Greg Lott’s claims and evidence of a secret. late-life love affair with Farrah Fawcett are now creating a storm in Australia, as the story that broke in the UK and was reported here is now splashed across the Down Under version of OK! magazine.
We told you on August 29th that Lott had gone public in the Daily Mail with explosive revelations that he and Farrah had been secret lovers for the past eleven years. He produced not only photographs and memories but letters from Farrah, including one in which she writes:
"Sitting here missing you more than I can say and tell you, I had the most wonderful time with you Everything was more than perfect. Thank you for making it so special. No stressure. Great food, great weather, great sex, great, great you!”

The Texan Lott is well known in pop culture history as Farrah’s football hero boyfriend from the University of Texas at Austin who lost her to Hollywood. Articles from the time show that he and Farrah reconnected in the late Nineties after her split from longtime boyfriend Ryan O’Neal, and in 2006 he partnered with Farrah in running her website.
In the weeks before Farrah’s death from cancer, Lott contacted Tabloid Baby to complain that his formerly unlimited access to his dear friend had been cut off by Ryan O’Neal. Lott maintained a vigil in Los Angeles for months, until her death from cancer on June 25th.

Much of the OK! interview and details are identical to the those in the Daily Mail article. Lott goes farther in his attack oin O’Neal, however, calling him a “psychopath.”
The article also contains a very interesting paragraph amid the memories in which Lott says he no longer has plans for to write the book book he'd announced in July:
“For all his sincerity and sentimentality, Greg Lott is aware of how this looks—secrets revealed by the former lover of a celebrity. And Greg candidly admits that he’s had a checquered past, including two prison terms for drug trafficking. But he insists he’s not in it for the fame of the money (he was not paid for his interview or for the letters and pictures). “My critics will say I am a disgruntled lover from the ‘60s and I’m looking for a pay day,’ he says. ‘I’m wondering where that pay day might be. I’m not looking to write a book. I don’t have a books deal and I don’t have agenda. But I do have a broken heart and Farrah doesn’t have a voice any more. I would never have spoken out now except that some people are trying to rewrite history, What we had was very real. I am grieving.’”
CLASS ACT this guy! Why write a book when he can keep doing interviews?! Sorry, but he is a tacky bastard and selling out your supposed "lover" says more about him than this pretend relationship that exists in his head. Those notes and pictures don't mean too much, sorry.
And the fact that that dope of a blogger Texboy knew about the article before anyone else only supports many on the Hitman site that he IS Greg Lott. It's more than obvious - why else would some "hairdresser" spend 24/7 posting about some guy he just knows. Because he IS Greg Lott, that's why!!!!
Now let's watch him and Nikki (his blogging sidekick) spew out another 690 comments - seriously people, get a life. FF is DEAD. Let her memory rest and stop trying to dig up the dust of her grave. Have SOME respect.
Hold it anon, You have it all wrong.
I am no longer that 28 year old who shampooed , hilighted , and snipped Ms Fawcett's hair. My own
memories are my own. As for my 24/7 timeline you do not know my living arrangment or my financial stat's.
I am not Greg Lott, Greg is a friend. I was here, I know what I saw. WE TEXAS GUY'S STICK TOGETHER.
Why not look at the EAST TEXAS MENTALITY, and what it produced. Interview, after interview. No hours before this hit Tabloid Baby I was allowed to proof it. You are a mighty bold , anon.
But hey to be TEXAN we know how to overlook small minded WRITING ON BATHROOM WALL'S LIKE YOU DO !
It must interest you, you keep coming back for more ! Sad is Greg's book would have kicked the small amount lana kaye collins ever will write.
Mr. Boy: whether you are 28 or 48 or have your own money or are someone's at home hooker has no bearing on HOW MUCH you post. That is about YOU and your character. The aforementioned subjects have nothing to do with the intensity in which you post. It's too much. If you are so sure of yourself and your claims, step forward and identify yourself - maybe then I, and others, would take what you say with more authority. You are of course entitled to your opinions, but guess what hair boy, so is EVERYONE else on that site. YOU are not the authority, YOU were not FF's good friend and YOU were not the only person to have witnessed her relationships first hand so BACK THE HELL UP with your claims and moronic Texas threats cause they only make you look immature and close minded. Make sense?
