The star is crying by the end of the first paragraph and pushing a new album “to honor” McDermott by the second.
“Life After Loss,” beginning on page 77 of the October 9, 2006 issue of People, is a classic example of how the Hollywood machine cleans up after its celebrities and keeps the protective curtain pulled high around their private lives. All the questions that Newton-John’s actions raised after the mysterious disappearance of Patrick McDermott are glossed over, folded into the continuing saga of the diva’s tragic life, and ultimately used to promote a product.
And in an incredible twist, Newton-John's machine even brings McDermott’s ex-wife into the fold.

Then again, People reveals that Nipar “has become close friends with Newton-John during the ordeal,” and “now talks to Newton-John almost every day.”
Vanity Fair, Entertainment Tonight and The Black Dahlia have nothing on this: an article that deserves study in every journalism school as an example of the devil’s bargain that’s struck when magazines and celebrities make deals that trade control for exclusivity, and how every deal, no matter whose lives are involved, are used in the end, to sell something.
Readers of this site know the basics. Patrick McDermott, who has publically been identified as Olivia-Newton John’s lover since 1996 (the year she split from her much-younger husband) disappeared from a fishing boat on June 30, 2005. But his disappearance didn’t make headlines for seven weeks, until an intrepid tabloid journalist attached the name to the celebrity.

Newton-John’s silence quickly led many to suspect that McDermott may have been a “beard” or employee, hired to accompany her in public (she had been the target of dangerous stalkers in the past). It was also theorized that Newton-John may have belped McDermott disappear because of his financial troubles or other problems.
Within weeks, Newton-John resumed her public concert schedule and McDermott was all but forgotten-- but not by Tabloid Baby, which broke the news in March that the US Coast Guard was pursuing reports that McDermott was alive, and that he’d been sighted in a remote region of the Baja Peninsula.
In July, Australian journalist Nick Papp followed the lead to the area and found witnesses claiming to have seen McDermott. The chase's momentum was foiled by the celebutainment show, Extra (a Time-Warner product-- like People & Newton-John), which was handed a visor believed to be McDermott's, made a great show of promising to conduct DNA tests-- yet mysteriously returned the hat, untested to the Baja, possibly contaminating the evidence in the process.
The People story takes a different tack.

“He was the most romantic person I have ever known.”
Why Newton-John never reported him missing, and carried on a seven-week public schedule while he was gone:
“We were on a break, but we had been on breaks before and we got back together. We had a wonderful relationship.”
Why McDermott lived in blue-collar Van Nuys, and why Newton-John didn’t help her “soulmate” of nine years wih his financial problems:
“He had a lot of pride. So I didn’t know the extent of it.”
On the weeks and months after McDermott’s disappearance was announced, when Newton-John went on with a planned album promotion tour and concert tour:
People: “In any event, the first six months of McDermott’s disapperance were almost unbearable for Newton John.”
Newton-John: “I took antidepressants. I had to.”

People: “She was in Australia visiting a critically injured goddaughter.”
Of the mysteries regarding McDermott’s disappearance, and suspicion from the start that he had faked his own death:
People turns then into conspiracy theories-- “a more bizarre alternative” that arose “earlier this year.”
The article continues with a continuation of its decade-long Newton-John tragedy saga, bringing in her 1992 bout with breast cancer and divorce. It does not bring up the homicidal stalkers that led her to seek help from Hollywood security consultant Gavin de Becker, nor does it mention de Becker’s involvement in this case.
Instead, the article focuses on “another crazy confirmation that good comes out of bad”: Newton-John’s new CD.
Yet, midway through the article is a reminder: a boxed sidebar story: “THE CASE IS STILL OPEN.”
The Patrick McDermott story continues...
1 – 200 of 946 Newer› Newest»You guys are pathetic. You're the ones trying to spin this story. You don't care anything about Patrick McDermott, you're just trying to create something out of nothing for your own personal gain. Olivia deserves much better treatment than this.
Tabloid baby raises several interesting questions:
why was Olivia still in Australia while they were looking for Patrick
If they were on a "break" why was Patrick in Olivia's garden the day before he disappeared (as per People article http://people.aol.com/people/article/0,26334,1538540,00.html )
If they were still close enough for Patrick to garden at Olivia's home why dd she not hear of his disappearance for several weeks.
Olivia is using his disappearance to promote an album. It is even dedicated to him in the notes. Watch her talk about it and her album on talk shows this October.
Tabloid Baby needs to do more research.
Olivia was in Australia concerned for her god-daughter when she found out Patrick was missing. His ex-wife called Olivia as soon as she realised he was missing. (July 6th) It was days, not weeks. Olivia was still in a state of shock when she found out about Patrick. I imagine she didn't feel that she could travel at that point and remained in Australia for a couple of more weeks.
It states very clearly in the People article that Olivia and Patrick remained close during their "break". So I don't think it is unusual that Patrick was working in Olivia's garden.
Of course Olivia will be talking about Patrick while promoting grace and gratitude. This album was inspired by him. I imagine the media will want to talk about their relationship.
Since when are tabloids concerned for anyone's well being? Huh!
It is a sad comment when a website derives pleasure from others' hardship and pain. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Olivia Newton-John is an activist, a philanthropist (environmental causes, breast cancer research) and a dedicated parent. Your vilification of her is abhhorrent.
I finally had to post. Your interesting questions are not worth debate. Come on, let the lady go on with her life - and if she wants to refer to someone who meant a lot to her, she has that right. If the mother of his child is right there with Olivia, I think we should just leave this and let go. Your comparison to the black dahlia - sad. Ms. Newton-John deserves better.
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Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 12:05 am Post subject: My Interview of The Today Show
What an amazing experience today has been!!! I ended up staying over in NYC last night. Today we woke up at 5:30, got dressed and took a cab to The Today Show. We got there around 6. We found out that Olivia wouldn't be outside, but she pointed to a monitor, and I watched her warming up, she was skipping around on the stage goofing off. She looked adorible.
So this woman showed me where the stage door was, I thanked her and headed there. I waited for along time.
Olivia is not aging well and this story has been fishy from the beginning.
Posts: 1199
Location: North Hollywood, CA
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:43 am Post subject:
It does seem to support the theory by some who feel these Patrick sightings were a publicity stunt to prime the public for this CD. Plus Olivia has made no bones about the fact that Patrick was the MAIN REASON for this CD. She is basically reaping the benefit of her own personal tragedy.
Grace and Gratitude was inspired by Olivia's love for Patrick. It was not created for any other reason than that it has helped her through a very difficult time. Only a cynic would think otherwise. Or a lunatic like D'Amato.
Posts: 1210
Location: North Hollywood, CA
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 1:17 pm Post subject:
Olivia seems to be going backwards not forwards. She is taking on projects that are less and less popular or mainstream instead of heading in a direction that would enhance her career and renew interest in her
More D'Amato rants.Did it ever occur to this dumb bastard that just maybe she is doing what she wants and doesn't give a damn about this stalker's opinion.Just to make sure everyone knows.These quote's are coming from Bill D'Amato the president of the Forever and Always site that is always bashing Olivia.
Obviously, he is more concerned about her popularity and not her artistry. Bad fan!
Loveletliv yeah joining OO good luck. Those useless losers! Join some other board without Kris and Kim on it.
Kiliki, Kris do you have to know everything about Olivia even her friends, what's wrong with you, don't have any yourself, so you hog Olivia's?
Happy Birthday to Melissa, yes the more she runs down the OO club into the ground.
Patrick and EvanJeffrey don't try to send email spam to each to other. Let Arielle and Fifi do that for you by way of their French fan site. Did you know, everytime you log onto their french fan site that your computer gets a virus by these two idiots?
Tamara74, are we still praying for those stupid relatives, we need to get off our knees for you finally. My Knees are killing me. Kim, don't wear so much damn makeup you look like a puta on the street or is that the look are you going for?
MichaelUK, Winterangel6000-Linda, Kiliki, Kris we don't need your stupid reviews of Grace and Gratitude let the magazines do that, do you think we need to hear this garage from other fans?
Dale, "Warm up to Power of Love", warm up with what? A man?
Kim don't hog the board, we don't need to hear your every idea, suggestion or thought about Olivia or Amy.
Kiliki and Kim both of you love everything about Olivia, why don't the two of you move in together so both of you can love Olivia to death together and everything she does, the both of you need help!
So Olivia looks bad in the photo here, at least she doesn't look as bad as Kim does with all that gross makeup on her face and her skirt too high. I think Kim needs to be in "Pretty Woman" and learn the ropes.
So here we have a troll from the Forever and always stalker site bringing up people from the Only Olivia Fan Club.The first thing you notice he says nothing to the fact's that D'Amato is an asshole because of how he bashes Olivia.That's good I'm glad your in agreement with me.Now , since you critiqued the people over at Only Olivia I think it's only fair that we look at the band of misfits over at F&A.
Kate........Queen of the stalkers. FACT-She has admitted to followinf Olivia's bus
FACT- She has admitted hanging around the stage door stalking Olivia At the today show.
FACT-She has said she no longer copies and pastes from Only Olivia which is a lie just this week she lifted pictures from the charity walk Olivia participated in this past week.
FACT-you mention the apperance of some of the people over at OO.That's an area I wouldn't go.Take a look at their plain talk page and see KATE"S MAKEOVER if you dare.I opened up that thread and i screamed.I guess halloween came early this year.Her eyebrows are thicker than an ape.Ever hear of tweezers Kate?That is one scary wookie.
Then we have vicki who is still claiming she had an audition with Olivia and Roger Davies.Enough said there.
