The hits just keep on coming for American Idol hopeful
Antonella Barba, as the Cindy Crawford of the Top 24 is turning into the
Storm Large. Yesterday, photos of the 20-year-old sitting on the
loo and discreetly topless showed up on the Internet. Today there are more-- and they don't come from from some nasty tabloid but thanks to her local newspaper!
Phillyburbs newschain website has printed a portfolio of topless, boozing, authority-flaunting and girl-grinding pix (someone suggested they look like MySpace grabs).
That's a hazard of MySpace. And one thing we can be pretty sure of... there will be more to come.

We'll see if Antonella's pipes hold up on tonight's show. And if the producers don't find her image to be too tarnished for an Idol. A toilet bowl's one thing, but
giving the finger? That's Rock Star Supernova territory.
Anyway, if Antonella doesn't make it as the
American Idol, she can always go for Miss USA. She'd be a shoo-in.

(See the whole batch here. NSFW!)
that girl in the beach chair pic is not amanda...her name is jenna angeloni...she goes to catholic university with antonella like the three other girls...all of those pics were taken during their spring break trip to the dominican republic last year...they all go to catholic
doesn't look like her, the boobs aren't right unless she got a boob job after the bj. d-man
This stupid disrespectful skank is posing nearly nude in the World War II memorial fountain in Washington DC!
Disgusting Ho! Posing nude in a public place. Who does she think she is -- Britney Spears?
Did you say Catholic University? Yeah, it figures!
Hey Amerika don't you reconize beauty - she's marketing herself
like a good bottle of coke .
I think she should win ,just for her effort >>>>>>
I was curious to see how bad the pics were.....nothing shocking about a bunch of girls having fun? truth be known anybody looking at this stuff has probably done the same if not worse!well this will not effect my vote at all. I will vote for the one who preforms the best no matter what the pics are!Also it is so obvious who-ever the so called friend or exboyfriend is they are definitly jealous!!If anything they are helping her popularity so they have accomplished nothing. I am a conservative 41yo mother of two girls that go to a christian school. I am open minded to the fact we all do and say things we regret and I hope my children make the right choices but i will still love them no matter what!
To the previous poster, you obviouly didn't see these:
everyone's done the same thing. get off her back. she's a college kid just having some fun. there could be a lot worse things that she could be doing other than drinking and taking topless pictures.
plus, the girl is beautiful.
Anonymous said...
I was curious to see how bad the pics were.....nothing shocking about a bunch of girls having fun? truth be known anybody looking at this stuff has probably done the same if not worse!well this will not effect my vote at all. I will vote for the one who preforms the best no matter what the pics are!Also it is so obvious who-ever the so called friend or exboyfriend is they are definitly jealous!!If anything they are helping her popularity so they have accomplished nothing. I am a conservative 41yo mother of two girls that go to a christian school. I am open minded to the fact we all do and say things we regret and I hope my children make the right choices but i will still love them no matter what!
People like you don't know what "having fun" is and what acting like a slut is. She was giving a blow job & doing whatever else we didn't see...I think that & all her 1/2 naked pics are enough for me to say as a conservative mom of 2 girls, that Antonella Barba isn't a good role model or fit to hold the title of American Idol. This isn't the kind of girl I'd want my daughters aspiring to be like. Go Carrie Underwood! Now Carrie is a true Idol! It's a shame that you can just chalk it all up to "funny pics" and girls "having fun" when really it's cheap behavior that belongs on a girls gone wild video. Too bad for Barba b/c I don't think this makes her more popular, it just makes her look like a cheap bimbo. I liked her before I saw all this..not for the winner of Idol b/c there are at least 4 others way more talented, but b/c if for nothing else I thought she could get a modeling career from this. Now I just see her as another doofus whose only hope for success lies in the hands of some guy with a video cam and a hard on.
When they auditioned and did the group thing, the blond was voted off and Antonella's friend said "Good things happen to good people" I told my wife I hoipe she crashes and burns. Yes Antonella, good things happen to good people but I also hope bad things happen to trash bag feeding, classless street trash.
Yeah...play the race card like every other welfare mom. Go buy some crack you fat black ho!
