Farrah Fawcett's friend Alana Stewart, criticized for cashing in on Farrah's legacy with a quickie book and for tarnishing her legacy with the exploitative Farrah's Story special on NBC, has announced the formation of The Farrah Fawcett Foundation "to provide funding for alternative methods of cancer research, clinical trials, prevention, and awareness, with an emphasis on anal and pediatric cancers."
Farrah, whose initial diagosis of anal cancer led to her death in June, would have been 63 yesterday.
According to the website, which features pictures only of Farrah and Stewart, the foundation includes on its advisory board Farrah's Los Angeles doctor, Dr. Lawrence Piro, her doctor in Germany Dr. Ursula Jacob, and spiritual activist and New Age guru Marianne Williamson.
Richard B. "Bernie" Francis, the executor of Farrah's estate, is listed as Chairman of the Board and Treasurer.
Francis recently sued filmmaker Craig Nevius in behalf of Farrah's estate, claiming he botched Farrah's documentary project that showed her trips with Alana Stewart for alternative cancer treatments.
Nevius had already sued Francis, Stewart and Ryan O'Neal (father of Farrah's troubled son Redmond) for forcibly removing him form the project and turning it into an awful, if Emmy-nominated, TV special.
O'Neal is not listed among the foundation board members but is accorded "our very special heartfelt thanks" on the site.

This was one of Farrah's dreams and it's a wonderful birthday gift to her that it's online on her birthday. This is something she believed in and I hope it brings help and hope to millions, just as she did. I look forward to seeing it prosper. Good luck to all involved.
I'm very excited about the website. Looking forward to seeing it grow and learning more. Thanks Farrah!
Finally, a legit site! I hope that those involved do right by the foundation. Congrats on your kicking it off and I too look forward to seeing it grow and finding out the accomplishments that it makes in cancer research. And I truly hope, this Foundation that is in Farrah's name, is all that Farrah wanted it to be and to do for people in the future!
Not to start any problems, but I wish Jaclyn Smith or Kate Jackson were involved too. They have both had and survived cancer and it would have been a nice thing for one of them to have a presence!
Anyway, again, good luck!
Looks like Nikki owes Farrah and co. an apology.
Great news, I am sure Farrah would be proud of this... we fans all miss Farrah, with this foundation, hopefully her legacy and wish to help people will prosper .
Lets all show respect for this new site and the good it can do for people !
It may have been one of Farrah's dreams but was it her dream for those alana and Ryan to be involved?
I wonder what Kate jackson thinks of this
Did Farrah state in her will who she wanted to run this foundation?
will the American cancer society be watching where the funds go?
I doubt Kate Jackson would be involved in this farrah foundation since she has come out in defense of Craig Nevious. As kate said she was misguided in the beginning by those around Farrah during her final months.
So Im sure she would'nt be involved with anything that is run by Ryan and Alana.
People can give to the American cancer society
St.Judes hospital.
Who put that web-site together a 5 yr old
GENERIC it looks cheap.
Will there be merchandise and a actual Farrah website
or just a cancer foundation?
I really hope Alana and Ryan do right by this foundation. So far all I seen and read from those two has been shady to say the least. I personally won't give to this and I was a fan of Ms.Fawcett's and until I know for sure that everything is legit then I will continue to send donations to St.Judes.
The cat lady Cathy and her Saint Judes crusade
Cathy The Farrah Foundation is the real deal
Go buy a new cat Cathy and get lost.
Must we continue insult people or provoke?
Someone is trying to get it going by mentioning Nikki
and all the Alana and Ryan keith Sundae insults.
Knock it off people and let's grow up.
SO WHAT if Cathy gives to ST.Judes it really should not matter Cancer is Cancer and St Judes has a great reputation and they never had controversy with misuse of funds.
She's allowed to give to whatever Cancer foundation she chooses. Leave the woman alone she has done nothing to no one!!!!!!!
Let me clarify I am not suggesting that the Farrah foundation is a fraud or the people in control of it are fraudulant,Im just saying if someone gives to St judes that's their right.
I'm with anon 6:55
Why do we have to start the insults again. I also agree that this Foundation does bares watching. There have been many questions about those that are in charge and running the Foundation. However, it is my hope that they make an all out effort to do right by Farrah Fawcett and the Foundation will be a huge success in the efforts to Fight Cancer and Win.
So, yes, Grow up people and stop calling people out that you know nothing about. What is wrong with you?