Then of course theres the king loon D'Amato who I notice now is complaining about the arangement walgreens and olivia has concerning the new CD.What an ass.Here's a dose or reality dumb ass.YOUR NOT HER MANAGER.Stop whackin off at her concerts and get in the real world and realize that Olivia and her management want nothing to do with your pathetic club of Olivia bashers.Oh and please don't say someone is running the only olivia club into the ground when your club STILL has less than 50 members after 8years.Can you be that damn stupid not to go there .Oh and of those 50 people half of them are probably you under different names.
Is this that guy, Dan, again. Jesus, I thought he died.
Yes , Jesus did die.We can only hope for the same fate for forever and always.Once again thanks for agreeing on the facts I brought up about F&A.Silence means consent.
Posts: 1220
Location: North Hollywood, CA
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 9:36 pm Post subject:
Whatever makes you think that there's something illegal or some kind of breach of contract in having a stand at an event, promoting a product sold through Walgreen's?
It's an event about raising awareness - and cash - for an organisation doing reasearch on a number of diseases, Olivia is invited, they do reasearch to fight cancer also, she promotes some of her stuff..
I understand this but if you sign an exclusive agree with someone to be the sole distributor of your products you can't just go off and sell them outside of your agreement.
Based on what the advertizing and statements made by Olivia, Walgreens was supposed to be the EXCLUSIVE distributor for these products. That is what I am basing my argument on. Now, if this is NOT an exclusive agreement why was it portrayed as such by BOTH sides? I don't think it is out of line to question something that doesn't seem to be as it was laid out to be.
This would be no different than her signing a recording contract with Universal and they allowing Sony to also distribute the CD. Do you think Universal would stand for that?
I don't care if Walgreens is the exclusive distributor or not. I hope Olivia sells millions of these things anyway she can. I DO care that what was the situation we were lead to believe
D'Amato your a loon.What difference does it make to you where she sells her breat cancer products?Do you think you get some type of commision?You need a padded room.You have NOTHING to do with any of her business decisions.
I am not a member of any fan club, have no idea who "D'Amato", "The Unibrow", "Kate", etc. etc. are and frankly am confused why all this mudslinging is going on following an article on OLIVIA and PATRICK (?)
At any rate being a fan does not mean you are going to LOVE and agree with everything the celebrity does, says, wears etc.
For example, I have been an ONJ fan for a long time and have always loved her voice, inner/outer beauty, ability to put on a good show,music, etc, but I completely disagree with her religious views (i.e. referring to God with a small "g"). I am still a fan of hers, though. The most loyal fan has the right to disagree with some of what she does without disrespecting her and without being disrepected and slammed by other fans. From reading all of this, it seems there may be confusion on the part of both "fan clubs" as to what being a fan means and in the process have lost site of what this article is about--OLIVIA AND PATRICK and his tragic disappearance.
Look I understand how you do not want to admit your an F&A troll .Really , no one wants to be associated with those band of stalkers.But the first step to recovery is to admit your mistakes that you ever associated with them .Then run away.Fast very fast.
Olivia is very open to all religions. She does not judge. I think it would be a much better world if we all believed as she did.
But I have to agree about the fan club thing. It has no place on this blog.
Like I said, I am not a member (or "troll" as you call it) of any fan club. After reading these posts, who'd wanna be--geez.
Yes, she is very open-minded, a very admirable quality and another reason I am a fan. I was referring to her very unusual reference to God with a small "g"--He deserves a big "G". It would be a much better world if we all believed as HE does. If you want to call me a "troll" for saying this, go ahead. I think it's called persecution.
Buddha has a "B"
Allah has an "A"
God has a "g"? I don't think so.
I wasn't the one calling you a troll. There is more than one person posting on this blog.
As I said, Olivia does not judge. But it appears you do.
I think Olivia taking from all religions is her right. She doesn't need you to tell her in what god she can believe. I'm sure she takes comfort from all gods. Even the one with the big G.
What a load of BS!
Anyone who believes this junk must surley believe that Yogi Bear is running around stealing people's picnic baskets.
Olivia (aside from a compilation) hasn't had a gold or greater album since the mid eighties in the USA, yet in Australia she has continued to record albums that have gone gold even multi platinum. Why does she care if she has a hit USA album or not?
Her Gaia album dealt with her struggle with breast cancer, her last album was inspirational and releated to her triumph over breast cancer and now the new CD is about healing.
Even before the new CD people were asking about Patrick and she was answering questions.
So olivia talks about him in the album notes. Is she never ever aloud to speak of him ever again...come on!
Beth Nielsen Chapman's sand and water album dealt with the death of her husband.
Kylie Minogues new album will deal with her battle with breast cancer.
Carole King dedicated her Welcome Home album to her husband who O.D. on drugs.
Emmylou Harris' Red Dirt Girl features a tribute to her dad.
Judith Durham (the seekers) dedicates and album to her husband who died of Motor Nurone disease.
Clearly you have never been mellow!
Sure she judges, as we all do--SHE'S HUMAN!! She is not Jesus Christ, without sin, for crying out loud! C'mon folks.
I didn't say Olivia was without sin. I'm sure she has done some things in her past she is not proud of. But I've never known Olivia to say a bad word about another human being. She even had some kind words for Mel Gibson on the Larry King Live show and her mother was Jewish. I was a big fan of his and even I can't forgive him. And I'm not even Jewish.
Not saying a bad word about anyone is indeed a trait we should all strive for. I wish I saw more of it in this blog.
Don't worry Jim, sooner or later you get treated like crap from OO and some more. They will keep doing it as well if you let them.
Kris we know you had a good time seeing Olivia but rubbing her back, future lesbian!
Stop complaining JoanZ about not getting items sent to you and call the stupid company don't tell us. If I have to hear one more word from Kim about how gracious and lovely Olivia is, I am going to throw up. Kim get off the board, you are alway on the it!
I didn't know the wheel chair and walking cane bunch followed Olivia followed Eddie, Katherine, Nancy, Tom and Jan.
Tom lose the weight you look like a zuma wrestler.
Nancy too bad you didn't get a photo your a loser just like the rest of the bunch. Try harder to kiss up to Dale next time. Maybe that's what Jim should have done to get to the OO convention.
Dale stop having those alcohol parties you know that people are saying you are a major alcoholic and your tribe.
What kind of sissy name is Fifi? This sounds very gay to me.
Heatherm are you deaf and dumb for not understanding lyrics?
Engel is a pervent to Physical lyrics. Kris get off the board and stop bragging so you met Olivia so what do you need a trophy?
Bill stop picking on Kris going to her bus to meet Olivia. Kris doesn't have a life remember so she comes to OO like everyone else.
Mrono I thought the millionaire could afford any concert especially Barbara Steisand. You know you love her and you still might go after all.
Sheila hon you need weight watchers and stop pretending you are a beach blonde with those dark roots anyone can tell.
Kris and Nancy, how Olivia smelled future Lesbians. Here's an Idea why don't Kris and Nancy shack up together.
Suppose Olivia smelled bad would you still stand next to her and enjoy the experience? I do not think so.
A toast to the idiot who mentioned awhile back how stupid one fan was for meeting Olivia and never getting his tourbook signed by Olivia not someone else posing as her.
OO people need to act respectful to meet and greet Olivia, what are you a bunch of children. To some of you that didn't please stand up and identify yourselves to those you acted decent. And define decent? I thought most of OO were adults not children like on the F&A board.
Members of these so-called fan clubs always talk about how loving, kind, warm, etc. Olivia is, yet they will snub their own members, i.e. not associate with certain members/posters for no real reason. Maybe they should try to be more like the woman they so idolize. Its almost like being back in junior high, only this is the cyberspace version.
Oh what fun that was to read. I'm a paying member of OO and (almost always) proud of it. I must say, though, the comments about Kim are perfect. I have SO wanted to post the same on the OO forum but fear being banned. Same with Tamara.
I am a huge fan of Olivia but I have a life aside from being a fan. I am blown away by people's obsession with her, their gushing, and of course the stalking issues. I've witnessed fans making complete fools of themselves telling her their life stories, things you would only tell your best friend or a therapist. HOW SAD!
I love Olivia but I live my life. Thank you to all who contributed to this ranting forum, I'm lovin' this!
I am also a paying member of OO and I would love to tell Kim, Kiliki, Tamara and some others to get lost, the same thought occurs to me that these loonies need to get a life.
I went to the OO convention and by the way, the ones that didn't get it go besides meeting Olivia, you would not want to hang out with that loser crowd at all. What a bunch of sad wimps. They argue over every little petty thing.
The women are especially terrible. Nancy, mind you own damn business in what Sheila did. Sheila don't brag you went Olivia in the hall way.
I would love it if JUST ONCE Olivia would snub this group or say something nasty about them (I know that's not her style), but it would humanize her to them a bit, forcing them to knock her off the high pedestal they have her on and maybe move on and get a life in the process.
SO SAD to dedicate so much of one's time and energy (and $$ flying all over the couuntry seeing all her shows) on someone who does not know they exist. That is the definition of obsession. Olivia meets thousands of people every year. I doubt she remembers any of them, including those who are in "OO" or any other fan club.
I hope these fans are putting as much time and energy into those who really ARE in their lives as they do to OLIVIA.
I think it is obvious who the person is who is posting all of these messages on this site. Look at how the punctuation compares to what is posted on the OO site. You figure it out. It is one of OO's most "prized and psychotic fans". How sad. A dual personality, without anything else to do but follow Olivia around the country with those stupid glow-sticks. By the way, I bet your co-workers were probably making fun of you when they had those masks made up. It was probably an inside joke amongst them.
Didn't Kiliki get banned from imdb? I don't see any of her psychotic lesbionic posts on there anymore. Seems like they have all been removed by an "administrator". Good for them. At least they can recognize freaks and insane obsessed people for what they are.
