The tabloids know a good love story when they see one. Thanks in great part to publications like OK! magazine's international editions (in this case, Mexico), Greg Lott's secret autumn romance with college sweetheart Farrah Fawcett is getting as much play as Ryan O'Neal's real-life version of his movie from 1970.

El Grego is a creepo. Real gentlemeno don't kiss and tello.
Same baseless story, reprinted in a magazine that NO ONE reads! Didn't see this story in Time, Newsweek, People, US, etc... Give it a rest Greg because no one believes or cares about your sad secret boyfriend tale!
Why do people keep on giving this guy another minute to his way too long 15 minutes of fame? No one knows for sure if he really was Farrah's secret lover, but he does keep providing proof that he WAS a shitty friend.
Ouch! That must hurt, she loved El Grego so much that she chose to have a child with Ryan and CHOSE to have Ryan by her side on this journey one must take one's self. She was trying to be nice and let you off easily. Keep convincing yourself that the sweet notes, the kind she wrote to many people are her undying love for you El Grego, El Stupido!!! The others are right. No one believes you, no one cares about your 15 minutes of fame. You just prove that you were a lousy friend, no gentleman, trying to prove to yourself that you mattered, because you must not have that much.
If Ryan had not started the "No, I'm Farrah's Oliver Barrett IV" pissing contest with his tortious interference in Farrah's and Craig Nevius' "A Wing and a Prayer" video diary, then Lott very likely would have chosen to remain silent.
Lott is just counterbalancing Ryan's grandstanding on Farrah's grave.
There was no pissing contest as far as who she wanted with her. Farrah chose Ryan, plain and simple. Anyone with eyes could see that. So Lott is willing to betray a friend just to upstage some guy he never even met?
Hey Angel Charlie: stop proving how stupid you are by making comments that Ryan's actions. YOU don't know him, know how he felt about Farrah and anyone with half a brain cell would realize that Ryan's actions have ZERO to do with some washed up ex-con in Texas. Do you really think Ryan has proactively conducted himself in a way to discredit a man who seems to do it very well on his own?? Wake up, you are as delusional as the others sometimes.
So if Ryan wouldn't have 'interfered' with the documentary, nobody would have ever heard of Greg Lott, he would have just gone away and not cashed in on his friend's death?? Yeah, right.
Gee, can anyone solve the big mystery of who that last Anonymous comment was?
Someone needs to get a dictionary and look up 'unhinged' and 'rageful'. Pointing out the facts that you cannot possibly know someones motives or thoughts if you've never even met them is just common sense, hardly 'unhinged'. Drop the drama.
"Farrah chose Ryan, plain and simple. Anyone with eyes could see that."
These Ryan bitches delude themselves into thinking someone cares about them or O'Neal.
They cat fight someone that points out that Ryan's revival of Oliver Barrett IV was the catalyst for Lott, since Lott said "They're trying to rewrite history and Farrah no longer has a voice."
Farrah certainly didn't indicate 'chosing' Ryan at the funeral.
Her letter to Ryan said "when she figures out what they had, she'll tell him."
That definitely doesn't sound like she 'chose' him.
These Ryan bitches are a good indication why real America hates Hollywood.
It's time for Lott to Fade to Black.
Previous anonymous, did you see the documentary or Chasing Farrah? Was that a Ryan body double Farrah was with? Or maybe someone was holding a gun to her head outside of camera view? She is clearly loving and affectionate with him for many years. So, one would belive it is LOTT trying to rewrite history, no?
And really, I could care less what anyone here thinks of me. It's pretty clear who the truly delusional ones are.
Why is it if you state the obvious you are somebodys 'bitch'? Angel Charlie is nobody's bitch I guess because he hates everybody!!
Farrah hated this 'tabloid mentality'. Why can't people just let it be and just believe the things she showed us, whether you like the people or not?
Just my thoughts.
Anonymous/Angel Charlie,
Farrah cared about Ryan. She went to him when he became ill. She had a son with him. She asked him to go to Germany with her. She asked him to go to dr. visits with her. She shared her and his relationship with Chasing Farrah viewers. He was a huge part of her life whether you approved or not.