P.S. There are several ANON folks posting here and there so don't assume we're all the same person.
I have left my profile and you have missed it.
I can now laugh, I have my own photos, my own small sweet gifts. But above all I can honestly say I have my own friends.
I say life is good. I no longer do hair- I know of a man who lives with a FREAK of a hairdresser, and trust this- HE IS A DAMN FREAK,THEYER BOTH FREAKS ! WHO WILL SOON HAVE LIGHT SHOWN ON HIM- So never understimate my silly little Texas post, OH ? AND JUST WHO IS THE AUTHORITY ? LOL !
Just a boy from Texas-
I dont make threat's- I never have .My hands are always clean, and will stay that way.
But this I can guarantee you I keep BIG JEB'S PHONE NUMBER ON SPEED DIAL !
So accusing me of a threat is funny.
Tough talk from a (former) hairdresser! LOL. If you revealed yourself once, do it again. Remind me. And why are you so obsessed with the Florida guy? He's done nothing to you. Perhaps to deflect attention off you?? Dude, you really need to lighten up, it's so embarrassing how you put such importance on protecting an old man that claims to have known Farrah. Who cares? Do you think he's the only guy to lay claim to a relationship with her? Who cares - really? Why does it matter. Many have made claims against Lott re her website and finances so let's see where it nets out. People WILL be surprised what is found at the end of the day, YOU watch. Your PERSONAL agenda here is obvious - as it has been stated over and over. It seems you are MORE than a friend to Mr. Lott. Maybe you did more than his hair!!!!
And P.S. to Mr. Boy: do you think we are all fools and don't doubt you post until TB as well as ANON? You spend ALL DAY EVERY DAY posting OVER AND OVER so it's pretty obvious to all what you are doing. Why not put your energy into something more productive? If you were so close to Farrah (which I do not believe) than go volunteer at a cancer ward, bring comfort to dying children. Honor Farrah THAT way and let Lott fight his only battle. Being bitch to an old man ain't cute TB, you should know that by now.
I'm Texan too and 'Texboy' is embarrassing us Texans.
I've been trying to figure out who he is too from his way more than 690 comments.
He seems to be either Greg Lott or Deranged or Greg Lott and Deranged.
'Texboy' was commenting about the Greg Lott Australia article before it ever broke on Tabloid Baby.
I'm glad the Tabloid Baby article described Lott as a 'football hero' and not a 'star quarterback' this time.
I hope we can all get back to our regular lives now, spared further false 'star quarterback' claims in news story about Mr. Lott, and not have to remember anymore just who were the starting quarterbacks of the Texas Longhorns during Lott's years on the team, 1965-1967.
(FYI: 'Marvelous' Marvin Kristynik (1965) and 'Super Bill' Bradley (1966-1967))
if Greg Lott is a 'friend' as you claim, the guy that's hurting him the most is not Ryan O'Neal.
It's you.
I don't think Greg Lott would want a celebrity-obsessed, blogging-obsessed, freakish embarrassment to us normal Texans for a friend.
You're destroying whatever image enhancement Lott is trying to achieve through these interviews.
I hope the 'pissing contest' over Farrah's past love life will end soon.
So please no grieving widower O'Neal stories anymore either.
Australian OK Magazine Where is the Lott interview?
If you are trying to discredit me then you LOOK AS DAMN STUPID AS YOUR POST.
Why did you ramble on for days about 1960's football, this was your post. WHY ARE YOU CALLING GREG LOTT A SUPERSTAR- ? YOUR POST.
You can go back, and bore that blog all you want but know this, GREG is not discredited. I know damn well how to discredit, and your UP !