Posts: 1536
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Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 4:45 pm Post subject:
You are a BABE!!!
Olivia, the magic is YOU.
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Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:05 pm Post subject:
I think "babe" is Bill's favorite word in the english language.
Thanks everyone!! I appreciate it!!
"I became even more aware of the power of music. It can heal the body, calm the mind, and lift the spirit; but above all, it can connect us to our hearts." Olivia Newton-John
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Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:22 pm Post subject:
Only when describing you.
Olivia, the magic is YOU.
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Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:26 pm Post subject:
Awwww you are the cutest thing ever!! Can I pinch your cheeks?
"I became even more aware of the power of music. It can heal the body, calm the mind, and lift the spirit; but above all, it can connect us to our hearts." Olivia Newton-John
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Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:31 pm Post subject:
Only if I could pinch your ......um....cheeks, too.
Nothing sicker than a 50 year old balding stalker going after a 20 year old.Taken right from the stalker site F&A..Go ahead you loser try and spin this into something innocent.Ecuse me while I vomit.
The average age of people in Forever and Always is 15, and D'amato is 54. Fucking creep. I wonder if these kids parents know that this diddler is online with their kids every day.
You all should be ashamed of yourselves. Olivia had a tragic event in her life, and this story is not about battles on unimportant website message boards. Come on people, get a LIFE.
XANADUDE is another one that needs some help. All he does is post about stupid radio sites. BUDDY, get some treatment.
Yeah, I guess It's much better to be D'Amato and to be president of an Olivia fan club(not really a fan club since only about 10 people post there.I have seen more people in a phone booth.) and then bash everything Olivia does , all because he thinks he should be running her career.Now this 50 year old is making lewd comments to a 20 year old girl.Plus I have seen the e mails he was sending to her begging her to come back to his pathetic club.They are beyond disgusting.It's sad how he preys on the little girls in his club.
If you think Bill is a nutcase, look at what he writes when he lapses into his alternate ego "Vicki", her latest post on F&A
"So Mellot, maybe these are the 'people' I told you to keep away from her for her own safety?"
I love how King Lunatic D'amato is saying that OO asked Kate to come back to the Only Olivia Fan Club.Laughable!OK king Lunatic ,show one email or shread of proof that OO asked her to come back.Everyone knows that Kate was just sick of your Olivia bashing.Thats when you deceided to beg her to come back with your disgusting lewd emails.Go ahead, ask her if she shared your emails with anyone.She did.Act your age you pig.A balding 50 year old has no place making lewd comments to a 20 year old.Disgusting.
AH, Jimmy, you can do better than that, can't you?
Why don't you go bury your head in Kiliki's bleach blonde bush? Oh wait, her hand is already in there. Or is that Nancy's face?
Despite all of these 'other' issues of concern within Olivia's own fan base the focal point to me is still Nipar. How do you all of a sudden become best of friends with the lady you accusse of taking a father away from his son? All that would take to begin proving is to go to the county courthouse in Santa Monica & actually retrieve the original papers Yvette filed in court against Patrick. According to her comments now Olivia and Nipar are "best of friends" along with a proffessional endorsement of some stupid T-Shirts designed by Nipar. Frankly Nipar doesn't strike me as the friendly type who names her ex's girlfriend(Olivia)as the reasoning as to why Patrick never wanted to spend time w/their son. According to Nipar Patrick "would rather spend his time w/Olivia". Instead of some of you wasting time on wether I auditioned for Roger Davies lifetimes ago, you should go do a search of public records on Nipar. That would produce some actual written "fact" or dellusion of Yvette Nipar. Vicki Taylor
And maybe you should just worry about your own sick fantasy life of encounters with Olivia instead of worrying about who Olivia chooses to be friends with.If you want to butt into someone's weird relationships , just stick with the president of your sick forever and always site.This 53 year old balding loser is trying to start a relationship with a 20 year old.Sickening.
Did I strike a nerve? Besides aren't you the pot calling the kettle black? If you say Nipar is none of my business that means Bill is none of yours. Vicki
Strike a nerve?LOL.Not unless you move next to me you freak.Your obviously dilusional with your fantasy Olivia and Roger Davies auditions.Get help or a labotomy ,what ever is cheaper.I guess I have to explain the connection, I assumed you could figure it out.My mistake.Your worried about Olivia's personal friends which you have NO connection to.Meanwhile you are part of a stalker website where the 53 year old president is making lewd comments to a 20 year old.But I guess thats ok in your demented world.Get the connection now?
You're the one who sounds like a freak, the poster who keeps repeating the same things all the time about F&A and what's his name..
Go get YOUR head checked for your little obssession.
You have a very unhealthy bent and your charges are amusing.
(A sign for you that you should check yourself first before talking about others.)
And this comment website page is about Olivia- not your sick battles with other fan clubs.
Get off of it instead of cluttering it up with your crap. It discourages other people from having healthy conversation.
Charges are amusing?Wrong.The truth hurts.All of his lewd comments are all there on his stalker site.If your going to try and debate at leat try and be truthfull.D'amato is a pig.End of story.
While I agree that King D'Amato is a total pig and seems to have a split personality, take a gander at the OO board sometime.
Weirdos and pigs abound there.
Queen Bitch Kiliki, Jim, Nancy, Melissa, Kim, Marybeth, Livvyfra, Alex, Billz and some others have all run that board and fan club into the ground.
And by the way, Kiliki wants Livvyfra, but Livvyfra does not speak English well so does not realize all of the sexual overtones Kiliki uses in her posts.
Why are 'you' so intent on sharing your sick mind on this & every other forum that has to do with Olivia? Most people that have a legitimate beef w/someone are not afraid to confront the issue w/the person they have a problem with. All you seem to do is rant incoherently about everyone involved in being Olivia's fan. It would be much easier to 'listen' to this crap if you would share who you are w/all of us. The sexual innuendos used by you are in very bad taste & definitely not appropriate in this forum. I have never seen someone so demented that they just keep going on & on in a non-rational way about people no one knows. We don't care what your thoughts are on anything because your thoughts are not normal. The only person you make look bad is yourself. Vicki
Wow that's alot of name dropping there of people that you name from from OO.Of course you do not mention any factual incidents of anything that these people do wrong in your demented eyes.Well now it's my turn , however I will bring up facts that are there to see on the stalker site of Forever and always.
Vicki - A lunatic freak who claims to have auditioned for Roger Davies and says Olivia offered her mom a job among other wild claims.Scary.
Kate -After she begged to come back to OO because she was sick of D'Amato's Olivia bashing she then decides to go back to F&A after D'Amato starts sending her lewd emails professing his affection for her.Never mind the fact he's 33 years older than her.Disgusting.Plus D'amato is claiming OO begged her to come back.Laughable.How about it Kate fess up and tell the truth once in your life.Who called who?Seems Kate can't make up her mind on anything.One week she proclams shes gay , the next week she has a boyfriend named Dan.Which by the way after Dan is made the F&A corporate rep he goes into the witness protection program and is never heard from again.I guess being made corporate rep of a site where a total of 8 people post was too much pressure for him.The only thing Kate seems to make up her mind on is stalking Olivia , whether that means following her bus for 10 miles or waiting outside the stage door at the today show.Both incidents she brags about on the stalker messageboard of F&A by the way.Then there's the great lie Kate continues to tell about being with Olivia for 2 hours at foxwoods.While there is no doubt Kate was fortunate to meet Olivia there ,Everyone knows that while Olivia tours she does not spend 2 hours backstage with ANYONE!She has admitted to lieing about that to a few members at OO while she was there.
D'Amato- The freak who bashes everything Olivia does all because he feels he could be running her career so much better.Now this 53 year old is chasing a 20 year old.Sad.Plus he gets on these rants about bootleg videos which is just so funny since all the shows were on commercial tv..Meanwhile he sells items in his store with pictures of Olivia on it which is illegal.But that ok because he is doing it.Plus they constantly steal pictures from the OO site and paste them but once again thats ok because they are doing it.But look don't beleive me.Beleive the numbers.What can you say about a club that after 8 years has ONLY about 50 members?And how many of those are multiple D'amato screen names so it looks like other people support his sick notions about Olivia?50 members after 8 years!You can't fool the public.They see what his site is all about and want nothing to do with him.Please when you reply to this , just answer this one simple question.After 8 years why does his pathetic site have only 50 members?Don't worry when you don't answer , I will repeat the question again.
You constantly are bringing up OO members names but never any real incidents like the ones I mention about the F&A loons.That's ok we both know that there aren't any.
How would you know if Kate is lying about that meeting. You weren't with her.
Simple.When Olivia is on tour she does not spend 2 hours with ANYONE backstage.And also like I have said she has admitted to people at OO that she greatly exaggerated the time backstage.And like I promised I guess I have to repeat the question again.
.But look don't beleive me.Beleive the numbers.What can you say about a club that after 8 years has ONLY about 50 members?And how many of those are multiple D'amato screen names so it looks like other people support his sick notions about Olivia?50 members after 8 years!You can't fool the public.They see what his site is all about and want nothing to do with him.Please when you reply to this , just answer this one simple question.After 8 years why does his pathetic site have only 50 members?Don't worry when you don't answer , I will repeat the question again.
Yes, sure it may have 8 members. But you certainly don't know all of them personally now do you? Next time, THINK before you judge someone.
I will THINK, when you learn to READ.I never said I know the 8 people who post there.Once again i will repeat the question that still isn't answered.