I with you anon 8:28 and the fighting since she died is sad and people should be allowed to express points of view without name calling.
I also hope the Foundation does do good and the people involved do right by it for cancer and for Farrah's sake.
I do hope this is legit and that what they are saying will be true, however, I still have my DOUBTS ... I will hold up on the funds for now! Can't TRUST at this point in time! In any event, I don't trust ANY foundation! I think what people should do, if they REALLY want the actual funds to go to whatever organization or charity, is give the money DIRECTLY to the person/people who are suffering from such causes! This way YOU will KNOW that the money went to them!
On a lighter note: ... Discovered this video on You Tube ... Thought I'd share it you ... It is very funny and adorable! ... The end part is the best! Try bearing the annoying voice ... It's worth it! :)
Here is the link .... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYglZr1S0t0
Michael Europe
I agree with you! Giving to the organization or charity of your choice is a good idea. And when you give, you can state that you are giving the money in (i.e. Farrah Fawcett's) someones name.
There are so many great cancer research organizations or people in your own towns and cities that can use the money. If you don't trust this Foundation yet, then, wait or give somewhere else!
"Caling people out"...are you kidding me? You can tell just by the hate filled, name calling style EXACTLY who the blogger is. On Dec. 6 at 11:29, Nikki says "The Farrah Fawcett Foundation is in trouble for being a scam....and I wouldn't suggest anyone send a dime to it...blah, blah, blah" Even though, this foundation is mentioned over and over in Farrah's will, in Alana's book, by several legitimate news stations and newspapers soon after her death, and now has come to fruition in a website. You don't think that's beyond disrespectful to make statements like that? Fine. But I think the majority would disagree.
Anon 4:12
When people were questioning the Foundation there was nothing to back up that it really even exisited! I went back to the hitman's site yesterday and saw a posting from Dec. that was asking questions about the Foundation. Evidently this man went to great links to find ways to help and wanted to share, but was confused that he could not find anything that looked legit to deliver his info too. So, with that said, I agreed with Nikki's comment about the possibility of it being a scam.
I looked everywhere too. I know Alana's book mentioned it and other places, but there was only an address with no real information. At that time wouldn't anyone have wanted to make sure it was a true Foundation before sending money? I think so!
I hope this Foundation does great work in Farrah Fawcett's name. Looking forward to seeing just where they go from here! But, getting a Website up and running is a start.
Further to my previous post ... I have this to say, in regards to my DOUBTS ...
1. WHY did it take the foundation so long to be initialzed?
2. Farrah had THREE YEARS to set up this foundation, herself,(granted there were some set backs during those 3 years, BUT look at it this way ... this foundation has finally been started up, and it has only been 7 1/2 months since Farrah's death!) ... I'm sure it would of been more LEGIT if it was done while Farrah was still alive!
3. Alana posted the foundation in her book, YET there wasn't a foundation at that time!
4. Proceeds from the book were to go towards this foundation ... Where is the money to this effect? Put aside, I wonder?? OR was it a publicity/sales marketing stunt in order to gain more sales from the book??
5. WHY didn't Alana issue her book, NOW, other than RUSH into it, only 2 months after Farrah's death?? Makes you wonder! Did she know something was going to 'happen' (the court issue regarding the documentary ... which might cause her decline in sales, etc...??) ... It would of made more sense to me, if she waited and just now published the book, WITH address and website. So THE RUSH makes you doubious! ... (Unless she needed the money for her next botox appointment ... just kidding!)
Guess we will either never know the answers to my questions OR who knows, only time will tell!
Michael Europe
I just have to laugh!! You bring very good arguments to the table.
My question is WHY would they make Alana President of this Foundation with all that has happened. Whether she is guilty of anything or not....it will only hurt the Foundation to have her apart of it! Why? As I said, guilty of anything or not, shouldn't the Foundation be the first and foremost thought and it's success!
Given the way some people have viewed her actions, I cannot see her being apart of it will help!
Foundations don't just 'pop up'. Google 'how do I start a foundation?' It takes several months, even years to do. You need to incorporate, register, follow rules, meet requirements, and on and on. It's more than just a pretty website. How do you know Farrah and her friends were not working on it together? It absolutely amazes and saddens me that no matter how much good Farrah's friends continue to do, people continue to critisize. Unreal.
"Given the way some people have viewed her actions, it cannot see her being a part of it will help!"
Who?? The 3 haters on a blog?? 15 MILLION people watched 'Farrah's Story'.....I think the foundation will be safe.
