We can't wait to hear-- oh, wait, this just in: Extra says the one-legged hardballer will discuss her vegan diet, her health-and-fitness regime — but not the divorce.
We don't believe it. This is a woman who spills her guts to Larry King! What's Extra doing, taking lessons from Entertainment Tonight? After its apparent complicity in the Patrick McDermott disappearance cover-up on behalf of Olivia-Newton John, the show would surely risk whatever credibility it has by agreeing to ignore the most obvious elephant in the room. No, the tabloid television vets behind the scenes would never allow themselves to be so blatantly inconsequential.
The interview airs next week. We'll see.
What is this obsession you have with Olivia Newton-John??? It's really quite unhealthy.
I figure if you can double post, I can too.
Why does Kiliki keep posting here if she feels that tabloid baby has an "unhealthy obsession"? She's the one with the obsession, if you ask me.
Poor Mindy. This is now her only outlet for venting. She has been thrown out of OO. She is reduced to posting here on Tabloid Baby, the only place she can vent about OO.
It is sad really. She sits here day in and day out. Hoping for a shred, a bone, someone to talk to her.
Now, for some history on getting kicked out of OO. Only the worse offenders have resulted in getting kicked out. A very well known case of this would be Bill D`Amato.
Hey Mindy, here is a suggestion. Now that you are in the same league as Bill. Why don't you join his message board? You have a lot of things in common. I think you would get along very well. You could bring some insight to his board. Make some friends with young teen girls that post there. Besides, you have no place else to post except Bill's board. Surely you won't be kicked out of there, because his board consists of people that have been kicked out of OO and have no place else to go. (like yourself)
So excuse me. I will now leave you behind. Leave you here to post and hope SOMEONE will see and talk to you. You no longer exist.
We feel sorry for you really.
Thank you Mindy, the point that was being made was just proven. You sit and wait for a response. You also have this weird obsession with thinking that everyone is Kiliki.
A plea to the public. I am a parent. My teen daughter joined F/A message board. Within days 2 of the people that run the club emailed pornographic photos of themselves to her. I won't name them because it is being investigated. One is an older man in California and the other is an older female in Washington state. Please keep your children away from this site. The older male offered to let my teen girl come live with him in his apartment. The authorities are investigating.
Quote from Bill, "NO ONE is going to dictate what I post on MY message board. If certain people don't want you to hear the truth, too damn bad."
My response: We'll see about that old man. One thing is for sure. You won't get your hands on my daughter. Don't you realize your board is being watched by investigators?
Oh please, the hammer has been falling for 10 years. You have threatened everyone you have ever come in contact with.
Since when, Mrs. Simpson have you known of this investigation of pornography?? Frankly lady you are the one with head problems. Keep bringing me into your drama & I will turn this "investigation" onto you. Really all the authorities had to do was e-mail me for my statistical facts. No need for all of this drama surounding nothing but your lies. In fact I am obligated under law to report any issues of abuse I may come in contact with. Until now I never came in contact with you. Kate is the one being severly abused by you. She is 20 yr. old & in love with a man that you can't control, so instead you control your daughters life by lying to suit your own demented needs. In court it is called contempt & perjury. So keep on with this game you are playing with people on the Internet because lady you are giving us everything we could need to help Kate every time you post. Another thing Ms. Simpson this as well as our board has been watched by authorities for some time, I send them the information! You really don't know what you just stepped into but its pretty deep. So go on and whine and lie your ass off as you've been. The show is just beginning for you..........Vicki(older woman in WA...37)
Sure Vicki, you are sending info to investigators? You also who have a personal friendship with ONJ and Roger Davies?
Hope those mental health medications are kicking in high gear for you.
Did anyone else notice, that here on Tabloid Baby, how all the slander against OO stopped after Kate's internet use started to be monitored?
Vicki, perhaps you need to really post the true meaning behind what is going on.
Forever- AlwaysONJ
Everett, WA Reply »
|Flag |#205 Jan 28, 2007
My,my you are still at whatever this is you are trying to do. I had enough awhile ago from you & thought I'd try to do something about this problem of yours(which of course is YOU). Gavin De Becker is being sent all of your rantings. I have faith in him to handle this situation. For all any of us know you are a deranged mental patient or something even worse. Maybe you were the guy camping in the park behind Liv's house with the thorn branch 'headband' stuck around your head. Living in a cardboard box of old vynal Olivia records(The Gift of Fear)? Either way Gavin & Co. are happy to recieve the info.
This is what was referred to in my post. This post was at Topix.net...................Vicki
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