told you?!
"You are a loser! You make assumptions, create conspiracy theories because you are nothing more than a creepy weirdo that Farrah NEVER wanted to meet. Sure she signed pix for you but she didn't want you near her because you are a psycho mental patient."
WOW did Farrah tell you this? ... I'm impressed! ... I'm HAPPY to learn about this EVALUATION from you through Farrah! WOW ... AGAIN, I'm impressed! ... Seems she's talking to you too, beyond the Grave??? No wonder you are such an Alana Stewart Supporter ... You SHARE the same OBSESSIONS! ... AND then you call me CREEPY! ... WOW... Again, I'm impressed!
As for the creating of conspiracy ... CONSPIRACY STARTED during the last few months of Farrah's life ... to pin point the time frame ... Around the pre and post airing of Farrah's Story! AND is continuing till today by all these BRAVE people FINALLY coming out and REVEALING things that were kept hidden!
One last thing, MY NUMBER ONE FAN ... Seems I hit YOUR and YOURS nerve, with my comments! ... That could ONLY BE because YOU KNOW I AM RIGHT! ... So you reach for your childish, name calling remarks! ... :)
Yeah when is the court date? Anyone know?
I really wish this would end finally.
And maybe in the end A Wing And A Prayer will finally be released and it will WIN THE EMMY.
That would be DIVINE JUSTICE!
One LAST THING my NUMBER ONE FAN ... You are AFRAID of ME because I have the BALLS to post my name! ... Where as, YOU DON'T!
That would be the best thing to come of this
Craig getting the real documentary out there and it winning countless awards. Oh if only that would come true and the look on Ryan and Alana's faces would be priceless! LOL
That's right Michael!
He's a coward and always will be.
And what if it goes the other way, hmmmmm? Everybody still gonna shut up and go away? I doubt it. Everybody will shake hands and get back to the only important thing--FARRAH'S LEGACY??--That IS what this is all about , right?
Well, I'm taking my meds and going to take my nap! But, before I go, I would like to say the following:
In the Documentary, Ryan said to Farrah, "I'll go with you", of course meaning when she died.
Too bad he didn't! But, then again he wouldn't have, because Farrah went to heaven and Ryan is going in the opposite direction!
Good thing though, God allows people to confess their sins, ask for forgiveness (repent), and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.
If Ryan, Alana, and anyone else involved in hurting Farrah's reputation, her Foundation, the Documentary, or stealing/selling her things that don't belong to them....they better get down on their knees and start praying for forgiveness. Otherwise, I certainly wouldn't want to be either one or any off those people.
Just the Facts folks!
Sounds like Aunt Esther from Sanford and Son! Be careful what you wish on people.
Dream on, that is never going to happen (Ryan winning). Never going to happen. Nevius has the documentation to back up his claims and Ryan has a very shakey piece of paper that was signed when Farrah was not able to think and decide for herself what was right. If only she had been better at the time....we wouldn't have anything to argue about now!
10:35 if you are talking about Ryan going to Hell! I don't wish it on him, I am stating he has a way out if he so chooses to take it! And he will at the very last minute of his life, unless he screws that up too!
Nice compliment! Aunt Esther was a pretty cool lady! She told it like it was and I'm telling it like it is!!!
Thanks! I like being appreciated!
Means the world to me!
Nope......I'm talkin' about the "too bad he didn't" part. You're nasty.
I came to the conclusion today that this blog is the same as the Jerry Springer show. I never let my kids watch that show because "If there are that many disfunctional people out there, that is frightening and I don't want to know about it." Same here, it is hard to believe that people do not have anything better to do with their lives than argue on this blog all day and insult each other. Very disturbing!
Not really. At least on the Jerry Springer show you hear both sides of the 'story' and then see them go at it. Here, you only get one side.
Anon all this talk that no one has lives and Jerry spriger comment is silly.
The internet is today's form of communication.
Don't act like your so above all this not to mention your on here as well.
The only Jerry Springer people I can see are Alana and Ryan and that Keith guy who patrol's this blog for Them!
Ladies and Gentleman on today's Jerry Springer
A has been actor takes full control of a dying woman's life by stealing,forging and filming her with her son in cuffs and shackles and her best friend talks to her through a psychic medium on the E channel!
Yes I do agree very Jerry Springer!
Ryan said himself in vanity Fair that he does not believe in an afterlife,so that says he has no belief's in God! So he very well may not make it to Heaven.
Good point Michael
That's a great question why have'nt we seen any paparazzi footage when Mike,Kate or Jaclyn took Farrah to her treatments?
Why only footage of Ryan or Alana taking her?
Sadly they can't bring a moral charge against those two,if that was the case they would be serving a life sentence.
