At least one local TV news outlet-- well, two, thanks to corporate mergers and information consolidation-- showed up to cover the Tom Hanks Village Bookstore appearance last night. And then ran away without reporting it.
Though there were 200 people lined up outside, five mysterious security men about, big clear windows looking inside, and an important community story to cover, reporter Christina McLarty brags that she had the story killed because she was inconvenienced--- and ran back to the station two hours before airtime to giggle and complain on the station's blog:

Village Books in Pacific Palisades
Posted by Christina
So....the store looks cute. But we went out there tonight (mind you braving the pouring rain and crazy traffic on the 405). The story had been set up for two days, Tom Hanks signing any bought items there in order to help a struggling neighborhood store get by in a tough economy. When we arrived, the store had 4 security guys in front of it. Inside, another security guy. I walked in to talk to the store owner and let her know we had arrived and were ready to start shooting. At the last moment, the owner and Hanks assistant said the star did not want cameras inside the store. About 5 security guards against me and a camera guy...we had to kill the story. But here's what I want to know, did Tom Hanks really pull the plug on a story that is all about getting the book store some notoriety!? Ugh, so frustrating. I have interviewed him before, several times...and he is SO cool! He is always a class act, talks to everyone, and even jokes around with the media! So why the cold shoulder? Ok, enough venting, it's almost Christmas so I wish him and the store well : ) Haha
Haha. What a reporter! Her photo says it all...
(Insert corporate conspiracy theory here)
Nice blog. I liked it
She looks like Cruella Deville, and writes in the voice of Paris Hilton.
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