The above has nothing to do with being a 'Ryan bitch', it's called fact.
There are 'facts' for and against Ryan and for and against Lott.
Farrah did not have a monogamous life.
That's why Ryan should have left 'A Wing and a Prayer' to Nevius to finish and not revived Oliver Barrett IV.
What is wrong with people? Farrah was with Ryan for how long? Do you think Farrah was dumb and couldn't find her way out of a paperbag and that is why she was with him for so many years. Get a grip, she loved him, she chose him over and over again for over 30 years. All this nastiness, lott business and everything else is like vomit that missed the toilet. Sorry to be so crude, but really people, exactly why is it everyone's business? Why does anyone have the right to be so nasty at a sad and sorrowful time? If you have a vested interest than spill it otherwise Get a life, move on and let that family grieve in peace.
No matter who had creative control of Farrah's Story, it was powerful and beautiful. It was definately 'her' story. I watched it twice and remember very little attention paid to the Ryan/Farrah relationdhip. For it to be ignored would have been a lie. So to say it is a revival of Oliver Barret for Ryan is far from true. It touched on all the important aspects of her being who she was: friends and family being a HUGE part her.
It was 100% Farrah and it affected a lot of people no matter who you think interfered.
Anonymous at 10:41, Oct. 2:
Don't let the haters bother you. It just shows you how far gone they are by some of the things they say: ..."These Ryan bitches delude themselves into thinking someone cares about them or O'Neal". Do you really think Farrah would even give the time of day to someone who speaks like that about her fans or her family?
Try to ignore them. Just like all the other haters, one by one, they are all going away.
If any of you read Tatum's book you would know how effed up Ryan and Farrah's relationship was. Co dependence and abuse come to mind.
The fact that some of you are defending a man that beat the shit out of his children says a lot about you.
Who said anything about defending Ryan's relationship with his children? We're talking about the fact that he was Farrah's chosen companion. Try to stay on subject.
Dearie we are on the subject. Tatum's book outlines the abuse that she witnessed from Ryan towards Farrah and Redmond.
Try and keep up toots.
I don't know what's true or not, I wasn't there. But if Farrah was able to forgive and get past it, why can't you? I really don't think it's any of your business.
When is this "story" gonna rest?
As an outsider, Greg makes himself look worst with each story that's printed. I thought he was writing a book? Guess he "shopped it" and no one would buy it? So now he's doing interviews to tabloids, celebrity magazines.
I have the American edition of OK! there is 1 photo of Farrah & Greg (the one from Hitman's site) 1 photo of Farrah by herself in an off white tank top with fur around the color of her sweater plus 4 pieces of the "notes". I don't understand why Greg keeps doing this. Cherish the memories you have; move on.
I agree, Farrah needs to be able to rest already. If Farrah was your loved one, would you enjoy seeing stuff like this?
I'm not a "Ryan Lover"; it's time to show Farrah some of the respect she hasn't gotten much of. She's not here to defend anything.
It's a wonder Ms. Fawcett was able to trust anybody. Is this what a friend does to you when you are gone? Surely there is a more honorable way to make some money than 'out' your friend/lover when she is no longer around to defend herself.
Also, why are the only pictures he keeps using from so long ago? If you where in a 'love affair' with Farrah Fawcett, wouldn't you have plenty of pictures?
The damage is done, Greg, but what a sad, unkind way to 'honor' your 'friend'. Just because you can no longer see her, doesn't mean she can't see you.
Farrah was beautiful, creative, soulful, imperfect. Why do we have to dissect her every choice in life? Leave her be. She had a wonderful, colorful life. Every path she walked was by choice. PLEASE respect her and leave it go.
Anything else is disrespectful and worthless.
If you feel that it's nobody's business then what are you doing on a gossip blog? If O'Neal didn't think their relationship was "anyone's business" then he wouldn't have spoken to Vanity Fair, The Today Show, Barbara Walters, etc...
As for Greg, I understand that he wants his voice hear but don't think any of these venues are the right place to do it, or any venue for that matter. Then again, after the nastiness on the hitman pr blog perhaps he felt he had no other choice.