MOTY...I know it was tastless to talk about , but charlie just went on and on ,and on about getting his playboy magazines from under the bed and he just had to ramble on about them.
ma alandra look like a pole cat an a skinny old lady is she friend of texas that boy of gregg
motis is it n here of gregg and that lov affraie they hat
angels charlie is you realy a coach an why i ast is you remembre bob bryant an that play
amontyvous why is it trash you tolt
amontyvous why is it trash you tolt
YOU GOT IT- LOL. I at times feel like I am posting with old grey, and frantic people.
what mosty taking bout ms fraahs nipple an it wus real
is mis mosty in here an is this that lot group
that wite gal to olt fur that lonk strangy har an all of tht sex with a man out our country an she hit it until hur book wus tolt and tha sattest of it is 2 mans figitin over ms farah an she is tha staran no on all that lie as god is god
an boty in her e and hi ms mosty
it a sex affairt on my ryand an th blond wite gul he was up on is tantum his on chile behin tha heardst god is god
willa i look for ms mosty and tryn to tel her mr facett run that skinny ass out ms frahas other room in that big tall hous she have
antandra say she just trash out that jasper countie over by henterson an she sleep all over as hur chech got cut off an she tore up from tha floor up an wat tht spook with orang skin back of te money he got
ms mosty is u in here
ms fraah lok so hapy wit my lott
The evidence is conclusive about 'Texboy' being deranged as clearly evidenced by his latest kook rants.
I rest my case.
Would Lott have come public about his affair with FF if 'A Wing and A Prayer' had remained 'A Wing and A Prayer' and not morphed to 'Farrah's Story'?
Maybe not.
The morphing of 'A Wing and A Prayer' to 'Farrah's Story' is arguably the start of the 'pissing contest' between Ryan O'Neal and Lott over who really was entitled to claim to be Farrah's 'Oliver Barrett IV.'
If Ryan O'Neal would have just learned to respect pieces of paper, such as the 2008 Sweetened by Risk LLC agreement between Craig J. Nevius and Farrah Fawcett, then maybe the 'No, I'm the real Farrah's 'Oliver Barrett IV'' pissing contest could have been averted.
Farrah chose to make Ryan her executor of her estate as her health failed - not Craig, not Greg, not Alana. Ryan. HE is the one she chose and whether she was in a weakened condition, she still made that decision before she was no longer able. Accept it people: Farrah decided who she wanted to be in charge of her affairs, who she wanted to finish the TV special, who she wanted around her. And it wasn't Craig, it wasn't Greg and it WAS Ryan and Alana. Craig and Greg can sit and ponder all day long about the hows and whys of the reasons they were cut loose but bottom line is that they were and while it sucked for them, that is what SHE wanted.
I seriously doubt that Ryan cares about Greg or Craig - why would he?? Both of those kooks put all their eggs into HER basket and in the end, their eggs got fried. Life sucks people, deal with it!
Texboy: do you not see how every person thinks you are a whack job?? Really? You don't see it? Except for that other cracker Nikki, EVERYONE can read your posts and see you are puppet for Greg so he can keep his hands clean and not be accused of slander later, that you ARE obsessed over Farrah which is BEYOND creepy and that you are some stay at home Texas queen who is sooooo bored with his life that you sit and eat in front of your computer all day posting over and over.
If for one minute you think that this is what FF would want from a "fan" (or fanatic in your case) than you are crazier than anyone on these sites could imagine.
Posting in broken English, half in caps, and making your unfounded claims, it is very easy to see that your elevator does not go to the top floor. You yourself admitted earlier that you have an "issue" - I'd say it's fair to assume you have a mental deficiency of some sort. Sad, but go back to your doc for the right prescription already!
And everytime someone hurts your feelings you promise to stop blogging. What do I have to say to make you stop FOREVER because I am more than happy to insult you so bad that you go and cry and never log on again. Just tell me - PLEASE!!!
To add to my post above I also eat old people's excrement and Angel Charlie uses twinkies as tampons!