6:31 Hope so! Those same 15 million people read the tabloids and real magazines too. Some haven't shown Ms. Stewart in a good light. That was all I was saying. And I'm not a hater on any blog!
Anonymous 6:26 ...
Yes, I agree with you, and to use YOUR WORD... it is "UNREAL" ...
UNREAL that there MAY be fraud!
UNREAL that people MIGHT BE taken advantage of!
UNREAL that people who claim to be 'friends' MIGHT BE taking the advantage to profit off a 'friend'
UNREAL that a SERIOUS ILLNESS, like cancer, MIGHT BE taken lightly, AND profiting from it!
UNREAL that people MIGHT BE stealing people's hard earned money!
UNREAL ... need I go on? ....
BUT what is SO UNREAL is that all of these doings COULD BE by USING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of a person who genuinely cared, AND she is no longer here to over look things, herself!
One more thing ... so I guess it takes 3 years and 7 1/2 months to get a foundation up and running! ... Thanks for the answer, and saving me the time to 'google' it! :)
Right after farrah died some girl on My Space and created a fake website claimed to be the Farrah Foundation and Im pretty sure this woman got in trouble for that or it's pending.
Charliesangels.com also reported this foundation was a fraud and Im not talking about the one Alana just launched the other day this was a totally different person claiming to run the farrah foundation.
just google it my space farrahfawcettfoundation
pretty sure it was pulled but the listing is still there.
So how do you know Alana?
Wow, for a second there at 6:49 Michael Europe sounded like HitmanPR talking about his former buddy!
Unreal that she has a interview on EXTRA with her phony smile.
Alana and I know she reads these posts
If your intentions are good then I wish all the best with the foundation,but if your doing this to semi profit then it will come to light sooner or later and if Im wrong then my apologies. Also Alana you should distance yourself from Mr.O'neal as Im sure you know most don't like or trust him.
Leave Michael alone at least he has a point and his point is backed up by kate Jackson who she herself said
"I was misguided by those around Farrah in the beginning"
Keith Sundae must have alot of time on his hands to be posting on Ryan's behalf.
keith does Ryan use you as his toliet tissue as well?
Anonymous 7:38 ...
Thanks, I guess! ... HOWEVER, I didn't TRUST Hitman PR, either!!! So I don't know if you meant it as a compliment or an insult! Which ever way ... it's your right to an opinion.
Why didn't I trust Hitman PR??? ... WELL it was OBVIOUS ...
First he sides with Ryan O'Neal, as if he was God! and was against Greg Lott ... THEN because 'something' must of happened between Ryan, and he, he goes on to be in favor of Greg! ... Like WTF???
However, let me make things CLEAR here ... I'm NOT in favor, or against, ANYONE in particular! ... That is WHY I am NOT AFRAID to sign MY NAME!
HOWEVER, I do say it, how I see it! I'm sure EVERYONE in Farrah's clan has their GOOD, BAD, and UGLY, just like us all.
I did praise Ryan for sticking true to his word about getting in touch with fans who wrote Farrah ... I also, once commented that some things that Ryan said or says is taken out of proportion and it's just his way of humor ...
I did praise Alana for writing an interesting book (however I didn't learn anything new regarding Farrah in it ... well to be honest, I learned VERY little NEW).
I am TRUELY not against Kate Jackson ... LOVE the woman ... After all, she was one of Charlie's Angels ... GRANTED my least favorite one from the original three, BUT she's number 4 from all 6, not including the movie version stars ... don't really count them as ANGELS! LOL
BUT when I see how things are being handeled ... I just have to have my say! After all, as a Farrah Fawcett Fan ... I think it's my right to see how I can 'protect' her, since she is no longer here to do such! ... this said, I do believe that some of the things Farrah has done are NOT to my agreement either, BUT who am I to judge? That is why I said that EVERYONE has their Good, Bad and Ugly! ... HOWEVER, I don't like to see people being taken advantage of! Especially 'regular' hard working people who make a decent living! (which was one of the reasons I was against Farrah and Greg ... they charged too much money for their products! ... COME ON $50 for a signed photo and it's not even an original signature!)
Michael Europe is just stating his opinion like we all are doing!
I didn't trust the hitman after his big switch, didn't trust some of Farrah's "Friends", because of their actions immediately after her death, didn't trust Lott either.
I want to trust this Foundation, but I think some time needs to pass to see where they go with it. These foundations have to show what they are doing to someone, somewhere, like the IRS and others. So, in time we will see how it does. Then I will consider whether to make a donation!