But look don't believe me.Believe the numbers.What can you say about a club that after 8 years has ONLY about 50 members?And how many of those are multiple D'amato screen names so it looks like other people support his sick notions about Olivia?50 members after 8 years!You can't fool the public.They see what his site is all about and want nothing to do with him.Please when you reply to this , just answer this one simple question.After 8 years why does his pathetic site have only 50 members?Don't worry when you don't answer , I will repeat the question again
Who are you talking too? No one but 'your' posts contain ramblings and apparently names you pick from 'your' unwell head claiming them to be from OO. There are no anwsers for you & yourself. I am however extremely curious to know of your given name..................??
I am talking to anyone from the Forever and Always site where there president constantly bashes the Only Olivia site.So I ask the question yet again.
Please when you reply to this , just answer this one simple question.After 8 years why does his pathetic site have only 50 members?
Why they have 50 members after 8 years?
And why has OO lied about some F&A members, dumbass? Lies that discouraged people from joining.
Because they're good people?
You sick twit.
Quit annoying us with your twisted ramblings.
You're the poster child for insanity. Even OO would be ashamed of you.
Oh I see it's OO fault why your pathetic club has only 50 members after 8 years.Not D'amato's constant Olivia bashing .Your the poster child for denial.P.S. Some troll from your F&A site constantly bashes OO members here with lies.You can dish it out but cant take it.Just out of curiosity what lies did I tell about the 3 people above?(Kate,Vicki, or D"amato).You know everything I said is true.It's all there on your site to read.Just admit it's your members and your actions that scare people away.No one wishes to associate with you because of D'amato.Not Oliva,Koala Blue, her management or new members.That's the REAL reason why you only have 50 members and about 8 that post regulary.
What do you mean MY club? It's not my club,
I just find you neurotic. Nobody rants and raves (and twists the truth, YOU admit it) like you do endlessly.
You don't act soundly. I don't even care what your opinions are, you need to get off that weird mental trip of yours and start think sanely.
But again, what you SAY about F&A is distorted. Don't think for a minute that it's not evident.
But do everybody a favor and quit posting your deranged ramblings. Even if you think you're right
This is a site made to discuss issues that are posted, not your (misguided) fight with a fan club.
Who in the hell do you think you are to tell me what to post.Deranged ramblings?LOL.The truth hurts!!!Specifacally what did I say about F&A that's distorted?You know it's all true.It's not my opinions.It's all facts.It's all there to be read on the F&A messageboard.But you see people just go there to read and laugh at D'Amato and his band of lunatics.No one joins.50 people after 8 years.LOL.Anyone that really likes Olivia doesn't want to be part of a site that constantly bashes her.
Unfortunately, Olivia does not have an "official" message board.
Go to OO and the fans that have opinions, or are not in the "clique" get bashed and leave.
Go to forever and always, and Olivia gets bashed.
Hopefully Olivia will get an offical board soon, and we can leave these awful sites in the dust.
So lets see , one site bashes Olivia and the other site as long as you follow the board rules , you get to voice your opinion.Wonder where I should post?Well lets see where everyone else goes.It's almost like voteing you cant fool the public.Ok.Forever and always= about 50 members..Only Olivia=over 1200.Guess I will leave the 50 Olivia bashers alone and post over at the OO site.
F & A has more members but they do not post just like OO has members that did post, left and came back when they were asked to. Just like Kate because Forever and Always is gaining speed.
OO let Kate back so they had to let Dan who posts negative things about OO as well as F & A on this site back also as well as some other loonies who need mental help, just like you do.
Capisca il mio amico del looney?
I'm going over to the OO site where I can watch Kim, Kris, Nancy, Mary and others get it on.
It will be fun to watch these women in a ring with mud all over their bodies makes me excited!
I don't post on OO, but I find it highly amusing since all of the people there need serious psychological assistance, especially Kiliki, Kim and Billz. It's fun, and it is like watching a bad movie like "One Flew Over The Koo Koo's Nest".
"Anyone that really likes Olivia doesn't want to be part of a site that constantly bashes her."
Hey, whoever you are, you just proved that you don't understand much about what people write.
They don't "bash" her on F&A, they just speak their minds. Sometimes that involves talking about things that aren't always fun..GET IT?
But for you to say they are bashing, when they actually admire her (wich is evident in MOST of their posts), is one of your first lies or distortions.
You're either malicious, lying intentionaly, or you're not clever enough to make the difference between real bashing and some straight talk about what you think is wrong.
They care about her, it's not bashing.
If you CAN'T MAKE the difference, it's your inability to comprehend people who communicate together.
You are wrong (or you just want to sling mud? likely..).
And yes, I'm tired of you annoying us and LYING about F&A.
Go get treated for those problems of yours.
This page is not for you to vent or slander anybody.
If you want to do that, do it on a messageboard.
Or at a psychotherapist's office.
But get lost with your poison.
You're more than offensive enough to a lot of people.
F&A is not the biggest or most popular site, but at least they do not drive members away that actually have opinions or can think on their own.
This was just posted on the OO board:
"hello all
id like to adress this to the staff and fans in general.On another post dale was mentioning a few things , while its true people dont understand some things about staff or mangamant etc ,its also true that the genral fan base is not allways understood either.
I talk to many fans all the time & there is a us and them atittude ,sometimes it may be jelously other times it may be resentmant and other times
genuine questions wanting answears.
some of my friends have been booted from this board without answears to there questions or thought of being trouble makers etc.
I beleive there is a need to havea 5th member of staff ,many buisneses have personel mangers that deal with the staff and the workers, that way they can answear members questions without emails not being answeared or some of the replys ive heard ,one staffer can act on behalf of the staff in general to give either standard answear or ask the other staffers for an answear when needed .
i belive it will stop what is happening, i believe it will help grow the club too , where you can email one person who dosnt have the other responsibilities who can speak on behalf or fans and staff.
im asking staff to think about this, but also let fans say if they feel its a good idea too.
Peter, get ready, because they will delete this post in a blink of an eye, and delete you next. By the way, have you seen the nightmare of a video they have posted of the convention. Does Olivia look uncomfortable? Uh, yeah! It's a freak show. I'm gonna save that one for next Halloween so I can have a creepshow!
"You" are so wrong about Forever&Always being a place to "bash" Olivia Newton-John. Honestly, there is no way "you" could read through the site & come out with that conclusion. "You" are 'no one' with any validity in the first place. You know, "your" given name? However, I feel the same venom filled personality that came along w/e-mail denying "Bill" from joining the "Only Olivia" Web Ring. Once again, it was me not Bill. However "you" have been so vocal in your disbelief of my audition with Roger Davies, who are "you" to have facts to prove otherwise? Obviously no one otherwise "you" would not continue challenging this fact.....time is a funny thing, things seem to grow bigger the more of it(time)used on something so negative as "you" choose to do. EVERY fan is important to Olivia & each other. The more united we become the stronger we can all be in supporting Olivia in any way she wants/needs. These are good people in both groups who take the actual time to post & get involved. Trouble for OO is they can't seem to get a fair chance. F&A you can speak your mind, opinion & admiration for Olivia freely. I expect people to disagree, we are a diverse bunch of people who have our own opinions. Sharing those honestly with each other could actually correctly give Olivia a TRUE view of her fan base and the fact it has grown to include yet another generation. Don't you think Olivia would feel good to know how she has truly affected people's HEARTS?.............Vicki
It's Kiliki
It's not Kiliki. She has more class than that.
She just posted on the OO site:
"I read somewhere that wheat makes Olivia bloated. My mother always told me to eat wheat bread because it was good for you. I'm glad I ignored her all these years. "
Too bad she (Kiliki) didn't follow her mother's advice about using shampoo or using a good hair dresser. Kiliki, get yourself a good wig or some volumizer. Maybe you can consult FARMER for some hair tips. YOU ARE HIDEOUS.
Who are all of these people being mentioned in this blog? Who cares about them? This was supposed to be about Olivia Newton-John, not users of a stupid website.
Why don't you all get a life and stop worrying about other people's lives. You claim to call Bill, Kate, Vicki, Kiliki and others stalkers. But really you are the stalkers. You can't find anything else better to do and that is scary.
Wanna see scary? Look at the Only Olivia board.
Xanadude is obsessed with the radio play of songs.
Kiliki is obsessed with Jack and the water that Olivia drinks.
Billz goes to as many shows as he can with his stupid glow-sticks.
Melissa continues to run the board into the ground. She is supposed to be the "president" of the fan club, but is never around.
Helen continues to steal pictures from other sites.
You guys are cracking me up. I'm a member of both sites but don't post on either site for the reasons stated above. I am constantly shocked by so many of the obsessed fans on OO. Especially Kim and Kiliki. Kim is now just dying to know where Olivia was for Christmas. I adore Olivia, but not once did I stop and think "I wonder where Olivia hung her stocking?" I'm not sure which members of which site are more crazy. I do find it disgusting how Bill is always making those gross comments to Kate. He's a dirty old man. But, it's really strange that the adult females over at OO are so obsessed with Olivia, where she is, what she eats, and who is next to her in bed. Give the poor lady some privacy. I know, I know, I know, she's a celebrity so she should expect to be under the microscope. As a fan, I wish for her some peace and privacy for the new year. Come on, think how she would feel if she knew people were wondering all this weird shit about her. As far as the comments about Billz following her around the country, if I could go to all those concerts, I certainly would. I MIGHT not want Olivia to know I'm at every concert, but I would LOVE to see her in concert all the time. I think if Olivia knew Billz was there (which she probably does) at every concert, she might feel a little stalked. I wouldn't want to make ANYONE feel strange by my presence. Keep these comments coming, it gives me a good laugh and I thank you ALL for that!!
Did you know that Kiliki consults psychics and horoscopes about Olivia? Can someone be that obsessed? Wait, let me consult the magic 8 ball. "All signs point to yes".
