The mainstream news media is referring to death of Kung Fu star David Carradine as a "suicide by hanging."
Distasteful to mention it as it may be, the actor was found dead in his hotel room in Bangkok, reportedly naked with a rope around his neck, and genitals (later amended to "other parts of his body"):
"Thai police told the BBC the 72-year-old was found by a hotel maid sitting in a wardrobe with a rope around his neck and genitals on Thursday morning. The US star was in Thailand filming his latest film Stretch, according to his personal manager Chuck Binder. Mr Binder said the news was 'shocking', adding: 'He was full of life, always wanting to work... a great person.'"
Bang-kok? Well hung?
(Then again, it could have been murder.)
UPDATE: The Daily Mail quotes Chuck Binder as calling the death "accidental."
Distasteful to mention it as it may be, the actor was found dead in his hotel room in Bangkok, reportedly naked with a rope around his neck, and genitals (later amended to "other parts of his body"):
"Thai police told the BBC the 72-year-old was found by a hotel maid sitting in a wardrobe with a rope around his neck and genitals on Thursday morning. The US star was in Thailand filming his latest film Stretch, according to his personal manager Chuck Binder. Mr Binder said the news was 'shocking', adding: 'He was full of life, always wanting to work... a great person.'"
Bang-kok? Well hung?
(Then again, it could have been murder.)
UPDATE: The Daily Mail quotes Chuck Binder as calling the death "accidental."
I´d rather die having fun, than offing myself because I´m depressed or something. Old geezer..
I think it is high time we stopped stigmatizing death by masturbation.
Carradine was doing an ancient Taoist practice call Cum Fu. This particular “form” should be named the Grasshopper in his memory. Also, we all know now why Grasshopper's Master(bator) was blind. It all seems to make sense now.
I'm sorry, but in response to the comment above,' YOU'RE A DISRESPECTFUL IDIOT!!! Respect, understand that this is a possible homicide from those that are very SICK over the success of this man and go your way. Haven't you ever heard the expression, IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING GOOD TO SAY... SAY NOTHING?"
This man is a legend in his own right, he came from a background of icons, a dynasty and there are many, many lives that have been well satisfied by his acting, music, and abilities....
Shut the fuck up, if you can't use common sense enough to know this was a homicidal act because of someones obsession.... what a nut! He did not do this, nor could he. Please, family members check this out. It is a classic psychotic expression from a very sick person to humiliate the deceased.
Rest in Peace, my friend, David. Prayers to you and your family....
I remember watching you on the screen in KUNG FOO!!! I remember you on a talk show with Barbara Hershey talking about a child named, "FREE." You are free....
May we all realize that there are very, very, obsessive, compulsive fans or whoever they are that should pay for any crimes of their own demise.... they will reap what they have sown....
wow! that was one of the funniest damned things I have ever read! Cum Fu!?! Too good!
Anonymous said... Why not just let Mr.Carradine rest in peace. Doesn't anyone have a heart anymore? And what about his family and how they must feel. Who's without sin let them cast the first stone. My heart is broken for his death and the pain of his family.
Good to see him cum out of the closet instead of just hanging around
You know, if it was autoerotic asphixiation (sp?) then his family deserves all the embarassment he heaped upon them. What a freak, and what a stupid way to die. First Michael Hutchence and now David Carradine. I'll bet Bruce Lee is happy to see him (assuming they are in the same place) so he can kick Carradine's ass for stealing the Kung Fu role.
I dont believe that it was a suicide. He was found in his closet by a maid with a rope tied around his penis and neck. If he was havning sex with someone why would they be in the wordrobe? and why would there be a rope around his neck, hands also? I say it was a murder. and if it was an accident, then why would who ever caused it hide? does anyone know who he was with in the room? anyone see anyone go in the room or come out? well like i said I still BELIEVE IT WAS A MURDER...
and the rope he was tied with was taken from the hotel curtians.. if he was gonig to have sex with ropes im sure he would get some real ropes not use the nilon curtian ropes....
alot of you dumb ass mother fuckers need to learn how to be respectful im sure if someone u cared about died like that you would want justice too.. its funny how ignorant you people can be, but then again what to expect from pathetic ANONMOUS posted comments you all have posted
Good review, thanks.
Thanks, helpful source.
wow. we really need to go to war.
You people are out of your mind if you think he died like that. He was killed by a Secret Martial arts society, because mainly he was studying ancient secrets of martial arts and going to release it in TV and movies. In my opinion, he was killed by the same organization that killed Bruce Lee.
How could Carradine die like that, has the world gone crazy. He could get any girl of any age he wanted in Thailand, why would he do that, fools. The underground group that killed him and disgraced him must be ltao.
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Thank you for sharing to us.there are many person searching about that now they will find enough resources by your post.I would like to join your blog anyway so please continue sharing with us
Morderne hang ham i skabet til at hænge, og klædte ham op på den måde.
Great tips, I would like to join your blog anyway,
the night he died i was watching kill bill vol.2 and truthfaly i said to my self i wonder wat he is doing now and then the next day i seen in the paper i was so devastated that man was a legand and i bow for him
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Thank you for this post, really worthwhile data.
One word ......."LEGEND" . Bottom line .... that's simply what he was and always will be. - Peace
-Mj Cloyd (Tai Chi forever)
It's hard to believe that a 72 year old rich man's masterbateing much less tying a rope around his knech to accomplish it. I call bull shit.
I hear its supper intenes to beat it like that.I think it is good as is and wouldn't know.but the Asian races have a different respect and honor about things like a white man making money from ripping them and the studios ripping Bruce lee off.so at 72 and being a smoker he wasn't masterbating.someone from the inside would have to betray values they are born into to find the truth out I don't see it ever happening.
Rip my mut white brother
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