Sorry, but these days you just can't trust anybody! People have to prove themselves worthy of trust and that just ain't happening yet! An announcement and a website is only a small start.
Any by the way: Farrah's Will talks about the Foundation a little, but also allows for it not being there and where money should go then. (To one or more Qualified Charitable Organizations with charitable purposes similiar to those of the Farrah Fawcett Foundation) Look it up! She wasn't sure it would still be around!!!
Michael you have to understand that keith Sundae is behind the scathing posts on here at least most of them. As you can read they are way to personal to be just a fan who sides with the insincere folks or as we know them as Bernie Alana and Ryan.
Never let them bully you to the point where you no longer choose to express your views and they will call you every name in the book to devalue your opinion and why would honest people go to such legnths?
Because you pushed their buttons and what you say rings true. They'll say your obsessed,they'll say your greg Lott,say your hitman or whatever else they dream up in their seedy sick minds.
And I adored Farrah but she trusted some real low lifes and sorry to say that but it's true. The one good thing is she let it be known in her Will who she really trusted and loved.
My question is does anyone know who she appointed to run this foundation? Did it state Alana Stewart was to be?
I really really hope Alana's has every intention of doing that foundation justice. But so far Im sorry to say I don't trust her. And I hope Im wrong cancer is not a way to profit nor is it right to use the death of a famous person to do so.
Don't back down Michael Fight the Fight!
She put herself out in the public eye so Alana's fair game.
We on the other hand are private citizens expressing our views on what those who use the media to promote themselves.
so there's a difference. And I do think she's phony but like I said if Im wrong then my apologies.
I don't know about Alana being a b....! But do you remember how this article started...let me refresh everyone's memory:
Farrah Fawcett's friend Alana Stewart, criticized for cashing in on Farrah's legacy with a quickie book and for tarnishing her legacy with the exploitative Farrah's Story special on NBC, has announced the formation of The Farrah Fawcett Foundation.
The first line of this article does not put her in a very good light. Maybe those that are upset about or defending Alana...should go to one of the sources, Tabloid Baby and tell them what you think! Just a thought.
I agree J. I cannot find ANYTHING that says Alana did not Profit from Farrah's death.
Ever since Farrah became seriously ill Alana used it to benefit herself. Also there was an article that Alana refused to hand over the footage of Redmond until she recieved a sum of 250,000 dollars, now if that's true or not only she knows.
Maybe bitch was not the correct word,Heartless may have been a better term to describe her and her actions since May 2009. S
Does anyone know the specifics of Farrah's will in regards to The FF Foundation?
A foundation set up in someones name usually has specific terms on how the donations are to be distributed and to which research orginazations.
Foundations are usually a way for the deceased to continue giving to charity after their death.
I wish someone knew the exact wishes Farrah had for this and who was to be involved.
Correct me if Im wrong but could'nt a foundation be set up in her name and the donations go directly to The american cancer research society or The German Clinic research or even St.Judes research?
I mean why a P.O. Box in Beverly Hills????
The specifics of this Foundation are really blurred and I have to agree with J I will wait and see before I donate to a P.O box in Beverly Hills.
That is true foundations usually are just set up in a name to help with the cause and there should be somewhere that she wanted the donations to go to.
Usually when someone let's say died from Aids and the person or persons set up a foundation so the donations go to AMFAR or with Cancer it's usually The American Cancer Society or another named orginazation. This Farrah foundation headed by Alana seems very vague.
It's like people see the name Farrah fawcett and they get all crazy and starstruck, but always research before you send anything to any foundation until you know for sure who's hand your hard earned goes to and where.
Right! The last thing I want is my money going to someone so they can pay their mortgage or a trip to Gucci for a new pair of $700.00 shoes.
Or worse for some 67 yr old man to wine and dine some bimbo.
Anon 12:43
There is very little said in a 2007copy of Farrah Fawcett's will. I think you can go to wills.com or type in Farrah Fawcetts will and an article will come up that you can then get into and look at the will. But, no not much is mentioned about the Foundation and how it is to be run.
There is a provision however, that talks about some money going to qualified charities/organizations that are similar to what she started being called the Farrah Fawcett Foundation, if it is no longer in existence. So, she at least had some foresight into a possibility it might not stay afloat! Of course we hope all is legit and it does succeed!!! But caution and watching are my own personal thoughts.