That doesn't surprise me about Kiliki. What a weirdo! Do these people realize how incredibly odd they appear? Being a fan is one thing, being completely obsessed is another. Kiliki, do you read this board? Don't you see that you're ABNORMAL? Gawd, get a life
Obviously more lies, probably from the more recently banished.
These are NOT lies. Ask Kiliki for yourself. If she said she did not consult psychics and horoscopes (and by the way, she just posted recently that she did consult a horoscope about Olivia), then she is the LIAR.
See the sad thing is all the F&A trolls can't back up their statements
1)Kiliki is obsessed???By what standards?
Kate admits to following Olivia's tour bus.
Kate admits to hanging out at the today show stage door stalking Olivia.
Kate has 49% of all posts on the stalker site of F&A.One out of every 2 posts on that board is her.Now isn't that just a tad obsessive?
Of course the abnormal queen still goes to Vicki.I would ask her to seek help but she's too busy auditioning for Roger Davies.LOL
And then there is king loon D'amato leering after girls 33 years younger than him. What a pig.
These are all facts not fantasy stories you F&A trolls are making up about OO.Deal with it.Your little band of losers will never amount to anything in Olivia's eyes.Sad thing is OO had nothing to do with it.It was all done by D'amato and his attacks on Fitzgerald- Hartly.He burnt those bridges and now all you trolls are drowning.
Joined: 07 Sep 2005
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Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 1:09 pm Post subject:
I should have auditioned. *sigh* lol
See the sad thing is all the F&A trolls can't back up their statements
1)Kiliki is obsessed???By what standards?
Kate admits to following Olivia's tour bus.Right, for fun, for 5-10 minutes. That's a real stalker, hey? (idiot..)
Kate admits to hanging out at the today show stage door stalking Olivia.Nothing that people who want autographs ever do, hey, how crazy some people are...(again you're an imbecil)
Kate has 49% of all posts on the stalker site of F&A.One out of every 2 posts on that board is her.Now isn't that just a tad obsessive?And how dumb do you get?
Bold caracters added by me..
Who is the freaking idiot who tries to pass this off as proof of stalking? He/she must have an IQ of 80 and less..
Or maybe an immature mind who thinks he/she's being real malicious and bad, hey?
Ooooooooooooo baby, keep your little mudslinging going, you're doing great!
A brilliant satirist you are!
HEY DUMB ASS.There is no such thing as following a bus for FUN.It's dangerous.END OF STORY.That is the true definition of a stalker where they make excuses for their behavior.Kate the stalker DOES have almost 50% of all the posts on the board but of course you F&A trolls don't find that obsessive.I notice you didn't try to defend D'amato the 53 year old pig for chasing after a 20 year old.I guess there's only so much you can make excuses for and this one is even out of your league.
You're the dumbass. You're just jealous you didn't get to see the tour bus. Are you Kiliki? Or are you Kim? Kate is very friendly, that's why she posts so much. She has a lot of friends on F&A. I'd like to be friends with her but I've been a royal bitch to her until recently. I've seen the crap written on the OO boards and I have to say Kim and Kiliki are the most obsessed people on any fan board. I can't believe any sane person would consult a fuckin' psychic about their favorite star. That is just plain weird. Maybe Kiliki isn't sane. They do have medication for OCD, ya know. As far as Bill being a pervert, I think he's just having fun. Kate is over 18 and she plays right along with him. No one is getting hurt so what's the problem? I hope you'll tell us who you are. Seeeee ya
aka JanSmith on F&A
"1)Kiliki is obsessed???By what standards?
Kate admits to following Olivia's tour bus.
Kate admits to hanging out at the today show stage door stalking Olivia.
Kate has 49% of all posts on the stalker site of F&A.One out of every 2 posts on that board is her.Now isn't that just a tad obsessive?"
Oh, this is rich. You are probably the same idiot that insists that F&A has very few members. Of course if someone is heavily involved with a fan club, they are going to post frequently on a board. I think it is more about what is in the message, than what is quantative. If Kiliki was posting on F&A, she would be the Queen of the posts, and that is what she is on the OnlyOlivia site.
Once again DUMB ASS .What would you call aclub that has ONLY 50 members after 8 years?No one wants to be associated with the stalkers that post there.The numbers don't lie.You F&A trolls need to stop living in denial.I get the numbers from your own site.50 members after 8 years pathetic.Spin it which ever way you want .But we both know that someone who has 49% of the posts on a board is the poster child for being obsesive.As far as you trying to say it's normal behavior for a 53 year old man to make lewd comments to a 20 year old ,that tells me all i need to know about you.That makes you a pig also.
Posts: 1624
Location: North Hollywood, CA
Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 6:54 pm Post subject: Kate Is Moving to California.
I have some exciting news for everyone. Some of you may already know that Kate and I have decided to get together. We really didn't want it to be public until all the details got worked out.
Well, as of Feb. 12, 2007, Kate will be living out here in California, with me. Her flight has been booked and confirmed. That is the happy day. Kate and I are really looking forward to this. It will only make our commitment to Olivia and the fan club stronger and to each other.
As crowded as it is in California, I am happy that there is room for one more person. Welcome to your new home, Kate.
Olivia, the magic is YOU.
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Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 6:56 pm Post subject:
Yes, everyone. I am very happy. This will not get in the way of the fanclub. I hope everyone on here will still talk to me. I am the happiest girl in the world right now.
"I became even more aware of the power of music. It can heal the body, calm the mind, and lift the spirit; but above all, it can connect us to our hearts." Olivia Newton-John
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Sounds like u r the same ones that annoy those good people away from the Only Olivia web board.
Thank you for ruining the Only Olivia board:
The dynamic duo ... "Melissa and Kev"
Stop kissing ass. Kiliki get your hand out of you bush. Olivia will never shower with u.
oh, that was the greatest quote ever.
Bill and Kate together?? LMAO!!!!
Kate has declared herself a lesbian, and Bill has never been laid. Sounds like a great couple!
I cannot believe those two are together. It's sick. I thought it was innocent flirtation when I read that stupid F&A board. I remember that Kate said she is a lesbian. Kate, Bill is a dude!! Maybe Kate doesn't have a father figure in her life and she needs one. "Daddy Bill" She is moving clear across the country for an old pervert. Makes me sick thinking 'bout it. Someone on the F&A board is supporting them saying she hopes they have a great life together. Wait, is this a big joke? Are they just trying to get a rise out of everyone? I know Kate is a dingleberry, but I didn't think she was THAT stupid to fall for some creepy old fart. She'll hopefully come to her senses when she sees him naked and his b@lls hang down to his knees and his weenie is lost in his stomach fat roll. GROSS, KATE, YOU CAN DO BETTER!
Well I hate to say I told you so but this brings disgusting to a new level.A 53 year old pervert is having a relationship with a 20 year old.Do the math people thats a 33 year difference in age.Don't worry D'Amato if this doesn't work out there are some 14 year old club members you have that you can move on to next.I'm sure Kate's mom will be proud to have you as a son in law.Wait a minute ,Are you older than Kate's mom?
She'll hopefully come to her senses when she sees him naked and his b@lls hang down to his knees and his weenie is lost in his stomach fat roll.
Just think Kate, in 9 years when D'amato is collecting social security ,you will still be in your 20's.yuchhhhhhhhhhhhh.If you want to be Anna Nichole Smith and go after the old ones ,your supposed to go after the ones that have money.We all know that isn't D'amato since he is constantly whining about not having money to go to Olivia concerts.
Kate cannot be that desperate, can she?
What about Bill?!! She isn't exactly a prize. Maybe they deserve eachother. They both belong at the nut-hut in a rubber room. Sorry guys, adjoining bathroom costs extra
To the one constantly attacking F&A (I can understand a bit the 53 year old - 20 year old thing but not the rest of that idiocy about stalkers, etc):
Quit posting moronic things like that.
Can't you just leave these people alone?
You're the one who's dangerous with that obssessive behaviour of yours.
You seems wacko, dear.
A sane person would have dropped the issue a long time ago.
And your charges are so stupid..nobody's going to listen to you.
Don't know when you'll realize that.
Posts: 1629
Location: North Hollywood, CA
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 5:43 pm Post subject:
Hi LivFan,
I understand your position. I shared some of your concerns, especially about the age difference. That is the major reason why this has only happened now and not a year ago as it should have. My main concern was the age difference. Kate convinced me, it would not be a problem.
I do want to make one thing clear. I didn't push Kate into anything. Matter of fact, I was trying to keep my distance when I first found out about her feelings. Her decision for us to get together was hers. We discussed it and she made the decision. This is what Kate wants. This is what I want.
LivFan, you know how Kate wanted to come back here and how much she missed her relationship with me. We shared many things together other than just this fan club.
I do appreciate your concern and your candidness.
This thread was started by me but was something Kate asked me to do. She wanted to tell all of you at this point. I felt we should wait, but I respect Kate's wishes so here it is.
I know you don't approve and you have that right. I know you are Kate's friend and that is a good thing. But have enough faith and confidence in her to respect her decision. Kate is a legal adult, who is making a major decision in her life. We are not asking for anyone's permission or anyone's approval. We are just two people that want to be together and we are going to make this work because that is what we both want.
I am also fully aware that this has already been posted at Tabloid Baby and we are already getting blasted for this. We fully expected it. So what? Tabloid Baby has been overun by a bunch of morons who haven't got a clue as to the way an Olivia fan should act. Instead of attacking the TB article that slams Olivia, they attact the people here giving Olivia something else to be proud of them for. All this after she donated her time to visit them at their convention. This is how they repay her kindness. Well, she will see very soon who is doing what and whose who are misrepresenting all she stands for will pay the price. They keep forgetting that Kate has an in with Olivia and with her management. We are not going to go there and attack them. We are going to go to the people that count and put an end to these morons.