So, Greg says Farrah was embarressed by the type of cancer she had. She wanted her girlfriends around. And it wasn't something a man should see. What did he think when she went to Germany and her dr. visits here in the states with Ryan? I know how I would take it.
Nice try Texboy - posting as ANON with your Twinkie comment. Seriously, why don't you just throw yourself under a bus? What are you, 12?
Anon 12:21 & 12:41---please don't go away. You are freakin' hilarious! And so right!
I'm anonymous @ 12:41 I forgot to add that I'm a registered sex offender and a PLUSHIE!
I do not care what you say about me.IT SHOW'S ! I do not post in ANAON LIKE YOU !
I post what I feel is true.
I might be a little royal ass, but a queen Im not.
I know who the queen is, this is what chaps you ass. I know that the queen lives with a queen, and they tried to do everything possible to loot, and steal, but they are now known. As for as my ass, it's a tight ass, NOT A FAT ASS LIKE YOUR'S- I set in a play room, with my gym and just did a nice workout- and despite your junk food remark, KS I do not eat junk food, well excpet for oatmeal cookies, and chocolate chip cookies, and cola- So as you mirrior you own sick fat ass comments on me I am good in knowing who ,and what I am.
SO CHARLIE- You waited , and waited ,and waited, to see GREG LOTT FRY- Well ? Tell me , where are the postal inspectors, or the FBI- BETTER YET THE GESTAPO ?
You fell for the wrong HITTMAN- and now your eating CROW- LOL
Just a nut who made threats, as well as posted that ton's of request come in to as why Greg did this, or greg did that- WOW SMART OLD MAN YOU ARE !
why would the German police be after Greg?
Oh and tell Keith that computer's and communication devices come in all shapes and sizes. I might be in Brook's Brothers looking for my dad a tie , and just relaxing and reading the rambelings of a mad idiot !
Orchid, you missed it- the GESTAPO
COMMENT is logged way back buried under that rubbish CHARLES posted.
It's all their.
OH and for the FAT ASS who tried to mirror their own fight the fat,
I have a nice trainer, and workout twice a week, the rest is set up and on schedule, I NEVER MISS A BEAT !
Junk Food ? That went out before my time- GREEN BABY GREEN !
Look out Harper Collins, Vanity Fair and ET....Greg Lott has pulled out the big guns--his minions Nikki and T-Boy. Be afraid....be very afraid.
I'm new to this but I am really curious about a few things,
Farrah was of sound mind and body up till approximately March or April, why didn't she have Mr. Lott visit her?
Who payed for Mr. Lott's trip to LA in April? Was it claimed as a business expense to the website?
I've read on a blog that he is washing cars, yet in his interviews
he claims to be a drug counselor?
Which is it? I am just having a hard time understanding if Mr. Lott is the love of Farrah's life and you are dying why you wouldn't have the love of your life with you? From what I've read, she was a very smart woman who didn't let people push her around.
What is the most hysterical yet is that 3 muskeeter group are going to be on THE DOCTORS, -LOL Imagine ?
So that little show will be a bright spot in your little life !
CURIOUS CAT- You can be a drug counsler and still wash cars.
Mr. Lott spent his own money on the trips to Ca, To doubt that he was banned from visiting Farrah is just what Those 2 people left alone with her is what they wanted you to read.
CALL WILSHIRE- Ask Ms Curry, ask the doormen ? He tried. FARRAH WAS TOUGH, BUT FARRAH WAS NOT MEAN-We were fed garbage and told she was doing great, when in fact the last 75 days of her life are to be questioned.
Thanks for the response, but I am still trying to understand if Farrah loved Greg, why was she with Ryan and not Greg? No one forced her to be with Ryan. I'm very confused at to why there is all this fussing about who she wanted to be with?
Because some people cannot accept that she was with whom she wanted to be with. With Ryan. With Alana.
Nobody told Farrah what to do.