The sad thing is, she should have never made Idol, she can't sing for shit. Even worse is the fact that she'll get kicked off and we will have to see her on the next season of VH1's Surreal Life. She could have at least provided us with some pics of the beav.
Give the girl a break everyone makes mistakes....some more than others
She dumps her boyfriend for Hollywood. Jilted lover helps with flattering photography. He made a few bucks and she is about to have the career of a lifetime. Brilliant!
Gee look at all the inadequate, jealous women who are INTIMIDATED by the hot Antonella. Looks like an ordinary college girl to me. Get over it ladies. Burn her to a cross for wading in a fountain? Nice try. I'm gonna see if I can get a snap shot of one of the other contestants J-walking... what a bombshell!
I know her, I don't particularly like her very much, but the X-rated pictures are not her....although she's not as talented as some of the others, she does not deserve these intolerant and ignorant remarks.
To the 2 conversative mothers above, I am an ultra-conservative mother of 14 (well, 6 of them belong to my husband's other 3 wifes) and I don't see what's wrong with her showing off her bodacious tatas. Now if she starts wiggling her hoohah or her badonkadonk, then that's another story! Boy I'd love to see her in a 3-way with Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly!
no the classiest move a girl could make, but shes young and in college. she's in a family show, and thats the big deal...and rightfully so...its not appropriate. but for all the parents, get off your high horse...because you're kids could very well be doing the same thing. take a look around myspace...i'm not saying what she did is right, but don't for a second think that she is alone in her actions. its much more common than every mom likes to think. give the girl a break!
I am a father of 2 a 8yr old boy and a 6yr old girl, and i know no parent wants to believe their children are or will do something like this, facts are the age a female gets sexually interested are at the 10-12 age years now days and its un-believeable but its true. im 27 yrs old and my wife is 26. we engage in more than what i have seen in these pics and i know one day my kids will too, you cant tie your children down and run their lifes. my parents let me loose and i grew up to join the army and serve the us for 3 years and then get an awesome job with the local cable company, my wife is a admin secretary for the state. we are well off and what we do does not affect it at all. if this woman was not on tv no one would have even known, but because she is a celeb and she does this she is a hoe? get a life and stop hating on her, she is not the best singer but she has alot of potental.and is very beautiful. GO YOU!!!
Okay everyone has pictures im sure they wouldnt want the whole world to see, big deal its not like she posted them herself. Let it go already. Other celebs have done way worse stuff. Leave her alone already!!!!
Tiffany from California
She's not a celebrity...she's a wannabe celebrity which is why she is on American Idol in the first place. For someone to be an American Idol, they have to be a person that everyone can look up to as a role model also like all of the other winners, but how can anyone look up to a girl that doesn't have enough respect for herself to show her naked body to the entire world or enough respect to the US veterans to keep her half-naked body off of a memorial for them. I think she is a pretty girl, but she's not a great singer and she won't get a modeling contract out of this because she's not "that" pretty and she smiles like a horse. I'm in college and I don't act like that and being in college is no excuse for her either.
"Anonymous said...
everyone's done the same thing. get off her back. she's a college kid just having some fun. there could be a lot worse things that she could be doing other than drinking and taking topless pictures.
plus, the girl is beautiful."
What the eff does that have anything to do with it? Anonymous, you're an idiot. Well, geez, I guess I should quit school and stop focusing on improving my skills and intelligence, because geez, all we need to succeed in this world is just to be BEAUTIFUL!!! (By the way, sooo subjective, I think she has a mean horse face)
And Anonymous, your comment about "everyone's done the same thing." UHHHHHH No I haven't. And darnet, just yesterday I thought to myself, Hmmm, why not pose half naked at a historic memorial fountain JUST BECAUSE?? Everyone raise their hands that has done this. Because according to Anonymous, WE ALL HAVE. Get a clue.
I think she wins
According to her best Friend, Amanada Collucio, some of them are and some of them are not. We do not know yet. Real or fake, that was her personal photos. Whoever released those pixs tried to harm her out of jealousy or revenge.
I stiil believe there are fans http://www.schoolmall.ca/antonella+barba...
who want her to win.
We can forgive her for a bunch of personal photos. Can't we?