Kate has an in with Olivia and her management?LAUGHABLE!!!!!!!!...So Olivia's management is going to be happy that Kate is dating this 53 year old pervert that bashes Olivia,Olivia's lawyer,and most importantly Olivia's management.D'amato is the same person Fitzgerald Hartly wants nothing to do with.That's some in.LOL..D'amato when are you going to get it?You burnt those bridges along time ago.Your a pig,dating someone 33 years younger than you.Have you no decensy?Date someone your own age like Kate's mother.
"I have had my share of relationships in my life. Many have ended in disaster." Bill D'amato
LOL!! Is anyone surprised?
"Kate is not going to be left out in the cold in any case. I don't do things like that. I find it a bit offensive that people are saying things like you fear for Kate's safety as though I were some kind of a monster. That is what I would expect to see at Tabloid Baby not on this message board. I am sure that some of your comments are going to give them that much more ammunition to attack us over. Kate is safer with me than with anyone else." Bill D'amato
Kate is safer with me than anyone else??????Exactly what kind of danger is she in right now?Would love to know what Kate's mother thinks about her living with this pig.
"Her decision for us to get together was hers. We discussed it and she made the decision. This is what Kate wants." Bill D'amato
And you think that makes it right just because it was her decision?Have some class you sick pervert.Your 33 years older than her.The decent thing to do is say "you might have feelings for me but since I'm 33 years older than you ,this isn't going to happen."You know it's wrong because your even saying since she's an adult it's legal.It may be legal but it's DISGUSTING.I mean good god when your 60 she's going to be 27.
Guess your gonna be buying that Viagra by the case.
Just when you think D'amato cant get any lower with his Olivia bashing , now he wants to ruin a young girls life.Don't you have any morals?
Hey with 20 year old Kate's unibrow ,I found a picture of what her offspring will look like with her 53 year old husband Bill D'amato.
WHO CARES??????? What does all of this bashing of people have to do with Olivia Newton-John?????? You all need to get lives of your own and stop judging other people and the decisions they make for themselves.
And as far as bashing the Only Olivia fan club members, if they want to obsess over every detail of Oliva's life, let them. What bearing does that have on your life?
Bill said in a recent thread:
"It is much easier for Kate to talk or meet with Olivia or her management living 25 miles away from Olivia than living 3000 miles away as she does now."
Why would Kate be meeting with Olivia or her management? Is Kate the special one or something? I wonder if this is how he got her to 'make this decision'. "Come on Kate, baby, you'll be closer to Olivia, come live with me!!"
Have you noticed how he has said that she made this decision herself? He makes it sound like he had nothing to do with it. I guess he's such a catch that he doesn't have to put up any effort. WHAT? I seriously doubt this "relationship" will live to see Valentine's Day.
Could this be the next Anna Nicole Smith (minus the looks) and J. Howard Marshall II (minus the money)?
oh honey, I feel fine. I'm 17 and loving life. You're the one who needs to feel better, you bitter old cow
"Secondly, Kate being here is actually an asset to the fan club because she is a lot closer to Olivia and her management where the real decisions are made as to who gets what. It is much easier for Kate to talk or meet with Olivia or her management living 25 miles away from Olivia than living 3000 miles away as she does now."Bill D'amato
You F&A trolls constantly say I'm wrong about calling Kate a stalker.First she admits to following Olivia's tourbus.Then she admits to hanging around the stage door of the today show waiting for her..Now the above quote which was lifted right from the F&A site says she is going to be 25 miles from where Olivia is living.
Stop living in denial trolls.These are actions of a stalker.End of story.
Good point. I didn't think of that side of it. Poor Olivia!!! :( Can you sayyyyy "RESTRAINING ORDER!!!"???
I think that Kate is not the only one that Olivia needs to get a restraing order against.
Once again ,F&A trolls in denial.
Have you seen the video of the idiots at the Only Olivia convention? Billz needs to put down the camera and invest some of the money he spends on Olivia Newton-John concerts on hairplugs or a toupee.
OO Idiots????At least no one at OO should be castrated like D'amato so he doesn't molest little girls 33 years younger than him.But we all know the F&A trolls ignore his disgusting actions.The one thing D'amato has in his favor is he doesn't need hair plugs or toupee's for his bald chrome dome.He just uses the leftover hair from Kate's unibrow.
La Lolita
Joined: 08 Dec 2005
Posts: 170
Location: NYC
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 9:46 am Post subject:
wow. i also thought this was a joke.
to be honest, i'm alittle freaked out.
BILL, what do you want with a 20 year old girl? youre almost old enough to be her grandfather. if you had a 20 year old daughter would you be happy to ship her off to some 53 year old man she met off the internet?
KATE, what do your parents think about all this? they actually approce? they wouldnt even let you come out to visit ME alone to go see olivia but theyre allowing you to move in with a 53 year old? dont they think he is a pervert?
i hope deep down that it works with you guys but i honestly cant see any good coming from all of this.
i was going to bite my tongue but since this is a forum and you posted it is fair game.
i know kate has a good head on her shoulders, i just feel like she is still a bit naive and is possibly being taken ad adtangae of. JMHO. and maybe not even on purpose.
lose lose situation.
good luck regaurdless, but please take the tie to think things through completely before jumping in to such a huge decision.
This post was copied and pasted from the forever and always board from one of it's members.I give credit where credit is due.I'm glad to see SOMEONE at that site has some morals.I'm glad someone there has the guts to say a 53 year old president of a fan club shouldn't have a 20 year old girl from his club live with him.Just because it may have been this 20 year old girls decision to live with him , you would think this 53 year old would have some morals and say this cant happen.What a degenerate.Any other mothers out there that have young girls in his fan club BEWARE.Your daughter could be next.
When I was young, I fell in love
I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead
Will we have rainbows, day after day
Here's what my sweetheart said.
Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.
Hey OO troll as you call yourself, do you have a crystal ball, deck of tarot cards,are you a palm reader to predict the future for Bill, Kate or anyone else.
My predition is that you are an OO follower who does nothing but cause trouble for people in any group.
Hey degenerate , I don't need a crystal ball, deck of tarrot cards or a palm reader to know that a 53 year old man should not be with a 20 year old girl.
But I see your into poems .Here's another verse to yours.
Que sera , sera
Whatever will be, will be
D'Amato's a pig you see
Que sera sera
What will be, will be.
I say it again , Parents hide your daughters.D'Amato apparently has no age limits when it comes to your daughters.
Secondly, Kate being here is actually an asset to the fan club because she is a lot closer to Olivia and her management where the real decisions are made as to who gets what. It is much easier for Kate to talk or meet with Olivia or her management living 25 miles away from Olivia than living 3000 miles away as she does now."Bill D'amato
You F&A trolls constantly say I'm wrong about calling Kate a stalker.First she admits to following Olivia's tourbus.Then she admits to hanging around the stage door of the today show waiting for her..Now the above quote which was lifted right from the F&A site says she is going to be 25 miles from where Olivia is living.
Stop living in denial trolls.These are actions of a stalker.End of story.
BILL, what do you want with a 20 year old girl? youre almost old enough to be her grandfather. if you had a 20 year old daughter would you be happy to ship her off to some 53 year old man she met off the internet?
KATE, what do your parents think about all this? they actually approce? they wouldnt even let you come out to visit ME alone to go see olivia but theyre allowing you to move in with a 53 year old? dont they think he is a pervert?
C'mon Bill And Kate.We are waiting for you to answer one of YOUR members questions that was posted on YOUR website.
Leave Kate and Bill alone. If Kate wants to ruin her life, then that should be her own decision. Don't you have anything else to be concerned about?
Real nice.Kate needs more friends like you that don't give a damn.And since you asked , Yes I am concerned about something else.I'm concerned for Olivia that this stalker Kate , who has admitted to following Olivia's tourbus is now planning to live close to Olivia.
You have a valid concern about Kate being closer to Olivia. Yet, you did not read between the lines in my post that if Kate wants to ruin her life, that should be her choice.
I just saw that video of the convention on you tube. I could not view it on the fan site.
Anyway, I have some questions:
1. Is BillZ Rick Moranis in disguise?Y did he get to spend more time with O than anyone else?
2.Where is Melissa's chin?
3.Did Kiliki used to be a man?
4.Is Nancy aneroxic?
5.Who is the fat guy with Olivia who is telling her what to do?
6.Where is Kate?
7.At what age will Bill D"Amato say a girl is too young for him?We know it's not 20 so what age is it?
8.Why after so many years does the Forever and always site have so few members?
9.Will D'Amato ever be happy with anything Olivia does?
10.What ever happenned to Dan the F&A corporate rep?
11.Will D'amato ever stop bashing Olivia and her management company Fitzgerald-Hartly?
12.What is Kate's sexual preference this week?Straight?gay?bi?Oh wait i can answer this one ,it's senior citizen sex.
13.Will vicki ever seek help about her fantasies of auditions with Olivia and Roger Davies.
14.Since the majority of the 50 members of the f&A fan club are under age girls , how many of those are in peril since Mr.D'amato obviously has no morals?
A quote from Bill that will make you laugh, I mean, come on has any of those teenage girls ever officially paid $20.00 (and then submitted proof) to join his fan club?:
All of you who have made comments against us aren't even in the fan club. None of you have joined the fan club. The fan club is NOT free and by registering here, DOESN'T make you a fan club member. Membership requires you make a $20 per year donation to one of Olivia's charities either through us or on your own with proof of the donation.