Thank you,
I think it should be plain and simple, she chose to have them in her life. She chose them to be there. I just went through this with a family member and it is terrible to go through. I think you really have to love someone to hold their hand and be there while they go through this proces. I don't understand all this fighting and trying to prove that Greg was her lover. I would think that she would have had him there long before if that was who she wanted there. I just hate seeing her memory drug through the mud. Thanks
Curious cat,
Their were some very serious charges made toward Greg. If a court were to pull him in and rape everything about him, and his past
present You would have learned then of the romance, the love, and why he was not their.
See had all of these charges made on him, as well as his relationship with Farrah it would have played out in court. THIS I DO NOT THINK THOSE OTHER 2 WANT TO HAPPEN.
Greg is basicly defending a love, and clearly those who wronged him.
Farrah was in no condition to call shots- !
Curious, just watch your local Tabloid talk show's.
Greg is going to be under a reputable crew, as well as better lighting, REAL LIGHT- In the near days.
No Greg was refused to be allowed to enter and say good bye.
I can tell you that after you pass the 8th floor before you get to my own foyer on the 13th floor you pass a second regeime of security.
It was not an easy pass for Greg.
Plus Now at my home in the country the access is easy, you do not live a free life. When Farrahs personal things were said to be discovered it threw those 2 into a frenzy- THEY PUT THE GUARD UP-
Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear!! There must have been a good reason we didn't know about the Greg Lott/Farrah affair before....either it was meant to be kept a secret, or it just wasn't true.
Ok, I guess what I really want to know is when Farrah was diagnosed with cancer why didn't dump Ryan and have Greg come be with her? It couldn't of been because she didn't want a man there, no one was holding her hostage so if Greg is the love of her life why wasn't he there? If I were dying, I would want the love of my life, the person I could count on there. I quess that is the question and there hasn't been a straight answer, I feel like just alot of speculation and fighting over this strong and beautiful woman.
Agreed....I think Farrah was one of the toughest women we could ever hope to come across--you can bet she had the person she wanted with her all along.
The 'Hitman blog' has officially 'jumped the shark' a long time ago. I loved Farrah. I will choose to believe what she wanted us to believe. She presented to us a love of Ryan, Alana and her family. Anything else is just rumor---- or just not true.
Keith Sunde is the guy hiding behind the anonymous blog. He is known around the internet and e-bay as a pyscho who tries to police copyright infringement for Farrah. However, he has never had that authority from Farrah, me or her Lawyers. Keith Sunde and his partner Michael Quick worked for Farrah as her assistants. They were so incompetent that she fired them. They were insensitive during one of her mother's illnesses in Houston. While Farrah and I were there together in Houston they demanded their paycheck and didn't care what the situation was with her mother. Later they called her Father Jim and said they had seen things that might embarrass Farrah. They wanted $4000 to go back to Florida. Her dad said he didn't care what they had. Keith wormed his way back in with Farrah's mother bay sending her Tabloid Magazines when she was 90 years old. Keith is the CLASSY GUY at the funeral with the laminated poster. Also, Keith is with witholding Fight The Fight t- shirts and Bobby Steele photographs that belong to Farrah and the website. They are for charity.
ANOTHER ANONYMOUS POST BY TEXBOY!!!!! He just cuts and pastes Lott's B.S. re the Florida guy. Give it a rest you freak. How many times did you inhale when you did old lady perms??? Seriously - let it go already!!! You are obsessed with him because your master Greg tells you to be. I have never, ever seen such a pathetic excuse for a human being in my life. Farrah would NEVER have wasted time with your kind. You are sick and twisted and an INCREDIBLY lonely creep.
Get a life dude, really. Give it up already - Farrah didn't know or care about you and you are bordering on a disorder.
Cat Fight!
AND MS , DEBBIE- You love it.
Is there some kind of “Freak Out” manual for Blog commenting I’m not aware of out there somewhere?
I mean “OMG“
This is either two teenaged “Drama Queens”
Or two Middle aged drama “QUEENS”
I mean really???