Another thought is that after they are up and running they will release more information about what they are going to do with the money Farrah left to the Foundation and to donations that are given. We will have to see.
Hopefully, since you two are so obsessed with the legitimacy of the foundation, you have taken some time from writing on here all day to write to the foundation address and request the info you so desire, so you can make your donations without a single worry.
Ron Taft you need to go back to web design school.
My parakeet could have done a better job.
I mean really the picture of Farrah in the black dress is great,but overall it's cheap looking and it looks like it took 5 minutes to put that together.
But The Virgin Mary would like to give you a heartfelt thank's Oh damn I meant Alana Stewart would like to give you a heartfelt thank's.
The info should be on the web-site.
Since when do charity foundations now request you write them first to assure their crediabilty?
Why do legit questions always get some vague response from the Alana Ryan cult members?
Or some 3rd grade insult?
That alone says so much on what were dealing with!
I also take meds and I own that so before you come back with that old insult I just wanted to beat ya to it
And the meds FEEL GOOD BABY
I do have to admitt I really LOVE messing with the Alana and Ryan followers.
God it's so much fun!
You don't bother me one bit, because I could care less about you two. The only thing you hurt with your babble is the legacy and foundation Farrah and her friends worked so hard for. Hopefully, no one reading this takes anything you say seriously--no chance of that.
Write the Foundation and ask questions. It has already been stated on the web page that they are still setting things up....like a phone! When they have a phone and a real address, then I will make some inquiries.
And yes I have taken time to find out more about the Board Members. Interesting stuff when you can actually find the person(s). But, two lawyers is better than one, I'm sure!!
Anon 1:58
Another thing....nobody here is trying to hurt the Foundation or anyone who is setting it up. They are simply asking questions. With good reason and again I refer back to how this article started. Read it! It didn't make Alana sound so great and people are going to ask questions. They don't just take a "Hey We are open for your Money" for granted.
I have been a fan of Farrah Fawcett for more than 30 years. I truly want a Foundation in her name to be successful and help to do the ultimate goal of "Fighting Farrah's Fight"! It is people like you that think you know all the answers, but don't give any, that hurt the foundation, the people working to set it up and obviously you!
You have information...tell us. J
Exactly J Like I said many times I do hope this all goes well out of respect for Farrah,I really do hope Alana does right by her FRIEND.
But don't announce a cancer foundation on national tv and then have a website saying
no phones or email address yet. WTF????
Who's in charge of this Foundation? Tickle me Elmo?
Seriously, just curious, who's name attached to the foundation would make you trust it? Since her best friend, her estate trustee and the two drs. that tried to save her life aren't quite enough??
Please Alana and Ryan anons in no way shape or form am I trying to disrespect anything related to Farrah.
Alana and Ryan already did that!
I like Dr.Jacobs,Im not crazy about actor Lawrence Piro
I mean Dr.Piro. He 's so far up Ryan's ass it made me sick to watch them all on The Doctors.
Did'nt Kate jackson just a week ago come out in support of Craig Nevious?
So she must have found something out that was not so good on the part of Ryan or Alana.
Usually celebrities stick together on things of this nature and for kate to come public in defend Craig says something.
Anon you say I don't bother you?
Yes I do or you would'nt spend all
your time responding back.
Admit it I and the others who
ask real questions and question
a certain few people pisses you off.
Also if anyone is distrustful of those in charge of the Farrah fawcett Foundation,you can always give to St.judes or The American Cancer Society and you can do it for Farrah and her battle.
If you have any questions wait and see how the Foundation goes, in the times we live in you can't get away with anything but for so long and then if someone/s are doing anything wrong it will surface at some point.
Cancer is Cancer regardless of the name attached to the foundation,so St.Judes ect will do in the meantime. We all adored Farrah and one thing she stood for was truth and she would'nt be in the least upset with those who have doubts or questions concerning this foundation. Look at all the drama that started to take place in April 2009 and there is good reason for some to have doubt.
So like I said if you want to give in Farrah's honor and memory and not sold on the Foundation run by alana then give to one you do trust until you feel good giving to the FF Foundation.
If Alana was smart she would distance herself from O"Neal. I mean can any of you really say he's a decent guy? In May some he had a restraining order against him by this 20 year old girl for sex and this was right after he was on the Today Show claiming his love for farrah and not to mention hitting on his daughter at Farrah's funeral and out kissing and holding hands with another young girl the night of farrah's service.C'mon people wake up!
Amen Anon.