As for Ryan, I fully expect to see him out with a memoir within a year to a year in a half. Going by his candor and frankness in the VF article, I don't think there will be anything left to the imagination as far as a book goes.
I'm a big Farrah fan, but there is no way in hell I would stay with anyone who physically abused their kids like Ryan did. That is indefensible. I read a review somewhere that said Farrah's best acting work was when she played abused/mistreated/misunderstood women. Perhaps there is more to that then we will ever know.
Leave her (Farrah) be?
How about: Leave El Grego be.
Look at all the sophomoric postings from Ryan bitches calling Lott a 'creepo' etc.
Dear Lord, why don't you get it? There's a very BIG difference:
Again, the truth doesn't make you a 'Ryan bitch'. It just is what it is. That's not sophmoric-it's elementary.
Here is a thought for all you people out there being dubbed as Ryan's bitches: Aren't you being lumped into the same catagory as Ms. Fawcett herself?? Doesn't seem like much of an insult when you think of it that way!
I don't see what Farrah has to defend herself from.
A lot of "Ryan's Bitches" got the shit beat out of them. Farrah, Anouk Aimee, Anjelica Huston, and Joanna Moore to name a few.
The "truth" is that Farrah was in a unhealthy, abusive relationship that she was never able to fully get away from.
When are facts cold, judgmental, and nasty dear. Why don't you look up those words and get back to us.
Going by what O'Neal himself and his children have said, that legacy includes adultery, addiction, and abuse. Not exactly something to be proud of is it?
"When are facts cold, judgemental, and nasty dear."----When the are worthless and unkind, I guess. THANK GOD you aren't the one passing judgement at Heaven's gate--nobody would get in. Are you actually a Farrah fan or just a Ryan hater? No matter how many mistakes she made, she was a beautiful, gifted, talented person. The flaws in her life and the people she loved made her who she wasand defined her legacy.
Who are you to judge? And really, what IS your point other than just having the last word?
Does anyone know how to contact Bruce McBroom? The photographer who shot Farrah's poster?
Worthless and unkind? What is worthless and unkind? Again Miss Piggy you seen to not know what the definition of some of the words you spout out are.
Passing judgment? Hon you need to get your head out of your ass and face facts. You sound like one of Ryan and Alana's flunkies.
Who am I to judge? Judge what snookums, beating your kids, a man that beats women, someone that did drugs in front of his children, someone that used their partner's illness/death for their own personal gain. Oh yes we shouldn't have an opinion about that, how dare we JUDGE someone that beat the shit out his daughter!
Baby cakes I think you have some deluded view of Farrah and Ryan's relationship. The title of the Vanity Fair article says it all BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE UGLY CHOICES.
Oh my, I guess you would know all about dysfunction and abuse. Sounds like you are taking this all a little too personal. Your good at the name calling. That's not emotional abuse is it? Can't take a little truth or heat so we start calling people names, using profanity,get defensive, looks like you have your own issues with abuse. Maybe that is why you so clearly recognize it and take this so personally. Why don't you just out yourself a little more and tell us what your connection is?
This should be about Farrah, her fight against cancer and the good things she did for domestic violence organizations. She was a very talented artist and great human. Her personal choices and dysfunction is not ours to criticize. You know what they say about speaking ill of the dead. Mr. Lott really honored her memory, all these people fighting, slandering and scandalizing her life. He should be proud of himself. The very things she so hated. True fans and loved ones would respect her memory not jump on the bashing wagon. There sure has been alot of verbal abuse on these blogs, and everyone bashes Ryan and Farrah's choices. Seems like a mirror effect. I'm sure there is a professional couch somewhere just waiting.
Amen, brother (or sister!).
Dumpling, I worked at a domestic violence shelter so yes I know about abuse and dysfunction. I also know about denial, delusion, excuses, and so on... You and Mr. O'Neal seem to have that in common. What truth is that doll? That Ryan O'Neal was a drug addict for most of the 30 years that they were together, that Ryan physically abused his kids and Farrah? That Ryan used Farrah's illness as a way to nudge back into the spotlight? Yes, we know the truth, you however you don't want to accept it or have some fangurl fantasy that it was some beautiful love story. That was a movie, not real life.
