Someone at American Idol definitely has a twisted sense of humour. Top 24 semifinalist Antonella Barba created a mini-scandal this week, as a photo showing her sitting half-naked on a toilet spread through the Internet. So what happened last night as the top women got to perform?
Antonella was the only one who started her song sitting down!
That's another reason they're Number One (or Number Two). After Antonella's performance last night, it looks like we don't have to worry much about the photo getting her kicked off the show-- her singing will take care of that.
Click here for the latest collection of Antonella scandal pix...
Yes and No. According to her best Friend, Amanada Collucio, some of them are and some of them are not. We do not know yet. Real or fake, that was her personal photos. Whoever released those pixs tried to harm her out of jealousy or revenge.
I stiil believe there are fans http://www.schoolmall.ca/antonella+barba...
who want her to win.
We can forgive her for a bunch of personal photos. Can't we?
So What! I'm sure every person has taken some sort of provacative photo at one time or another in their lives. Give the girl a break! She is young and having a good time. I feel sorry for her parents as I would be upset to see pictures of my daughter and the person(s) that posted these pictures are some wonderful friends. They will get payback one day! Good luck Antonella!
Well I belive Antonella isnt good enough to win. The pictures look to close to her to be fake, past missstake ? but she should have brought the photos up before she went to top 24. A idol with pictures like that ummm dont think so. She is very pretty, sounds not too bad but not good enough naked or singing.
I also found her on nitro celebs...
Was worth the 3 bucks to see the home video footage.
Home Video Link
She was actually great in her audition, but the last few performances have been weak! She can't compete with the other top girls. She will be around for a few more weeks for the ratings! You better believe that the network has control over who stays and who goes. The show is well produced but I'm ready for some new judges Randy staple stomach is a joke, Pauler little miss make-up should check in rehab and Simon Mr. Man-Boob ego maniac is annoying with his english rhetoric - I would love to see him literally punched in the mouth!
if she doesnt want anybody to see those nasty disturbing pictures then why did she actually take the pictures in the first place? If you ask me i dont support her because i think that she put it up so the guys would vote for her on the show, then she would be the american idol because her singing is horrible!
she can't sing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think she can sing very well...she shouldn't have made it this far. She screwed up her first two weeks singing...it was just horrible listening to her. As for the pixs, I truly don't want my young daughter looking up to that for an American Idol...no thanks! Disappointed in American Idol producers for not giving her the boot especially after the pictures started coming out of the wood work...funny how the producers did it to other contestants in the past for their life's mistakes. It should be put as a "BUMMER, you can't go on!"
What a pathetic season RE: ANTONELLA BARBA having her still be among z"REAL VOCALS" FOX backing her up after her slapping Americans in the face by pissing on in the re:sacredness of MEMORIAL and doing who knows what else. Charges should be brought against her.
Fox advertisers really are backing up this immoral disrespectful loose woman??? What a shame that FOX advertisers are now relying on PORN to boost RATINGS.. Re: Antonella Barba internet HYPE. Public or Private. Still the same. Why Frenchie any different??? I hope she sues you all for millions.
No integrity with American IDOL show none whatsoever. Jugdes BAD common sense when picking two NON VOCALS form New Jersey because of Beauty instead of "Singing Vocals".
I hope the show is cancelled. No Integrity left to the show.
New show name: American IDIOTS.
How many BAD Vocal PERFORMANCES x (Only 30 millionish) does Antonella Barba have to perform on AI => OFF TUNE/OFF KEY..OFF MELODY..NO Singing Vocals..I'm NOT a MUSIC Teacher but Know what HURTS my EARs to Have BILLIONS [u][b]HEAR[/b][/u] how bad Antonella Sings????
Answer: Already too many bad vocal performaces todate...
Please Spare Americans Hearing "OFF TUNE/OFF KEY..OFF MELODY..NO Singing Vocals" Antonella Barba from hurting our ears :mad:
if Frenchie can get tossed for racey pics..then the hell is She still on the show...is it because she is slender and pretty and not large like Frenchie was...this is just wrong
It is amazing to me that she is still on the show. It was my understanding that an American Idol should be someone with talent and integrity, neither of which she has. What a disappointment!!!! I sure wouldn't want any young child of mine looking up to that! Come on producers, get your act together!!!
this is pathetic. Many college girls goof around with photos even in high school with their friends. She appears to be a girl with a sincere heart - people forget the clip when she was chosen to go to Hollywood and she did not tell her best friend what the judges really said about her being better than her friend with no singing lessons. Now tell me how many people can get in front of a camera with millions of people watching knowing all of the trash being said about her. Can you really do your best????? I admire her for holding her head up and acting like a lady. Also, this Frenchie bit makes me sick, it is just a way for Frenchie to make money - the big difference, Frenchie knew what she was doing and was paid for it when she posted the pictures - Annabella had pictures stolen from her probably by "friends" (ha) or jealous friends because she is a beautiful girl. Unfortunately, when someone is so pretty they get a lot of paybacks for their looks because of jealousy from others - I have been through it. Annabella, you seem like a very sweet girl and here is one person who does not judge you for goofing around with your friends and unfortunately got penalized by some of them out of vengance.
i agree with the last post but not as harsh...it was said that they are real & the photos were compared & it is her. it makes me angry too because you should have a little respect for yourself. but oh well you put it upon yourself and now you are not going to win.
HELLO!!!! We are in America!! We all have a right to be who we are and do what we want with in the constitution. You don't have to like Antonella, her singing, her photosor anything else about her. It is her right to do as she pleases. Get over it!!!
i just love that sexy girl
I do agree that it is not that big of a deal. She did it and that is that. It is her life, but I also think, Antonella, that you are too beautiful to take your looks for granted, but if that's your way of feeling confident about yourself, then go ahead and and do it. It's not our body. But Fox shouldn't have let Antonella get away with it but put Frenchie off of the show. Just because Antonella is what some people may call a "Perfect ten", it still doesn't mean that she has more rights than Frenchie.I have respect for Antonella, but exposing yourself will not make you anymore beautiful than you already are. Antonella is very pretty (although not the best singer), but everyone should be treated equally. I don't so much blame Antonella, because that's her way of having fun. I actually blame Fox for encouraging it, and American Idol for allowing porn to control the show. Good luck Antonella, but you are young and beautiful. You're not getting any younger, but as far as beauty, don't push it. Good luck!
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