I think we are forgeting that this show is called AMERICAN IDOL. We are supposed to be voting for a talented and respectable individual that we would want to "represent" Americas talent. The winner will be a role model to a lot of kids and teens and I would prefer that the person is not half naked performing sex acts on the internet. Also American Idol is one of the last TV shows that we can consider a family program and I don't want my daughter voting for someone like this. I'm not saying there aren't a lot of people who have done this stuff, (although I have managed to remain clothed in public and cameraless in the bedroom), I just don't think she is a person to be looked up to.
This girl knows exactly what she is doing - getting ready to get paid big without the singing! Kornikova syndrome! Modeling career, playboy hopefully Hustler! She is smoking hot and I want more - bring it baby!
A hot girl at a war memorial. Mmmmmm, let me think about it! If I was a soldier and I knew a beautiful hot and sexy girl would be posing on my grave I would be very happy about it!!!! You go girl!!! You have my vote! What is wrong with you guys? She is doing nothing wrong even in the blow job pics WHICH ARE NOT HER!!!!! The BJ pics are from a porn site and the pics are of another woman. I have seen the site and IT IS SOMEONE ELSE!!! So please stop ripping on her and stop being holier than thou!!!!
This is the porn site that has the photos that are not of her Please view this site only if you are 18 or older. And you idiots that are upset that I have linked to this site wake up! At any time anyone can go to this type of site so before you get on your high horse think! http://www.fuelyourwank.com/index.php?gid=9528
Hmm, let me see now. "Girls just wanna have fun" is the excuse being used here for the "catholic university student" giving the finger, grinding another woman on the dance floor- and putting her hands on another woman's topless body with a big o'l grin on her face? Half the Nuns in Philly that taught this twit are havin' a stroke- and I'm sure her parents are gonna put this picture on their CHRISTMAS card this year, right? All she did was prove that she might be able to stay on key while she sings- but other then that- she's nothin' SPECIAL- just another skank showin' off her boobs while she simulates sex acts. Maybe after she bombs on IDOL, she can get a job on a 900 sex line. God knows she won't be allowed to stay associated with a Catholic University NOW. Say bye-bye to all your hard earned Money, Mommy and Daddy Barbar- her reputation wasn't the only thing Antonella "blew."
She has the external appearance but her voice isn't powerful enough to continue AMERICAN IDOL ... if you all can recall last week Feb. 27, 2007 Antonella was so dumb to mention Jennifer Hudon telling Simon that he didn't put Jennifer through when in fact it was the audiences who votes not the judges .... How stupid of her to mention Jennifer's name when she is 15x talented than she is (Antonella).
if antonella is a slut, skank, ho, etc. you are condemning most of americas college age population and you should take you opinions to the new york times OP-ED page, not here :)
these photes may be tasteless but she is a young woman expertmenting with her sexuality. she looks to be having fun. Believe it or not every young woman has done these things before. that don't make her a slut or a whore. see has feelings just like everybody else give the girl some slack. blg
Believe it or not every young woman has done these things before.
I am a 23 year old young woman. I have never taken a semi nude photo at a war memorial or randomnly taken photos of my girlfriends' and I topless.
And what's my reasoning? Good self esteem, maybe? A disciplined, well structured childhood? Moral integrity? Lack of the now ever common "slut-bag syndrome" that most women my age seem to have?
My problem with horse face (aka Antonella, seriously does no one else see this? I've only seen one other comment relating this. Every time I see this chick on TV I don't know whether to boo for her terrible singing or saddle her ass up and ride off into the sunset.) is that she CAN'T sing and yet she has remarkable attitude whenever the judges tell her so. It's so unattractive. She could at least have the dignity and grace to take criticism well.
But then I remember the photos. And I realize, oh, that's right, she doesn't have any dignity or grace. And she sure is damn proud of it!
For all you "leave her alone, so what if she's hot and taking pictures" people, I feel sorry for you. You just don't get it. We're not knocking her right to be a classless whore. We're just saying she's not an American IDOL. (Go ahead and look that word up, IDOL.)
ella blue talk about no self esteem, u having to down antonella? why dont u go back to church u ignorant closed mined bible throwin republican
from previous post: "Anonymous said...