I remember that incident that your talking about.
And Farrah was really sick when that happened like a month before she passed.
That's really sick to do something like that when the mother of your son is dying and he did this in the parking lot of Farrah's condo,if im not mistaken it was a family friend and Ryan freaked her out by asking her for sex at a time when someone you say you love is suffering and barely alive. K
That's pretty funny how people that need to see proof on something like a charity will believe the tabloids like it's gospel with no problem at all!!
Anon 5:05
I believe it when Ryan himself says it in a magazine and it is his own words/quote. The guy has stated alot of his own faults to the world. So, it not junk tabloids that is gospel at all.
The charity is again a wonderful thing. Some are just watching to see how well it is handled before donating. We want to support a Farrah Fawcett Foundation, but want to make sure it is done on the up and up before we do! She, no doubt, would have done the same thing...check out a foundation or charity before giving her money and support. Why do you expect anything less than that from the rest of us.
And it does matter that her name is on the Foundation. Her fans will support it faithfully when they are sure it is doing what it is supposed to be doing, which is continuing to "Fight Farrahs Fight". I'll support it when I'm sure it is okay to do so.
And in closing this particular post, I have nothing against every single person on the Board of this Foundation. Just questioning some choices made for members of the Board!
I have read and re-read all of these posts. I have an honest and sincere suggestion for The Farrah Fawcett Foundation:
Have Dr.Jacobs or someone else like Jaclyn Smith or an actor/actress that Farrah respected and may have worked with do a PSA. Get someone other than Alana Stewart to talk about the Foundation on a program like 20/20 or Dateline or whatever.
If you want to launch this Foundation with the best possible response from the Fans of Ms Fawcett, then put someone out there, a Spokesperson, without alot of baggage and let them speak for the Foundation. Alana can still be the President without being the sole spokesperson for the launch of the Foundation. It would probably satisfy many and do wonders for PR!
Another point in question ... in regards to Alana ...
I'm SURE Farrah KNEW about Alana's 'fianancial worries' She must of nagged and whined through out the years to her! ... YET Farrah left NOTHING to her in her will! ... So much for a 'Soul Sister' as Alana claims they were! ... She wasn't even worthy of at least $100,000 like some people received! LOL hahahahhaha LOL ... I guess Farrah was telling her 'indirectly' GO FIND A REAL JOB! instead of leching on other people!
Farrah had the last laugh on ALL her 'friends' ... Showed them what she really thought of them!
feb 4th 8:33 that's a great idea and it will answer alot of questions and If jaclyn Smith is willing then she would be great for farrah's foundation.Im pretty sure most of us trust her she seems real no phony bullshit with Jaclyn.
Does anyone remember that woman who had a fradulant FF foundation right after Farrah died and it had a web-site for like a month until she got caught?
But anyway anon 8:33 feb 4th your idea is probably the best thing I read so far. I liked Dr.jacobs and I felt she really started to love Farrah and really kept farrah's spirit hopeful. Your right on with your post!
Finally someone with a brain. k
I think the foundation sounds exciting and very inspirational. I think Farrah would be very proud and I hope it does well. I imagine all her many friends will get invovlved, if asked. (Jaclyn Smith could sell ocean front property in Arizona!!) What a shame, though, the negativity and personal attacks anything on Alana spawns. Give it a chance, at least. I also think it's great Dr. Jacobs is involved. Her work is inspiring and gives hope. For a short time on Farrah's website, proceeds were collected for the dr. Does anyone know how that went?
Farrah Fawcett's friend Alana Stewart, criticized for cashing in on Farrah's legacy with a quickie book and for tarnishing her legacy with the exploitative Farrah's Story special on NBC, has announced the formation of The Farrah Fawcett Foundation "to provide funding for alternative methods of cancer research, clinical trials, prevention, and awareness, with an emphasis on anal and pediatric cancers."
Good luck to Ms. Stewart and all involved with the Foundation. Anything that keeps Farrah's hopes and dreams alive...I'm for!!
What in the world is Feb 3 at 5:44 talking about? I like how the website looks so far. It is simple and classy. I especially like the 'emblem'. Angel wings forming a heart--how appropriate.
As The Farrah Fawcett Foundation is now open, Jaclyn Smith needs to do some TV ads to support this non-profit organization. Farrah and Jaclyn were so close to each other. They were both born in 1947 in Texas. I sadly miss Farrah. Jaclyn did the correct thing in inheriting Farrah's fortune.
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