All of those things are a part of Farrah's history. Baby I have no issues with abuse but you obviously have some fetish for people that are self destructive to themselves and others because you obviously hero worship Ryan. Calling someone stupid (you)isn't emotional abuse when there's truth in it. The fact that you are defending an abuser says far more about you emotional and mental state then you will ever know, and it's not pretty.
Farrah had shitty taste in men. Case closed, enough said, period. Just in case you have forgotten you are on a blog called "tabloid baby", if you don't like or can't handle it then I suggest you go somewhere where everything is Thomas Kinkade and Precious Moments. Do you know what a tabloid is? You are on a gossip blog telling people not to gossip. Think about that. We aren't speaking ill of the dead, we are speaking ill of the living, try and keep up.
Dear you can't be helped if you are this delusional on a internet forum. Yes I think you need to spend time with a shrink, maybe you can figure out why have some need to defend abusers.
I would like think you were smart enough to understand that both Ryan and Farrah exposed their lives for personal gain one way or another. Farrah with the TV Land reality show and Ryan with the EXTENSIVE Vanity Fair article that LARGELY FOCUSED on their dysfunctional relationship with his FULL COOPERATION AND INPUT. You are railing on and on about how people shouldn't talk about the negative when Ryan opened the floodgates of it and I'm sure most people here bought the VF issue that exposed more about Farrah then anything she had ever done.
Let me ask you are you still going to be defending him and their relationship when the tell all memoir comes out? Believe me it will and it won't be pretty. One thing I give him credit for is that is candid and frank. Unfortunately that is not going to help her legacy or his.
I don't know who you think you are calling dumpling or baby, but there are a few anons on here, it isn't just one. You have your anons all mixed up. And you probably did work at a domestic violence shelter doing community service. And yes the way you speak to people is very disrespectful and considered abusive. What is your vested interest in Farrah's life? You seem awfully angry and hostile. And yes we know that this is a gossip blog. Quite aware! That doesn't mean that it has to be nasty and distasteful or abusive, which is alot of what you spew trying to one up everyone and be the most insulting. You just don't like other people's opinions. Everyone is quite aware of Ryan's bad behavior and reputation, but like I said before, there may be a mirror reflection going on, I am sure you are feeling it. I am not and have not defended Ryan's behavior. I just observed that there was some very hostile and abusive things being said, while people are going on about Ryan's behavior they are behaving badly themselves. Also it wasn't Ryan who opened the flood gates, it was the now infamous Mr. Lott. Your right about giving Ryan credit for being honest whether it be good, bad or ugly. That seems to be more than Mr. Lott is capable of, though that may not be saying much. It sounds like your not much of a Farrah fan either. So what is your reason for even being here except to be obnoxious and try to one up the other bloggers? Your comments regarding Farrah aren't exactly nice as you are speaking of a deceased person. Oh yeah, we aren't remembering or discussing Farrah, you want to gossip about the living. You really are angry about something with them aren't you? I think we all know who needs to spend time on a couch. You are obviously the one railing on and on. This is just a little too personal to you for some reason, that I'm sure you don't have the guts to reveal. You are very passive-aggressive, so when you want to rant and rave make sure you know who your speaking to or about. You may want to go back to the shelter and do some more work, you could really use the help. I suppose you think it is ok to call someone names when there is truth in it? Ok, that's a cop out and excuse for your bad behavior. I'm sure you do know delusional and denial. You waiver back and forth between them. Don't waste your time railing back at me, this is just a gossip blog and I won't be back to waste my time with someone who obviously has some serious issues of their own. I prefer to find something positive than wallow in the negative. But then I am sure that some might find your hostile rantings entertaining while you behave like a moron.(Sorry, couldn't help but take a page out of your book for a moment)
I will say a prayer tonight for healing for you, as I do for many, including Farrah's family.
Blessings to All in these troubled times and Goodnight.
Dear All ...