To the 2 conversative mothers above, I am an ultra-conservative mother of 14 (well, 6 of them belong to my husband's other 3 wifes) and I don't see what's wrong with her showing off her bodacious tatas. Now if she starts wiggling her hoohah or her badonkadonk, then that's another story! Boy I'd love to see her in a 3-way with Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly!
2/27/2007 6:41 AM "
bahahaha that's funny
--white america
many girls do lots of silly things without their parents' knowledge, there is no harm, it's a girly fun.C'mon open your mind a little wider, It's not that she was posing naked with a bunch of guys! Face it, you are just jealous! I find the photos cute and girlish.
Oh my god, you have got to be kidding me. It is just a good ole down to earth girl having a lil fun. To all these posters who are knocking her, I would hate to have your life as it has to be very very boring. I guess drinking and getting naked is a sin,,,wtf. America better watch out these people do not get in a political office somewhere.
let's not be hypocrite! those photos were not meant for public viewing. let's blame the person who revealed those photos out of jealousy. Barba is definitely a nice girl who is even afraid what her parents would think of her after those photos.
Some of you people REALLY need to lighten up. The girl was just having some fun with friends. So she took pics...big deal. So after reading some of these posts, if we all don't walk that fine line, then we should all be expected to be labeled for it??? Or should we just not get busted??? Freakin' prudes. Get over yourselves. Live and let live. If you're offended by Antonella Barba's behavior, well...too bad.
Get a life.
shame on you........
Ok, I've been reading a lot about this girl, and some things have to be said, and I hope that some of you read this. I am not going to call anyone names, that is not what this is about. I am a 20-year old college student. Yes, I drink, yes, I have fun with my friends. There are pictures around of me doing this. They are private pictures, and I trust my friends enough not to publish them. I also model for a living, everything from casual wear to lingerie.
For those who say everyone does what Antonella did, that is definately not true. Do some college students, maybe even most, do it? Sure. Does everyone? No. Should people look down on those of us who do? I hope not. These were done in private, trusting that they were not going to be shown anywhere.
If you can prove to me that she posted them somewhere like myspace, then I will stand corrected, but as it is now, all that I have had shown to me is that someone leaked those pictures to the press, and that Antonella had nothing to do with their release.
And about the BJ pics... They are NOT of her. What part of that do people miss? There are several links posted to show that those pictures are definately of someone else. I don't watch American Idol that often, and I haven't seen her sing, but I do know that these pictures should not affect the votes for her.
Like I said, she is an AVERAGE college student, who has some fun. I did NOT say a normal student, because not all students do that. But as I have said, she is doing nothing wrong, not to have her chance at the Idol shot down. Is she any less of a good singer because of this? No.
Look at the other "stars" out there. Other celebrities have done worse, MUCH worse, and yet they get no public outcry for them to be out of the public eye. Do you honestly think that American Idol is that much of an innocent thing? The other contestants, or even winners, may have done similar things, they just had better friends and/or boyfriends.
"Judge not, lest ye be judged". All those who say its a sin, think about that. It is not your right to judge her actions. Let your God/Goddess do that. Think about what you are doing. And to slander her name all over the internet? Its becoming overdone. This is a nice girl for all we know, who has some fun. We don't know her outside of these pictures, so don't make judgements about her solely on them.
Think about this: if someone found pictures of, say, you dressed in lingerie or even naked, that your husband/boyfriend took of you, and gave them to the press, would you want people judging you by them? I should hope not. Please, think before you write something. This woman has feelings the same as everyone else.
-Shay (feel free to email me: mysica_azwa@hotmail.com.)
I am a practicing lawyer and I represent a client who is in the pictures posted on this site. I have tried contacting the blog host, however I was unsuccessful. My client wishes to have all pictures which include Antonella and other parties removed from this site immediately. As the pictures were not released for publication we will be forced to take legal action and close down this blog if the pictures are not retracted immediately. As I do not wish to post my contact information on this blog, please respond back with your contact information so we can discuss this formally.
Thank You
Hey big practicing lawyer.
If you're going to go after us instead of the thousand other bigtime corporate sites that run the barba pix, at least leave a return email address.
contact us at our email address that's posted in the profile.
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