Concert Review
Olivia Newton-John
Friday night in Avalon Ballroom
Niagara Fallsview Casino Resort.
Another performance at 8:30 tonight
By Benjamin Siegel
NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. - Let's get it out of the way here.
It was on the mind of every concertgoer at Friday night's first of two appearances by Olivia Newton-John - the mysterious disappearance of her boyfriend in 2005, which has plagued her in the press as well as in the hearts of fans worldwide.
The Australian-born singer who made a name for herself stateside with the hits "I Honestly Love You" and "Xanadu," and of course that little film starring John Travolta - "Grease" - has filled her career with soaring ballads of broken hearts, prevailing resurgence and heartfelt sisterhood. Whether it was her successful triumph over breast cancer or this latest tragedy, it has been an uphill climb - something audiences can surely relate to in their own ways.
Such was the feeling during the show, onstage and off. Subdued and almost too calm to be performing a sold-out show in the Niagara Fallsview Casino and resort, Newton-John was everything we know her to be on film: Petite and withheld, yet sexy and ferocious when unleashed.
Her latest release, "Grace and Gratitude," a disc full of the kind of inspirational melodies that have connected her to so many fans in every corner of the planet, opened and closed the show… It is full of fun, offers memories from eras past - and very pertinently - the life today of this very human star.
(This Tabloidbaby.com newsite debuted online on November 11, 2005. Our second post read: "Scandal: No justice for Patrick McDermott: Here we have a Hollywood mystery with more twists and clues than a Michael Connelly novel, all in plain sight. So why did the media drop the story?")
I don't get your point. But thanks very much for the photo. Olivia looks beautiful.
This last comment was made by Kiliki slow and blonde. Meaning Dumb!
Then we have some more idiots from the OO board commenting on their fan site. Let's see, why don't we all mimick Kim and show how stupid and kiss up she really is to the OO board.
Same goes with Nancy, Sheila, Mary, Marybeth, Livvyfran, etc.
Seekingsusan, are you still seeking Madonna? Future lesbian!
Dale, let's talk about everyone from the OO management and see who shall we kiss up to this year.
The only ones with personality on the stupid board are Vangogh, Farmer, Dan, Tim, Johnny, Jim and dumb but lovable Xanadude.
Let's get stupid, let's get stupid and go over to the OO board where everyone kisses up to everyone else.
I have been patient and I have good, just trying to hold back bashing Kim, Kris and others but its getting hard to hold back, you know what I mean.
They are so stupid.
I hate Kris, Nancy, Jim. Dale needs to go back to art school.
OMG!! Not "you" again? Is "your" goal in life to destroy Olivia's reputation or scare other people away because "you" are deranged? I wanted to comment how great I think that review is. I am so glad to hear of it being a Sold Out show in Niagra Falls. Nice to see that more people are supporting her by going to her concerts since her heartbreaking news.
Whatever happened to the good folks on that Only Olivia board like Tina, Reno, BillSD, Pollywaffles, Dale, Mindy and Dale?
Future lesbians like Kiliki and Livvyfran ran everyone with an opinion off the board. Watch the board implode on itself now.
Melissa, I hope you are getting satisfaction from your boy, Kevin. I'm sure that bald spot satisfies your every womanly need. If not, you can always check in with Kiliki. She always has an opening for fellow Olivian lezbots.
"Bindi has the same spiritual aura as Olivia," Kim its a shame you don't have a spiritual aura you have nothing but backstabbing ideas for fellow OO fans.
Chrisoliveira became a Buddist that's at stupid as becoming a Jew. Gate, Gate yourself off the damn board you budd-ist go away.
Xanadudue what a Dunce! You idiot! You couldn't even find your way out of a paper bag.
Ugly Betty contest between Linda Sands, Melissa and Kim. Who shall win, I think all three.
Welcome to the Senile club of Eddie, Katherine, Nancy, Tom, Jan and others over 50 who worship Olivia.