Is this the man who was initially investigated for trying to finger-bang Jon Benet Ramsey behind an ice cream truck that he drives in North Hollywood?
You never know, Kate may like sex with a senior citizen man. He can take out his false teeth and give her a "gummer" she'll never forget. I just hope it isn't like when my granny takes out her falsies and she has corn stuck under them.
EWWWWWWWWWWWW! Not a visual I really wanted! LOL.
I cannot believe this blog. I thought I'd seen it all, but this is unbelieveable. I have never seen a weirder, more deranged bunch of people who claim to be fans of a popular musical artist.
I don't post on either site, because I find them both abhorrent. F & A is sickening for obvious reasons and OO is a small clique of people who continously tout their importance in Ms. Newton-John's life. I admit to reading the postings that have factual information at OO, such as VCR alerts so I don't miss any TV shows, but that's it.
This back and forth hatred here serves no purpose other than to fuel a fire that has burned for far too long. Let's not carry the hate into the new year.
Oh, how I wish there was an "Official" Message Board, so a moderator could prevent posts like most of these on this site.
I wish that there was an official forum also, but I am afraid that if there was, the same bozo's would continue to pollute it with their self-righteous behavior and lies. It's a sad state of affairs that such a great entertainers has such a group of losers (not all) as fans.
What's an even sadder state of affairs however is these people complaining more about this forum instead of complaining about a 53 year old man living with a 20 year old .Where are your priorities?
I think you should mind your own business.
Another F&A troll in denial.
Again (you can't seem to read or maybe you have some sort of learning disability), what they do should be their business. While others may have opinions about their relationship, it really does not affect anyone but them. If Kate wants to take that risk, then that should be up to her. Why don't YOU go back to trolling on the OO board? No one wants you here.
And if you are going to respond, at least come up with something a little more original next time.
Again , you seem to think you have some authority to censor me here , which clearly makes you delusional.What they do is obviously there business.However I live in America where I can comment on it.If You don't like it may I suggest a move to Cuba or some other communist country.Now , I find that a 53 year old man , that is a president of a fan club , that is having a relationship with one of his 20 year old members,disgusting.So do alot of members on his own board.Go argue with them.
I find you all to be in need of psychiatric help.
May I suggest someone to you? Wasn't this blog about Olivia newton-John?
I was thinking the same thing. Calling Nurse Ratched!
That's a riot.
In the padded rooms, let's put:
Kevin (well, just to keep Melissa company)
Farmer (we're sick of the vanity posts)
Alex (put down the crack pipe, and pull out a dictionary or a guide to grammar)
Hey that's a great idea for the padded rooms!Just a couple of add ons's though , if you please.First lets add Olivia to that list because there she might be safe from Kate and Bill D'amato ,who from posts on the site Forever and Always plan on continueing their stalking activities.Second , lets add all the underage girls from the Forever and Always site to the padded room because there they might be safe from D'amato.We already know that this 53 year old degenerate invites girls from his club to live with him that are 33 years younger than him. This way these underage girls might be safe there from this pervert.Thanks alot.
Posts: 1579
Location: North Hollywood, CA
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 3:27 pm Post subject:
Secondly, Kate being here is actually an asset to the fan club because she is a lot closer to Olivia and her management where the real decisions are made as to who gets what. It is much easier for Kate to talk or meet with Olivia or her management living 25 miles away from Olivia than living 3000 miles away as she does now.
Here is that post from the degenerate D'Amato , taken right from his site where he clearly states that Kate plans on continuing her stalking activities.The proper authorities have been alerted to this post on his website and are being made aware of Kate Simpson's plans.
This whole situation with Kate and Billd is BIZARRE. He is obviously a pervert, and does not have a grip on reality. Actually neither of them do.
I See 53 year old D'amato finally found a way to stop his own members from complaining about his disgusting relationship with 20 year old Kate.The little pervert locked the thread.Way to go D'amato .We can add gutless to your personality traits.
This post was so hilarious because it's true:
In the padded rooms, let's put:
Kevin (well, just to keep Melissa company)
Farmer (we're sick of the vanity posts)
Alex (put down the crack pipe, and pull out a dictionary or a guide to grammar)
The people at OO think they know Olivia. They think they own her. They are not a fan club, they are a bunch of loons who have no idea how a civilized fan club membership should behave.
BTW, I am NOT from F&A either. That's a whole different perverted playroom over there. They drink from sippy cups.
It's talking to itself again.
"Sick of bad behavior" gets a gold star! You hit the nail DIRECTLY on the head.
You know what else is funny? I can tell which member of OO is posting all over this place. She thinks we can't tell when it's her posting, but we all know the writing style she has.
Has anyone ever wondered why Olivia Newton-John hasn't made OO her "Official" fan club? It's clear to me why. They bash people, ban people and if you have an opinion you suck. Wow, great club. LOL
Now just remember, I'm not a member of F & A. I'm a member of the human race, which they are not.
OK first let me say i'm not a member of F&A.And since i have said i'm a member of the human race ,this means I can't be D'Amato since I don't qualify as human.By the way did I mention I'm not a member of F&A.Besides if I was d'amato i have other things to worry about.I'm wishing that my shipment of viagra gets here before Kate does.Oh and one more thing I'm not a member of F&A.Actually I'm Kate and i'm all exceited! Just think since i'm moving to california , if Olivia's tourbus is parked outside her house ,I could follow the bus and be right outside her home at the same time! It's a stalkers dream!!!!!Finally the last thing I would like to say is I'm not a member of F&A.P.S.....I'm still not a member of F&A.
Has anyone ever wondered why Olivia hasn't made OO her official club?.......Well ummmmmmm no we haven't had time to wonder about that.We all have been too busy enjoying the fact that Olivia showed up at the OO convention.
She may have shown up there, but my goodness, how uncomfortable did she look? What a bunch of freaks and weirdos were surrounding her. It was pretty clear in that video that she wanted to BOLT. And who the hell was Melissa to be directing Olivia what to sign and rolling her eyes at other members? What a kooz.
It would have been nice, also, if some of the fan club members would have dressed for the occassion, with the possibility of meeting Livvy, instead of wearing nasty white long sleeve tshirts and greasy hair.
(hint)Kiliki, it's time for your annual bath.
Jealousy is such an evil trait.Oh well.Anyway You F&A troll , for someone who looked uncomfortable ,Olivia sure stayed a LONG time.For someone who looked uncomfortable Olivia signed EVERY autograph request and took every picture request.And as far as how we were dressed ,sorry we did not meet your fashion standards.Being a member of F&A though your lucky , you don't have that problem since Olivia or her management wants nothing to do with you and you wont ever get the chance to meet with her.Maybe you should worry less about your members clothes and worry more about your president Bill D'amato keeping his genitals IN his clothes around young girls.
Actually, I have met Olivia several times, so I don't need ANY fan club to meet her. I am not D'Amato, or anyone connected with that website. In fact Kiliki you show your truly low level of class by continuing to need to have the last word when you don't even know who's writing. And to bash our friend Peter on OO. Shame on you. he's a wonderful person. You however, are a fan of the worst kind. I know you've been "talked to" about your behavior on OO, so watch it.
Did you enjoy reading the ONJCC newsletter? Drove you crazy didn't it? You see, when you truly do unselfish things to help others, life is a great thing.
OH I know who this is now. This is the fat cow Mindy V.You have been banned from OO so now this is the only place you get to post.Wish we could say we miss you at OO but we don't.And p.s. believe what you want but this isn't kiliki.You don't have a friggin clue.
Well, let's see if you're not Ki-Freaky, then which other loser could you be? Jim? Phil? Michael? Farmer? Bill? There's so many self-righteous losers that spend all day posting on OO, I hardly have time to figure out who you could be. Nor do I care.
By the way, thanks for telling me I'm overweight, because I didn't know. Idiot.
I have posted on here exactly twice. Unlike Ki-Freaky who has posted everywhere thousands of times. Love the posts on the Psychic websites asking about Patrick. Oh finally, we're back to the real topic that this thread was about.
I feel terribly sorry for Olivia that this is going
on. Use your lives for a greater purpose. And for God sakes, take a bath and wash the dirt off.
Lol.Glad to see you don't have the time to figure out who this is.Hey here's an idea maybe if you wern't ranting and raving here for paragraph after paragraph that would give you more time.And I can see i'm getting to you since your reply in all capital letters.Calm down.
My favorite part is where you say "OO doesn't even allow it's BEST members to have an opinion".Glad to see you consider yourself one of it's BEST members since you have complained about not getting your opinion heard.But you name a list of other members that are self- righteous in your opinion.I know it's tough to look at but get a mirror , thats the one thats truly self righteous.
The sad thing is your living in denial because you know what got you banned but are just to much of an ass to admit it.You DID have your opinion heard about links to "you tube" on the messageboard.But after your opinion was HEARD and you didn't like that OO didn't agree with your opinion(which is their right since they are paying and running the club) you started attacking the club with personal comments about the staff members and about how badly it was being run.So once again your opinion was HEARD.But you couldn't leave it at that.You feel your gonna voice your opinion and things better change.Sorry it doesn't always work that way.
My opinions are shared by many. I don't have to figure out who you are. I don't care. Remember it is YOU who is posting these ridiculous rants on this website. And it is YOUR club that bashes people when they don't agree with your way of doing business. So my not naming who you are is not a matter of concern, it just adds to the list of possibilities of who you could be. Oh, the list grows of OO people who post on here. It's actually hilarious. You and your sycophant hypocritical friends that keep posting here only shows that your club isn't good enough for even you. Why don't you stay on YOUR website. And please remove my profile Melissa, oh I mean whoever you are. You no longer have my permission to have it on your site. I asked long ago for it to be removed. I am glad that the folks at OO are proud of the staff they have. It's the staff you deserve. All of you except for one person is in need of psychiatric help. The person I like knows who he is. Even he said he doesn't really read the stuff on there anymore. That's your own staff folks.