You'll NEVER guess who I received a letter, and two signed 8 x 10 photographs from, this morning! ... I WISH I could say it was Farrah LOL ... BUT NO ... it was Mr. Ryan O'Neal!!!!!!!! I was touched!!! Honestly!
I'm having a change of heart on Mr. O'Neal! :) I take back ALMOST all of the negative things I've said about him. He really is replying to the letters Farrah had received, as he stated in an interview. I thought it was BULLshit, BUT now I can confirm that it is TRUE!
There was no return address on the envelope. Anyway, I open it up and to my SURPRISE it was the letter and photos from Ryan O'Neal! One of the photos was of Farrah, pre signed (obviously) but the Ryan photo was not. In any event, I'm eternally greatful for the reply, and if anyone here has contact with Mr. O'Neal, please let him know my thoughts!
Yes, Michael I received one also-last week. When I sent Farrah a note of my thoughts and well wishes, I never expected or wanted anything in return. Just knowing that my card got to her means more to me than anything.
That has been the point of so many on here and other blogs for a long time now. Just because someone has made mistakes (even horrible ones) does not mean they don't truly love someone and are incapable of doing good, kind things. People need to let go of the hate. It does no good and it is nothing but ugly and disrespectful.
ANOTHER anonymous
Lady you're crazier than a shit-house rat! Put the meth pipe down and find a rubber room to check yourself into.
Paragraphs are your friend. Also you must have been drunk or high because you babbled the same thing over and over again. Some advice, stop babbling and find a dictionary. The less you write when you are foaming at the mouth, the more coherent you will sound.
Puddin I'm not angry, I'm a realist you however either live in fantasyland or have your own co-dependency/abuse issues and are projecting them on here. Time to work on those rageoholic issues, you are melting down on a internet blog, God only knows how you handle real life (my guess is that you don't).
Pot meet kettle you obviously have some vested, demented fantasy about Ryan and Farrah that is far from the truth and far from reality. Saying someone had shitty taste in men isn't "talking bad about them" especially if it's TRUE.
You obviously can't handle the fact that someone you put on a pedestal wasn't as together and perfect as you thought they were. It's called being human, something that you are unable to accept.
I can't help it if you are so ignorant and out of touch with reality. Greg Lott's piddly story about his down low romance with Farrah didn't get a fraction of the press coverage that the Vanity Fair article got. Again in case you are too think to understand the article was called BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE UGLY CHOICES. Not a positive or happy article. So um, no Ryan O'Neal opened the floodgates of the "negativity" by painting a portrait of a relationship that was volatile, destructive, and dangerous. In fact Greg's love letters and old photos didn't even a fraction of the press that Griffin O'Neal's Larry King interview got. Now who opened the floodgates to that one?
Joan Crawford always wrote to her fans and was wonderful to them. You know how that story turned out don't you? Find a local mental health clinic to deal with your issues, you obviously aren't coping that well. If that doesn't work, have someone declare you 5150.
That is some funny shit Bubba!Someone must have really struck a nerve. I have to say one thing, Farrah was great because she was human. She let us all see that. You don't put someone on a pedestal unless you can help them down. I think you like to see them hit the ground head first!! It is really hysterical the effect she is still having on people. There have been some whacked out bloggers on these Farrah blog sites. Can you feel the heat and anger? Too damn funny!! Definitely cheap entertainment!!
No you didn't really see who she was. You saw Ryan and Alana's version of who she was. Some people are unable to accept that people are much more complicated and hard to figure out then we like to think. Like all of us Farrah had a lot of contradictions in her life that only she could understand. But so what we all make choices in life that people will never get or we look back on later and think what the hell were were doing or look back and have no regrets.
However, I think stuff like this will come out more in the next couple of months.
Explains why Griffin befriended Lott. Trying to make a buck off her just like Lott. National Enquier, great choice. Griffin proves to be as shallow as his father.
Is this the Jerry Springer show or what? Must of been hell to have been Farrah, sold out by almost everyone. What's the next know it all nasty comment? Who sells her out next? Should we place a bet on it? Look at the foam coming off your fangs waiting for the next pile of trash to be written. I'm surprised she wasn't just plain out crazy, everyone dissecting her and wanting a piece of her.