You expect us to believe that this is the arguing style of two full grown adult “MEN”????
Pull in the claws “Ladies”
Let’s move on shall we?
TBoy, can you post a link to the OK article?
MOTY, Sure.
First, the original is uk daily news,
second that say's Red is ok with all of this is basicly one that will take you back to the original.
www.zimbio.com They will refere you to the original .
I will look for the original OK article link....OK MAGAZINE-
Give me a sec.
Ok the OK Magazine article is not out yet. Possbly today, but it can be found when it is out by looking up WWW.OKMAGAZINE.COM- enter Greg Lott in search.
I am not finding it now,so it is possibly not listed yet ?
I read the rough cut before it was to go to print, and listed here is the UK first story. I will try again, but for now WWW.ZIMBIO.COM has the article , just enter Greg their in the ZIMBIO search.
I did do the search which is why I'm asking for a link. lol
MOTY, Ok I proofed it with Greg.
I read the article from the editor
as Greg signed off on it- My mistake in not having a date of release.
I can go and copie the original, the one I received- It is not easy as the photo's are set between the print- again it was the rough cut.
I will go back and request a link.
MOTY, For now until it is published it is listed above, just click on the photos,article and this is it.
MOTY....The OK AUSTRALIA ARTICLE WILL BE ONLINE TOMORROW- I leaked it too soon, it will also be in Anerican OK on stands this week.
Greg will be on INSIDE EDITION,
the dates are pending- Will post asap.
All this fighting over Farrah and her loves. Bottom line, nothing will change, maybe A wing and a prayer will get redone, but at the end of the day, She chose Ryan, Alana, Mela, Tina and Joan, to mention a few. She could have had anyone she wanted with her, it was her will and choice. Greg will still not get a Goodbye, he will have exactly what he has now. So after all the hoopla, when all this fighting is said and done, he still goes away by himself. This is playing out like a jealous, scorned lover. To top it off it, doesn't make Farrah sound so good. She had two lovers and one is scorned and hurt. Redmond and her father are trying to heal. Life goes on painfully, sadfully and everyone needs to get on with their lives. Blogging and fighting and lowering yourselves to such sad behavior trying to see who can be the toughest and who's going to win isn't a life. She would hate this. This is not being done for her, it's being done for yourselves. The energy is so negative. Say a prayer, make a donation in her name and go enjoy your life and loved ones.
I agree with you on one area, We have dared to say Farrah was a saint. I cannot set and truly believe she was a saint. To be honest what saint could stand in a room with that group you mention, and die a saint !
I do consider Farrah an ANGEL- DEAR GOD LOOK AT THE TRASH SHE DELT WITH- I was not their at her death bed, people were threatened with being killed, as well as all that has followed. Why was it such a question as to it being an ordeal for Farrah to decide on rather she wanted to be filmed bald, and lana thought it would be cute, so it was added, if Farrah questioned that part of the film, do you think she agreed that a bedroom scene so morbid, and her son in chains was any better ? I dont think so. I feel the film was done without Farrah's input, as well as the threats from Those you mention causing a man who worked harder behinde a camera than lana did, after all she had to learn how to turn the damn thing on- LOL Sorry but to continue to sweep reality under the rug is denial.
I again say Craig was very right in the fact that had Farrah Lived and watched, TRULY WATCHED that film, HIS ASS WOULD HAVE BEEN GRASS. She was after all much more powerful than oneal- So yes your take is sweet, honorable yet it is flat denial in how so many were treated, all in the name of FARRAH'S STORY- and to think that was Farrah's Story is a laugh, Her life was far and wide admired the world over- 3 YEARS OUT OF HER LIFE WAS HELL- But Her story is way beyond that 2 hour tabloid movie-
Learn how to spell. It's not "their" it's there you dolt. Damn, you really slow.
You weren't there because you had NO REASON to be there. You weren't a good friend, so don't even suggest you had the opportunity to be there. Delusional little Texan!!!
