Mel Gibson, for all his faults, has brought us new friends for the holidays. Over the summer, in wake of his drunken Jew-bashing rantings, we investigated the source of his comment to a female sheriff’s sergeant:
"What do you think you're looking at, Sugar Tits?" With the help of
Our Man Elli in Israel, we found there was a character named Sugar Tit in the 1976 Gordon Parks film,
Leadbelly. We also found out about a sleepy burg called Sugar Tit, South Carolina.
All these months later, we’ve received a note from one of its residents. Happy Thanksgiving!
Hello, I grew up in Sugar Tit, and my parents still live there. Not much goes on there, but I remember when some developer first proposed a trailer park, some of our neighbors got together and proposed a pig farm right next door. They eventually built the trailer park, and we chickened out on the pig farm.
Oh, you might be interested in getting a sparkling Sugar Tit vanity plate for your car. I'm not sure if they still make them, but my mom had one, and it embarrassed the heck out of me and my sisters.
The sign in the picture has been replaced numerous times, but not for a while. People kept stealing it.
USC Columbia
First year MLS student
good stuff
I grew up in Sugar Tit and have a picture of myself with that sign when I was 9 (20 years ago). It's not faded in my pic.
The name came from the actual Sugar Tits used in town meetings ages ago. It is sugar placed in a hankercheif and tied tight. A baby sucks on it in place of a tit so that it is quiet during town meetings. This was due to the number of babies with the boom in population. It was more or less a nickname that stuck.
My parents still live there and claim Sugar Tit over Greer. You can see the claim on my parents' business website at www.hitectool.com.
I too remember the trailer park issue.
Jimi Houck
Lost Gold Records in Ridgeway, S.C. put out the bluest party tunes from the 50's-70's called For Adults Only on Sugar Tit Records. It has remained a constant seller.
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