No Anon we had to hear Alan and Ryan since the documentary aired and had to watch them lie and lie.
Alana is stoned faced showed ZERO emotion when speaking of Farrah at least Ryan TRIED to cry but his acting skills are rusty.
One thing on the E True Hollywoond Story Mela seemed sincere and showed real emotion.
You so Classy
Thanks for sharing
I googled the story on Ryan and it is true concerning a young woman and a restraining order over sexual harassment. What a pervert and nothing more creepy then a 70yr old man chasing young girls.
Funny how love orchids comes and goes leavig behind such beautiful poetry.
Tabloid Baby,
The type of posting under Feb. 18th at 2:32 PM and 2:33 PM--the vulgarity and posting impersonating others 'user names' needs to be stopped. It should be reported under 'Blogger Help; Report a Terms of Service Violation'. You should find out who is doing it and post their name and block them. This is totally unprofessional. Why do you keep letting this happen?
This has happened to many people in the past.
Someone/s are going to continue using other's names and post comments to stir more shit and to disable the comment section. Nothing new.
Love Orchids seems crazy and mentally unbalanced.
"Ryan O’Neal is a Dirty Old Man
By: Ellie Kam on May 11th, 2009 at6:22 pm"
"Ryan O’Neal’s partner Farrah Fawcett is battling cancer in the hospital, but that apparently hasn’t stopped him from allegedly trying to convince a young woman to masturbate with him.
Dania Marin, a 20-year-old family friend of the O’Neal’s filed a restraining order on Friday against Ryan, accusing him of calling her to ask her to masturbate with him in exchange for a car. Dania tells Radar Online of the generous barter:
He asked me if I wanted to masturbate with him. Offered me a car back if I would engage with him.
He freaked me out. I filed the retraining order because I was afraid that he knew where I lived or would come to my house. He’s old enough to be my grandfather.
Dania is requesting that Ryan stay at least 50 yards away, and refrain from any kind of contact with her."
Now THAT! is “Classy”
That's what I mean Anon Feb 18th 4:00PM
Just days before appearing on The Today Show claiming how much he loved Farrah and as she's dying he's looking for a hand-job. Total Liar this just adds to the kind of people were dealing with and I guess with morals like this forging a signature is out of the question! OK WHATEVER. Ryan is pure SCUM.
His Penis must be all saggy and old looking. YUK
Who would want to masterbate him? EWWWWW
If it's a big enough pay day apparently there are plenty of people that would be willing to do it no matter how old wrinkled or saggy it is
Seems he just asked the wrong one
I think that says a whole lot about ALL of their characters
They have none
The “Love or your life” is dying, wasting away and you’re looking to get your “knob” polished by some *just barely legal* post teenager
Big Ole FAT PERV!!!!
Don't you mean the person PRETENDING to be Love Orchids is a crazy and mentally unbalanced COWARD??
You show an excerpt that's been pretty well debunked and proven wrong as part of your blog. Really calls into question the veracity of your sources.
Where was it "Debunked"?
or am I to just take your word on that?
The real Love Orchids wouldn't say those things. People are using other people's names and that is really low. You people talk about people doing things that are wrong but that is beyond low to use other people's names, ultimate low.
I’m sorry Anon 5:13
I couldn’t hear you over all these Crickets
Would you mind saying that again?
Where was this debunked?
Anyone else notice how every time there's a Farrah Story on this blog, it turns into a scene from 'NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD'? An innocent, unsuspecting human (someone with a difference of opinion) comes along, and the zombie freaks come out and disembowel them and rip them to shreds.
Ryan, Alana and Keith are the root of all evils! There is no defense for any of them.
Now a Sequel to Farrah's Story?
How sick can one group of people be! You think it can't get any worse and then Ryan pulls this shit. There is no punishment bad enough for this man!
Don't you think it's strange that if this is all true, that it's not all over the place? Just checked People, USmag, MSN, ETonline......nothin'.
Oh, but now you have EXTRA! What a joke! But that will be enough for the Ryan worshipers! Too bad for Ashley Hamilton though. Mom sold him out too.
I'll make easy for you all.
It will be a big deception for you all,sorry....
Just Go:jorgeluizb On E-bay....
I don't sell anything.And I can prove....But I do buy anything about Farrah Fawcett on E-Bay!
There have been no changes to the conditions & requirements of Temporary Business (Long Stay) 457 visa holders who are employed by labour firms. The 457 visa requires the visa holder's sponsor to be the direct employer. This is not new. It's always been the requirement.The department has found, however, through our monitoring & other enquiries that some labour hire sponsors are not the direct employer. They have asked that these arrangements be rectified & that the direct employer be Sponsors.
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