Why don't you just admit that you are in cahoots with Lott and Craig - you sit and post for them like a boy secretary. You are obviously a puppet for them which is sad and tragic. They will sell you out when your usefulness is over, just watch. They are making their fall guy and you're dumb enough to be used like that.
Anon Sept. 8-7:40 pm: So very, very true.
OK ANON Be fair, one word out of that post is not so bad.
Why do you think they would use me ?
Really , honest to God fill me in ?
Yopu do not need to give a name it's cool, but tell me why , w/out tearing my apart.
Trying to be fair !
This is all absolutely crazy. Did Greg ever think that his relationship with Farrah might be the one thing that she could and did keep from the Public. She was a private person. She may have had a relationship with Greg and obviously wanted it to be kept private. This seems to be the ONE thing that the public didn't know about. Yes, we knew about Greg when he and Farrah were younger, but not when they were much older. She wanted to keep it that way. Out of the public eye. And it was until she died. Then all of the sudden, It's an issue. I guess my question is why tell now? What purpose does it serve Greg, Farrah, or anyone one else? I have nothing against Greg, but telling all now doesn't seem to be keeping the secret that Farrah wanted. So, again, Why tell now. What purpose does it serve other than to set of a frenzy of debates, arguments, backbitting, name calling, disgusting conversation that should have never taken place. ME: I SIDE WITH FARRAH!
Texboy - I think you are truly being used by Greg (and maybe now Craig) because it's easier for them to get out their message and avoid getting their hands dirty this way. Technically, it's not THEM typing out these messages, it's not "their" words, but rather YOURS so when and if a lawsuit comes down, technically it was not THEM putting out this B.S. and slander. Think about it - you are being set up. Nothing wrong with you having an opinion (altho you really do play up the dramatics) but watch YOUR back because you will be used and tossed when no longer needed.
And in the end, it is Farrah's memory that is being damned in all this negative back and forth blogging. She was not this kind of person in life so I doubt she would appreciate or approve of it in death. People should just celebrate her memory and let the courts and karma figure out the rest.
Farrah was hot. Why would she want that old bag of bones Greg Lott in her bed?? She could have anyone. That guy is old, gross and desperate. He should use his car washing money to buy a toothless hooker. Sure there are plenty of those in Texas.
Have you seen Ryan in the past 10 years????
Bloated alcoholic with man tits,not to mention an ass full of cellulite.
And you say Greg is old,well FF must have seen something in him for 45 yrs.
Leave texboy alone and calling him names about his sexual orientation shows what a hillbilly low life you are.FF loved the gay community
Lott is something of a mystery man himself. He was divorced from his wife of nine years last January and had been unemployed for sometime, say friends. He also has a troubled past, according to Texas Monthly and two Texas newspapers. He served a year in federal prison in the '70s after being arrested while driving a truckload of marijuana from Arizona to New York. In 1982 he was arrested on a federal cocaine charge and served three years in prison. Lott, who worked as a drug counselor with inmates after he was released, has been clean and sober for more than a decade. He did not answer PEOPLE'S requests to interview him for this story.
Lott has long carried the torch for his college sweetheart. Last year he hung out with former exotic dancer Tosha Douglas, 32, and often talked to her about Fawcett. "He compared me all the time with Farrah," says Douglas, who claims she declined the older man's advances. "He'd say 'Oh, you look a lot like her in her younger years. You present yourself just like Farrah.' He'd get this faraway look in his eyes when he talked about her. And he finally got it to happen. I think they're just playing off each other's troubles." (People Mag 1999)
So Greg leaves his wife, because Farrah has left Ryan, because he is obsessed with Farrah and then she dumps his butt to run back to Ryan and there she stays until her death. During the 3 years she knew she had cancer, she had Ryan at her side and did not ask Greg to be there.
