...and, after we sent a comment reminding him where credit was due, added a Tabloid Baby mention:
Israel Baseball League Folds
(Thanks to Tabloidbaby.com for the background info on this story!)
Sadly, it looks like there will be no second season for the Israel Baseball League. The Israel Association of Baseball canceled the league’s contract, effectively ending any hope of a second season. The idea was great, but the execution was lousy. The league had poor marketing (targeting American Jews and English speaking Israelis instead of native born Israelis), poor execution (bad fields, bad facilities), and a fundamental misunderstanding of grass roots marketing (look at the list of front office execs).
Starting a new baseball league in the States requires savvy marketing and shrewd businessmen. Doing it in another country requires a completely different mindset. It literally screams “Hire a successful NONPROFIT marketer/fund raiser.” The IBL (yes, Duquette and Baras, I’m calling you out) should have hired someone with nonprofit, grassroots marketing experience to run the league. Someone who has been successful in raising money for social services in a tough U.S. economy. Someone who understands web 2.0 marketing.
Someone who can sell the drama on radio & TV. Someone who is already known to baseball fans from his baseball novel(s). Someone who has board level experience with grass roots baseball organizations. Someone who has both a passion for baseball and Israel. Yep, too bad the IBL didn’t get that guy…
Carry on, Citizens!
Starting a new baseball league in the States requires savvy marketing and shrewd businessmen. Doing it in another country requires a completely different mindset. It literally screams “Hire a successful NONPROFIT marketer/fund raiser.” The IBL (yes, Duquette and Baras, I’m calling you out) should have hired someone with nonprofit, grassroots marketing experience to run the league. Someone who has been successful in raising money for social services in a tough U.S. economy. Someone who understands web 2.0 marketing.
Someone who can sell the drama on radio & TV. Someone who is already known to baseball fans from his baseball novel(s). Someone who has board level experience with grass roots baseball organizations. Someone who has both a passion for baseball and Israel. Yep, too bad the IBL didn’t get that guy…
Carry on, Citizens!
Who needs your stupid advice. The IBL season will open as planned.
If that wasn't true Larry Baras and/or Martin Berger would say so.
Elli always gets the wrong end of the stick.
You've got to be kidding!
So, anything Larry Baras says is truthful otherwise he wouldn't say it. That's news to all the players and vendors that were told they'd be paid... oh yeah and the IAB that was told a check was in the mail..
It says so on the IBL website that season is opening on time and they had good tryouts. Besides Mr Smarty, if vendors have not been paid why have they not sued? Proves my point, all serious debts have been paid.
Don't you consider debts to the players serious debts? I know for a FACT that all players have not been fully paid as agreed!
yeah and now the IPBL has come out with the "tryouts" and we all have to go. HA they have got to be kidding
Listen guys, don't go (yeah Leon you too) whe we do not show up and they have no players we will get another email letter from wilson and gardner (oh is he trying out also) that we will all be invited . If some go then that will be bad. Guys , let's all go back but screw the tryouts . trust me , they will not have players and we will all be asked back.
can we get congres to do a hearing on the IBL and Berger and Baras...i'd watch tha on payper view. both sides would go after them
serious now..if we can gt to a tryout, why not. dont want too get stuck not playing...wht if they get lots of guys? i'm going and anyone who wants to go back should think about it...anyone want to drive down?
how does anyone know that the IBL is finished for sure?
anyone going? are you kidding? they , if they have a season , will take any of us . and how exactly are the domi's coming to the tryout? we didn't get paid fully from last season and you ant me to come to a friggin tryout. don't do guys.I bet you Rollhaus or gardner or wilson wrote that last comment about "lo's of guys" coming
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