Simma down now! 7:06. The only foaming is done by YOU! If you look at it as Griffin selling her out then THEY ALL SOLD HER OUT whether for $$$ or attention. The only ones that didn't were Craig and her dad.
If you feel that way then don't read blogs like this, stay away from websites like TMZ or Radaronline, don't buy the books or magazines, turn off the TV. By doing so YOU, contribute to it and make sure its profitable.
Your a smartass joke!!
A Reply I received from the Smithsonian regarding Farrah's poster ...
Your follow-up correspondence of 24 September 2009 has been received in the Smithsonian's Public Inquiry Mail Service office.
As mentioned in our previous response, there is no centralized database for the collections of the Smithsonian Institution, which number more than 136 million objects, artworks and specimens. We performed a data search of the most obvious Smithsonian collections - American popular culture, graphic arts, and portraits – but found nothing indicating that any of those collections housed a Farrah Fawcett red bathing suit poster. We also checked various other collections at the Institution’s National Museum of American History, the Smithsonian American Art Museum, and the National Portrait Gallery to no avail.
It is possible that the Institution has the poster in a less obvious collection and/or museum; however, it is more probable that the Farrah Fawcett web site is incorrect and that the erroneous information has been repeated on many other web sites and via the news media without verification.
A quick data search of Smithsonian Institution exhibitions for the past 25 years found no reference to any special exhibitions that featured artifacts related to Farrah Fawcett, the Charlie’s Angels television show, and/or photographer Bruce McBroom (though the National Portrait Gallery does houses a photograph by Mr. McBroom of Elia Kazan).
We appreciate your interest in the Smithsonian Institution.
Mean people suck.
You wish I was! But go ahead take the last word, I know you can't resist. It will make you feel so much better to say one more mean, nasty thing, to have the last word. You are so obvious. No one else is entitled to any opinion here, but you. It has to be all ugly and negative.
I feel sorry for you, to be such a mean spirited, bitter person. Go ahead, it is ok, get if off your chest. Your identity is hidden, you can show the real you.
You did good, but I am sure you could do better. Just take a deep breath and let it all out. It will get better and once you have gotten it all out, you will begin to heal. The rest of us will go on admiring Farrah for whatever reasons we choose to. If it is just for the pure pleasure of her beauty and entertainment. So keep going, yo will get there.
Wow, 8:19 dude, what's with all the anger? Seems like you take this all way too personal for some reason. You know, places like Iran actually welcome this type of behavior--the one-sided, abusive name calling for a mere difference of opinion. You should think about relocating.
And before you tell me to wipe the crumbs off my t*ts....sorry,totally different anonymous.
Girls stop replying to your own comments or better yet stop copying and pasting the same thing over and over again. Time to stop circling the airport. Farrah wasn't someone anyone here knew, which makes it even funnier that some of you are melting down about someone you don't even know.
The freaks really come out at night and the last two replies just confirmed that. How would you know about Iran living in your mother's basement?
Your are right, there probably isn't anyone here who knew Farrah. No one can say for sure as everyone is anonymous. People can still be fans and have an opinion. Last time I checked this is America. Why is it such an issue that people admired her and have an opinion? Why does it bother you so much that you go out of your way to insult people? Fans make celebrities. You can be very talented, but you have to have fans. These blogs are a fascinating study of the way people react to celebrities.
True. I know I never knew her---would loved to have, but never had the honor. Looking back on the comments, I see no one here that defended Ryan's bad behavior, only Farrah's choice to have him in her life. HER decision, HER life, HER business. What possible purpose does it serve to argue about something that cannot be changed?
This may be fascinating, but it's also pretty sad and scary.
Very well put. Thank you.
Anon 2:42
Mr.Lott seems to have vanished once again.
farrahfawcett.us has gone away AGAIN, either he milked it for all he could,Ryan stopped it or Greg made some money off of tabloid interviews.
Poor Farrah
Maybe he's in jail.
Strange that the 'mean anon' disappeared here the same time the farrahfawcett.us website disappeared. Wonder if there's any connection?????
