Elli scores a base hit... as we find in Gordon Park' 1976 blues biopic, Leadbelly:
starring Roger E. Mosley as Leadbelly... Paul Benjamin as Wes Ledbetter... Madge Sinclair as Miss Eula... John Henry Faulk (look him up) as Gov. Neff... Ernie Hudson in his feature film debut... and...
Rozaa Jean as... Sugar Tit!
I remember as a kid a scene in a John Wayne western movie,where he gets all these kids together and leads them on a cattle drive(cannot recall movie name).
However in one scene the black cook who escorts with them, tells Wayne....when he sees all these kids " Well I guess I better go bake some SUGAR TITS for these kids". As a 8 year old I never forgot this scene and still use it when my kids wants some crappy cookies at a store.
SUGAR TITS the funniest t-shirt so far! LOL
I can't link. oh well
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