Buddhism is not a religion it is a philosophy and psychology of Gautama from Nepal who was considered Buddha.
Maybe Chrisoliveria and Olivia fan can both become Jew-bu's.
I heard Olivia fan is into Witchcraft look into the thread on Halloween and you see what I mean.
Oh God, you mean I have to meet Kim and Kris again?
I need a drink, I'm going to another OO convention then afterwards I can go over to Dale's and get more liquor and view his stupid collection of Wonder Woman merchandise.
Hallelujah Chris and Olivia fan both saved me from destruction!
Hallelujah Chris and Olivia fan both saved me from destruction!
My boyfriend left, my daughter is too thin and sick and I cannot get a record contract. I think I will go to an OO convention and see what their lives are like. There lives are most interesting than mine.
People who are not part of the pathetic Melissa/Kevin/Kiliki/Kim/Nancy/Dale/Jim/Eddie/Billz click don't last on their board.
They claim to be fair to all members, yet when it comes down to it, even neglect those who they claim to "love" on the board.
Xanadude what an idiot. No wonder his wife left he has the personality of a paper clip.
Chris came back from Buddhist camp to proclaim life to the board, Yeah, that's a laugh. Maybe she can hit Kris over the head with her horoscope book then consult her psychic to see if she did the right thing.
Arielle stop posting photos from Getty and image images of Olivia. At least Kate admits she steals from OO never Arielle.
Kayb you need a Totally Hot tourbook but sold yours, tough break you idiot. At least onjfan17 needs the money, what did you need at the time you got rid of yours, sex?
Kim do we need to hear you on every stupid post? I don't think so dark roots.
Kris at least has personality but is too much into Olivia. Get a damn life.
We know you don't have one, you admitted you don't even have a man, I can see why with your Olivia obsession.
Lynda from Canada, welcome to the board, the idiot board and get use to the jerks there.
Are you kidding? Kris has the personality of a piece of dog poop on the bottom of my shoe.
Kim surrounds herself with people that have problems so that it makes her look like some sort of saviour, she has no self esteem, she is also paranoid and neurotic.
Apparently the only thing they care about at OO is whether or not Olivia has had plastic surgery. What does that have to o with her singing? I think they care because they're jealous that she can afford it and they can't because god knows most of them need it. hahahahahahah.
Many are just as ugly on the inside. What kind of woman spits in someones lunch and THEN has the nerve to post it on a message board for the world to see?
Kim is always on that board because her husband is neglecting her. Yes we know Melissa is fat so is Arielle, Mary and Marybeth but we don't need to hear it from you Kris. The queen of Greasey hair.
Meet Dumb and Dumber. Pinklady gets an old actress autograph and Farmer collects old doll mannequins. The only thing more stupid is Dale still collecting Wonder Woman merchandise. That's as bad as having a old actress like Fawcett's autograph.
Kim needs plastic surgery and a root job. Kris needs a full body makeover. Maybe if Farmer has the time in between playing with dolls he could dress Kim and Kris.
Stuttgarter why do we need your opinion of American politics stay in your own stupid country of Germany. Hiram keep praying it seems the only thing you do on the board.
Randy you're just as bad as Kim stupid is as stupid does.
Kris emails people and tells them private details about everyone's business while Kim phones people and talks behind other members backs. Who is the most devious of the two?
Kris we know seekingsusan looks like a hooker dressed in drag but you don't have to tell us this. Welcome to the dyfunctional society Beth, good to have you.
What do you know Xanadude can talk about other things besides charts.
Careful ChrisB you are using Kim's favorite word to describe Olivia, I think she owns that word Classy.
Kim why don't you email Amy and kiss up some more like we have not heard enough of your wonderful kissing up of her over the board.
Farmer you need to say nice things about anything about Olivia or anything else we get tired of hearing Kris and Kim all the time on that dumb board.
Yes, Kim has such class.
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