This maybe of some interest:
Checked out the comment below the article! It makes one wonder.
Yeah...creepy. Why would a complete stranger care so much about her will.
Is it a complete stranger? The inquier's name is Greg, could it be someone who had a personal interest? They were inquiring about the personal and iconic belongings? Maybe someone was hoping to get some items for the website, that is gone again. I hate to speculate, it is a strange coincidence.
Did something new come out?
If you go to the site that is posted in the comment that was posted Oct. 17, 8:43PM, there is a small blurb from July regarding Farrah's estate. It is the comment down below that is interesting. You have to scroll down a little.
Some very serious allegations were made against him when the website was first shut down. If all that is true about the theft and deception, I hope her estate and the charities he says he gave to go after him and he pays for what he did.
That's what's most upsetting to me about the Greg Lott saga. You would like to have given the guy the benefit of the doubt--I mean at one point he must have meant something to Farrah--she trusted him to run her website at one point, right?. BUT he has not said one word in defense of these allegations, he's done nothing in her honor, just this tabloid garbage and even less on her website--just a paragraph bashing the man from Florida. She deserved so much more than this. :(
Lots to read...trying to catch up. Who's the doink on Oct. 2 at 5:01 that says the 'these Ryan bitches are a good indication of why real America hates Hollywood'???? Are you kidding?? America hates Hollywood because of people like Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, Gerard Depardieu, the 'DUIs are no big deal' crowd, aka: Nicole and Paris to name a VERY small few, OJ Simpson, 'Speidi'....I could go on and on. I really don't think America hates Hollywood because Ryan O'Neal lived with Farrah Fawcett. Freakin' DUH.
Did Ryan get Greg out of business with FF.US?
Does anyone know if her estate will bring an official farrah website,now that Greg is out of the picture.
I think GREG put GREG out of business with FF.us!
Clickable link for Farrah's grave Farrah's grave
I hope Ryan along with Farrah's estate put together a Official farrah fawcett website and continue to sell new memoribilia and pay tribute to her life and legacy
Does anyone know if there is a legitimate, SAFE place to purchase 'Fight the Fight' tees anymore with? thanks.
Greg Lott. If any of these folks were in your shoes they would understand. Life is not that simple. You did what you did. Farrah loved you for being just the way you are. I believe you. If you needed to come out with this to validate yourself, then I am sure Farrah would have backed you up. If she had not gotten cancer, she would have eventually come out in public about your relationship.As far as I'm concerned whatever Farrah held dear to her heart is all that matters. And she obviously loved you. How LUCKY you are! To be Farrah Fawcett's secret love. ...Let me see...hmmmm...she could have chosen anyone! From movie stars to billionaires. And who did she run off to? Her old college sweetheart who is just a struggling blue-collar guy like myself. Hey Greg, you are my HERO man! Farrah was no fake bimbo like all those other bitches in hollywood. She remained always, a sweet simple gal who liked a sweet simple man. That's what made Farrah different. Hats off to you Greg. I know you are hurting because of your loss too. The whole world from princes to paupers was in love with Farrah in the 70's and she never forgot about you. You are cool and all the rest can drewl. The truth is they are just plain jealous! But they cant man up and say it. ---MEL
They may have had some kind of relationship
I doubt Farrah was in love with any man in the last 10 years
I don't think she was in love with Ryan or Greg.
She may have cared about them but IN LOVE no.
Whatever happened to that freak hitman
AKA Allen Liar Miller
How do we now Allen Miller is the liar?
Really...who's the liar? Allen, Greg, etc, etc....? Farrah has passed, sadly & unfortunatly,... can we at least respect the legacy she wanted us too? Gosh, it is so sad that people are still dredging up rumors. I feel she hated the 'celebrety drama'....so why are the people that supposedly loved her ultimatly propheting from it?
Well her father confirmed she and Greg were together and Farrah did leave Greg a large sum in her will.
So the rumors that Ryan was the love of her life can finally be put to rest.
Where did her dad confirm that they were together?
Hopefully not another tabloid. Uggh.
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