Does anyone here know if Keith Sunde was actually ever fired by Farrah like some keep saying? He was invited to the funeral after all.
farraym reports everything to keith
he's a wack job who stalked farrah
watch him people he's a bit off
The Whack jobs on the other blog need to get some sleep. Makes you really wonder about two people who are always on here day and night. That might explain the bitter hostile behavior. Why are they on there so much? Why don't they seem to get much sleep? Why do they try to run everyone off who doesn't agree with their opinion? Why don't they have anything better to do with there lives that worry about others lives and slander people?
Too late we saw them before you removed them!!
Yeah, they are going to their own little room! One of them has nothing better to do than blog and comment all day and night. Must not have much of a life. The other one is a mousy brunette who hides behind a blonde alter-ego. Wonder if her boss knows she blogs all day?
Oh and if you need to find her without her having to put her email up for everyone to see, Facebook works, just find her blonde alter ego. Follow the Farrah trail, follow the Farrah!
Where on Facebook? I think it would be better if these two actually stated WHO they were since they are so firm in their beliefs and that there is only ONE side to this story - theirs! Ha! I always thought there were three sides to every story but not according to these two.
Who are they and why are they SO adamant in their hate for Ryan, Alana and now Keith? And why do they take Greg's word as gospel re Keith? Maybe Greg is covering his own butt buy trying to get Keith in trouble. Possible? Maybe so people.
Poor woman will never get to rest in peace or dip her wings in the rain. She's probably too busy trying to fan all the flames everyone is throwing. Really disrepectful,what gives you all the right? What gives you the right to trash her memory, her choices, her life, her loves and friends? I hope that someone does to you people what you are doing.
Absolutely pathetic!! Why doesn't someone answer that! What gives you the damn right to heap this trash and sit in judgement. I'd love to hear those two answer that one! Your lives must be very empty. Shame on you!!!
Just follow the Farrah trail on Facebook. The other blog has a facebook too. This garbage all started with the bitter Greg Lott. He blames Ryan for shutting him out towards the end, but for three years while she was going through the cancer, she didn't ask Greg to be at her side, she asked Ryan. She tried to be loving and friendly towards everyone. Apparently, Mr. Lott can't handle it and has to try and turn everything into she loveddd him. So she had a fling with him temporarily while her and Ryan were broke up. Something old, fuzzy and comfortable. It wasn't who she wanted and now there is this ugly National Enquirer drama going on. Have to feel sorry for Lott for a minute as he has allowed this to consume and destroy his life. Doesn't matter what we think of Ryan, Farrah chose him!! Why it affects these other two and is so important to them is beyond comprehension. They have terrorized just about anyone who has an opinion different than theirs and have said horrible things regarding others and taken no responsibility. Pretty sad.
Excuse me Anonymous but, Farrah Fawcett is not a Poor woman that will never get to rest in peace or dip her wings in the rain. She's probably too busy trying to fan all the flames everyone is throwing. She is in the Best Possible Place...with God. She no longer has to concern herself with anyone "left behind". Please don't assume that you know what she's doing in Heaven! No one can know that but the Father himself.
As for dipping her wings....you better believe that she has and will continue too. God is good all the time!!!!
Cathy, First off my comment was sarcastic. I am not a blogger and do not like blogs. I happen to be looking at something this morning that led me to an article on this site and to another blog. I was so disgusted as to what I read. So maybe my comment was more emotion than belief. I admired Farrah and had no idea that all this gossip and scandal existed. Sorry I found it. I found it very harmful to her memory. Yes I believe in God, very much so, that I believe that she is protected by God and in a much better place. If I knew how to blog I would of posted on the other site. God says the tongue is most wicked, in this case I guess it is now the fingers. I pray that all of this terrible gossip stops and that the people who loved her are allowed to heal. This was my first attempt at posting and my last. I knew there was a reason I didn't think too much of it. I want to have a good day and not fight with anyone. Have a good day.
First of all I do not know Greg and second as I stated before I do not Hate Alana or Ryan. Some of the things said in Vanity fair were kinda uncalled for and not a great tribute to Farrah. All this garbage that cathy me and texboy are having sex with greg is way out of line.
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