While worldwide debate rages over the fallout from Elli’s article, and whether Elli is a “killjoy,” dream killer or just a putz who should have been happy to have any kind of baseball in the Promised Land, the latest issue is whether the players who left their home countries to play a season in Israel wil get paid for the effort.
Behind the scenes, there have been many grumble from players. One IBL star player who asked to remain anonymous writes:
“Frankly, I don't care why they don't have it. That's not my problem. What is my problem is that I worked for a whole summer and have yet to get paid.”
The player said the league explained the fashla, "something to the effect that an old check from a vendor was wrongfully cashed and wiped out their account. Don't believe that for a second. Haven't they ever heard of accountants who keep track of their business bank accounts? I’m pretty sure that if a HUGE check wasn't cashed for several months someone would know about it. If not, this league is doomed.”
All-Star infielder Nate Fish, the pride of the Tel Aviv Lightning, writes:
"My last paycheck from the league bounced, which pretty much sucks considering I'm effectively jobless and without a home in NYC right now."
Is this a case of Bialystock and baseball? Elli promises much more to come, as his investigation of the Israel Baseball League continues-- and all this should only add to the importance and drama of the best-selling book that the article will inspire.
And meanwhile, despite the controversy, the reaction to Elli’s article can be summed up by this fan who commented on the article as it appeared in Haaretz:
“Baseball in Israel was a joy to behold. However, all of the criticisms aired in this article are correct. The playing fields were not only poorly constructed, but they were dangerous. At Baptist Village, the children in the summer camp had to be kept far from the fence, because a well-hit ball could have flown over the fence and hurt a child. At Sportek, the fence was covered with spikes making it dangerous for a player to run into it. It is not enough to simply have bases and a pitcher`s mound to play professional ball on a field. The field has to be graded and leveled, it has to have apprioriate grass or artificial turf, and the running track has to be soft enough for cleats to engage the ground. Luckily, there was only one serious injury. BTW, Mr. Cruz could have a legit. lawsuit against the league for negligence resulting in the end of his baseball career. I saw him after his release from hospital, and he probably will have coordination problems for a long time to come.”
(Catch up with all our exclusive postings of Elli Wohlgelernter's Pulitzer-bound coverage of the Israel Baseball League here.)
The bounced paychecks is a new, but not necessarily, surprising twist on the IBL. My best guess is that all the high profile executives and founders have been fully paid and reimbused for their out of pocket expenses.
Because of our support for Israel and love of baseball we want this league to be successful. Objectively, if this was any other business venture there would be serious concerns about its legitimacy, business practices and what "bill of goods" it is selling to investors.
this is a three month old league. lighten up unless you have started a league yourself.
If the league could't pay $1500 to $2000 per player, there are real problems here.
How would you like to not get paid for two months worth of work and have bills to pay? There is no reasonable excuse here
The league should not have been started if there wasn't enough money
Quite frankly, not paying the players and allowing the paychecks to bounce is unethical.
I believe that the managers have not been paid as well.
They have been told that the Sport 5 cashed a check that they were not suppose to.The money problem is to be cleared up soon.
Other sources say that the travel agent is owed $110,000.
Why have tryouts in Mass when you can't even pay the players?
The money problem will not clear up soon. It will only compound itself as costs are incurred for season 2 with limited investor dollars and revenue. Those running the league have received alot of kudos but now they need to be held accountable.
Now the IBL are selling individual teams!
Who would buy a team when the players and vendors have not been paid!
They are being lied to!
Larry will go to jail!
Regarding the last posting, I think you are on to something. No one should be soliciting money for the IBL. There is a lot of background information that has yet to be exposed. Who on the IBL management team is being paid, how much are they being paid.. where is all the money going???
All the money is going to Larry Baras and all his partners.
They have no problem not playing players then selling bogus teams and will walk away with millions of dollars split between Larry and his investors!
You got that right. A little due diligence and research will show that this is not the first time an individual involved in the IBL (you figure it out)has been involved in bogus investments.
What bogus investments are you talking about?
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