"How dare they accuse me of setting them up when they won’t give me a straight answer? If I weren't a gentlemen and professional they'd get a setup all right! A one-two to the kisser!”
Sam Peters, the publicist for our pals at Frozen Pictures (Full Disclosure: Sam has contributed to this operation) is steaming mad that the American-based businessmen behind the “Israeli Professional Baseball League” sign are accusing him—and Tabloid Baby-- of a “setup” in his query about buying sponsorship for the 2008 IPBL season that its frontmen, led by Miami millionaire Magnetix maven Jeffrey Rosen, continue to promise.
We reported exclusively yesterday that the IPBL's marketing rep Andrew Wilson refused repeatedly to answer Sam’s question of whether there will indeed be a 2008 IPBL season to sponsor and eventually suggested he advertise with the company’s basketball team!

The first is from Andrew Wilson, to Rosen, Israel Association of Baseball president Haim Katz and its secretary-general Peter Kurz.
Date: Wed, 07 May2008 20:54
Subject: IPBL Sponsorship: Looks like it was a set up
Looks like the guy who was inquiring about the sponsorship was setup by tabloid baby. look at this: http://www.tabloidbaby.blogspot.com/
Subject: IPBL Sponsorship: Looks like it was a set up
Looks like the guy who was inquiring about the sponsorship was setup by tabloid baby. look at this: http://www.tabloidbaby.blogspot.com/
Peter Kurz replied:
Date: Wed, 07 May 2008 21:23:23
Subject: RE: IPBL Sponsorship: Looks like it was a set up
I cannot f--king believe that!!!!
Cant trust anyone these days!!!
Jeffrey Rosen packaged both correspondences and emailed them to Our Man Elli with the note:
“an Israeli weighs in”

"Elli Wollinger."
But according to Sam Peters, all of this is beside the point.
“I am livid at these idiots," says the veteran flak. "This was no set-up. This was a serious inquiry about sponsorship of the IPBL in the summer of 2008—in response to their ad! I don’t care what kind of pattycake these guys are playing with Israel’s sports governing body to grease the skids for them to play in 2009.
"I’m trying to run an advertising campaign and when Andrew Wilson strings me along and refuses to give me a straight answer to a simple question— there’s something funny going on here.”
We’ve reported since the beginning of the year that there was little hope for professional baseball in Israel in 2008 in light of the mess left behind by the Israel Baseball League in 2007. And we reported two weeks ago:
"The Israel Professional Baseball League, a rebel band born of the controversy and conflagration surrounding the IBL’s financial scandal, still hasn’t gotten the certification from the Israel Association of Baseball that would allow it to do business. One reason is that the IPBL has not agreed to pick up the million dollars in debt left by Larry Baras and his IBL. We hear that Miami Magnetix maven Jeffrey Rosen (the guy who can’t get Our Man Elli in Israel’s name right) has offered a payoff of $50,000 for the rights—for 2009!"
Tabloid Baby has reported, and in some ways, promoted the IPBL since the idea was first announced in November. The IPBL brass, however, have been very niggardly with information and cooperation, refusing to speak on the record, ignoring our questions, and in the bizarre case of former toymaker Rosen, taunting Our Man Elli.
But in the end, it is our hardworking friend, the publicist and webwriter Sam Peters who is feeling the sting.

“I demand an apology! And so should sports fans and so should Israelis and so should my fellow Jews!”
As for us and Our Man Elli? Eh. We merely report. You decide.
Jeff Rosen and gang pulling a stunt like that - who woulda thunk it?!
What is it about the idea of baseball in israel that attracts such low-life scum to the venture, like Baras and Rosen? Isn't there an honest businessman out there? Are we going to go through the same thing next summer?
I feel like I need a shower after visiting this site. I like reading about Israel Baseball but can you please tone down the angry and self-righteous tone.
Internationally respected journalist?
Who cares what this numbskull writes?
What should Andrew have done? Take the money and run ? That's the guy's
m.o. from Boston.
What, is Andrew a mental defective? He could have been honest with the man and answered his questions. And the IPBL should take down the misleading advertising.
This IS a real bait and switch, bordering on commercial fraud? consumer fraud? racketeering? money laundering? highway robbery? why, this ipbl outfit is beginning to make larry baras look like a choir boy.
The IPBL needs to be more open and not repeat the mistakes of the IBL.
Baseball is the boxing of Israel
It is really good that Larry and Martin have finally said something publicly even though it was posted anonymously!
What crime did Andrew commit? Did he actually take his money and put it in his pocket like you guys did?
Now that there is no baseball in Israel watch the lawsuits start to fly.
The only topic that anyone cares about on this blog - Israeli baseball. You all do realize that Tabloid Baby has an Israeli baseball blog as well - http://www.israelibaseball.blogspot.com/. Setting new standards in redundancy.
The people of the IPBL are idiots, sure, but why are they anti-Semitic?
There's anti-Semitism all around, but by calling blatantly non-anti-Semitic sentiment anti-Semitic, you are just putting a defensive, pathetic face on Jews.
I found this post randomly using Google search - based on the other posts I've just read, I'm really surprised that people continue to read your blog and believe that "Our Man Elli" is actually a respected journalist. If he were, why would he be spending all of his time acting as an informant to an independent, small-scale, frankly unimpressive blog like this?
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