What did I write to get banned? Sorry sweetheart, I was discussing legal issues on the board, so show me what I did.
Pathetic. Now you can have the last word.
You state that "Your opinions are shared by many". I love that.Many?What a subjective word.As other people who have posted on the board have said on threads.What exactly is many?The 3 or 4 other people in your little clique that are on your my space boards?We both know its not really "many".It's just the 3 or 4 of you people that were banned because you didn't get your way and then proceeded to get rude with your comments about the staff and the club.
I had no idea you were that dense but here is my OPINION what i think happenned .I know your ok about people voicing their OPINIONS.You complained about one of the people in your little clique when they had their post taken down which contained a link to a "you tube " site which contained a bootleg concert video.You were given the chance to state your OPINION.Then when OO said you could talk about the bootleg but not post a LINK to it.You went balistic.That policy didn't suit you.You didn't agree with it.But instead of accepting that these people pay for that site and deserve to make policy and that even though you might not agree with it they have every right to do what they feel is right after hearing your OPINIONS, you then got rude with comments about how the club was being run.That's what got you banned.I am not staff so I don't know this for fact , it's just my OPINION>I saw what you posted there and saw how rude you and your little clique were and I don't blame them for banning the bunch of you.You never know when to just let go.For someone who blathers on and on about how superior you are ,try and learn some humility and accept the fact these people pay and run the OO site for free and deserve in the end to deceide how it's run.And after getting the chance to state your opinions if you don't like how it's run then just leave.But your too self important for that.Seems your a little sad now on the outside looking in.I have it on good authority you wanted back in the club but of course you would never have the guts to admit it here.P.S.Please don't call me sweetheart.Don't take this personally buti am not interested in you that way.
So who is this person on here that got banned and is now telling OO to take down his/her profile? Is it Tamara?
Also, is this "Xanadulover" the poster defending F&A and making fun of OO?
I really hope Olivia never gets wind of this blog. If she does, we can kiss all those backstage passes "goodbye"
I hope Olivia does find out about it and stops the backstage passes, because it seems like the only thing the two fan clubs ever care about is meeting her, not her music. I worry for her safety when she's around certain people who admit they're obssessed.
And let's not forget people who follow her bus.
You're all crazy.
Let's all salute Kiliki as the Valedictorian of the stalkers.
Kate is not far behind, but she never admitted to drinking Olivia's water like Kiliki and Nancy did. Did Kiliki and Nancy have a rendez-vous the night of the convention? Kiliki would have smothered Nancy with her "flap jacks" while Nancy continued to purge the water from the Olivia cup.
I thought fat (not "overweight") people were supposed to be jolly? lol!!!!
Breaking news! We just checked with Malibe police and we asked them what do they consider stalking , someone that drinks water from a cup Olivia was using or a person that follows Olivia's tourbus for 10 miles and then lives with a pervert 25 miles away from Olivia's house.The winner and still stalker champ Kate Simpson!Your prize is one of those airline vomit bags for when you finally see 53 year old D'amato naked.Your gonna need it.
You know Kiliki, I'm not the only one writing about you here, so get a clue. People can't stand you. And since being overweight isn't a crime and stalking IS, I think I'm done talking to a stalker. You're psychosis is too difficult for me to treat.
Psychosis is a generic psychiatric term for a mental state in which thought and perception are severely impaired. Persons experiencing a psychotic episode may experience hallucinations, hold delusional beliefs (e.g., grandiose or paranoid delusions), demonstrate personality changes and exhibit disorganized thinking (see thought disorder). This is often accompanied by lack of insight into the unusual or bizarre nature of such behaviour, difficulties with social interaction and impairments in carrying out the activities of daily living. A psychotic episode is often described as involving a "loss of contact with reality".
I know I'd rather be overweight.
Well if your name is Mindy V from Chicago and you like tacos more than sausage you have acheived your goal.
"I know I'd rather be overweight"
Well coming from those that have met you at concerts, you have achieved that wish (and then some).
You people are unbelievable. Are you adults or 12 year old little girls calling each other names?
And please don't say that the little girls are on the F&A site, that has been overplayed, Kiliki. Get some new material.
Kiliki (Kris, Kristy P from Rhode Island), You're the queen of the Dept. of Redundancy Dept.
Not only do you need new material, you need a new life. You live in Rhode Island for God's sake. Maybe if you got out in the world you'd see more types of people than your narrow scope allows. Or are you too dumb to see that a good percentage of Olivia's fans are gay? At least I'm out in the open. I don't hide behind a fan club to live my love life.
You're so entertaining. But I am sorry, it's time to flip the channel back to reality.
LOL.How many times di I have to say I'm not Kiliki.I know it's frustrating that I know who you are and you don't have a clue who I am but your gonna have to deal with it.Now since you bring up Rhode Island I see that your interested in geography.Well your Mindy V. from Chicago.Now , what's that city's nickname???Oh yeah ,Hog Butcher to the World.How appropriate you porker.I just hope the Donald doesn't get a good look at you .Hate to say it but you would finish ahead of Rosie in the porker state fair.
C,mon now It's also Hog Butcher to the world.Show everyone that superior intellect and admit it.SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
Actually when I see that picture of you I think of that character Pat from SNL.Male or Female?????Your much too manly looking to be the butch female in a gay relationship.
LOL.I'm still not Kiliki.Sorry I'm getting to you but please watch your language.A person with your superior intellect should be able to not resort to bad language.Oh, one more thing .When your shaving those man stumps of yours and you cut yourself , Does it smell like Ham or Bacon?
hey thanks for agreeing with me about why you were banned from OO by the way.I see you have left that alone...P.S.I'm still not Kiliki
"At least I'm out in the open. I don't hide behind a fan club to live my love life. "
There isn't a fan club big enough for you to hide behind, you sow.
You still hate the popular girls don't you?
Also , glad to see your still checking out OO by your own admission.Sorry though , your still not welcome back no matter how much you beg Helen.But If you actually had any amount of grey matter you can see how the vast majority of people are defending OO and the ONLY one thats still complaining is your 1 remaining complainer who I'm sure is soon to join you on the outside looking in.
Her and "Serenity". What a couple! lol!!!!
euch.Thanks for that mental picture.Only thing worse than that would be Kate & D'amato.
I've never ever read such a bunch of mean spirited people. I don't care who you are, what fan club you are from, or what you believe.
I am not taking any one's side because I think that every single post on this board is disgraceful.
I really believe that Olivia Newton-John has some of the most cruel fans on the planet, after reading this dreck. And, I hate to say that since she has one of the biggest hearts of any entertainer. She would be ashamed of all of you.
Interesting how the posts here really bother you so much that you find the need to comment on them.But a 53 year old dating a 20 year old you have no problem with.Yeah , I really value your opinion.
WHY ARE YOU SO OBSESSED ABOUT KATE AND BILL? MY COMMENT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH! YOU MAKE ME SICK!!! The original intention of this blog didn't even have anything to do with them, or either of these sick fan clubs.
(and yes, I meant to type in all caps since I am very annoyed with your post)
Why?Because it's disgusting.Tell me do you know many 53 year old men that prey on 20 year old women?
Funny, everyone and their mother knows this is Dan on this blog talking shit. Yet he thinks he is so original and funny. Sad, OH SO SAD.
Anonymous said...
You STILL hate the popular girls don't you? LOL!!! They've had it all over you, all your life. They still do, and you'll never get to where thay are. Wallow in that.
WTF? Nice spelling. Kiliki, since you seem to think you have known me all my life, then you would know that I WAS the popular girl, still am the popular girl and now you can add rich to the equation too.
So YOU wallow in that.
Your problem is you always say you know everybody. You know what Olivia wants, thinks, does, where she lives, who she sleeps with and every other fact that a stalker would know.
And Melissa, let's talk about how ashamed of yourself you should be as the President of OO even posting here. Damn, I ca't wait til Olivia sees this blog. You are all a huge bunch of hypocrites.
Even the guy who posted the convention video to youtube, did it because he hates you.
LOL.Wait a minute .Am I Kiliki, Melissa or Dan.Jesus, I hope I'm Dan so that sow from Chicago doesn't make a pass at me.
Your lack of intelligence is boring. Your lack of humor is even more boring. So, I'll leave you to yourselves to work out the psychological difficulties you display. I hope you get the help you need and if not, just remember that you can post all day and all night and read it over and over to satisfy any need you may have that hasn't been met since childhood.
Hey Mindy ,Is this goodby gonna be like your one on OO, where you say you have had it but keep on coming back and posting anyway?Too bad you cant be banned from here to since you never follow through on your good-bys.
If you're going to post and represent our club, than at least learn how to spell and use punctuation.
On a lighter note is there anyway to get a copy of that video?
just download it from OO. It's a quicktime file, so you should be able to download it. It's also on youtube. It's hilarious.
Then on the board they complain about
someone downloading the video and posting
it to youtube. LOL. What they didn't want
anyone to see how gross they all really are?
I have seen it both on OO and youtube,and I have tried to download at both places and I am unable to. Does anyone know who the guy is on youtube that has a copy so I could ask Him for one,the guy on OO won't give it out
1:46 pm is "xanadulover" from F&A
You have to have Quicktime 7 or above and it's a 27mg file so it takes a while to download if you don't have high speed internet. Milo put it up there to embarass OO, not to make them look good.
Anonymous said...
1:46 pm is "xanadulover" from F&A
1/07/2007 2:31 PM
How do you know?
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