Brooks got better talent than the NBC Katrina relief benefit.

Be they rockin’ rebel, gangsta rapper, tabloid witch, or hifalutin’ media-bashing prick who hasn’t been allowed near a 13-year-old girl since one turned up comatose in his hot tub, you pay them enough money and they’ll play at your little girl’s bat mitzvah.
Steven and Joe, we give you a pass because of Honkin’ on Bobo and Mark Hudson.

And because you’ve been refreshingly candid about rock ‘n’ roll whoredom.

Ciara, you’re cool because we never heard of you.

But 50 Cent? Oy! (Isn't this from that James Toback flick, "Get Rich or Die Shrayen"?)

And Don Henley? Live this one down!

50 cent will need to take 9 more bullets to get his street cred back after this decable.
Can't wait for Ja-Rule to diss him.
More rap wars. Sweet!
The only thing funnier and possibly more disturbing are the man-hands in the first picture waving at Steven Tyler.
if you've never heard of Ciara, well, you need to get out more.
Ja Rule's no better! Check out last Sunday's Times...he and Ashanti played a bat mitzvah too!
Get rich or die shrayen?
Took me a while to find the translation but it was well worth the search.
Pure Genuis.
Poor Girl just needs a nose job!
Agreed on the man hands in the first Steven Tyler photo. I like that they are so big and crazy that they distracted the digital camera's auto-focus feature.
Figures this girl is from Long Island. They're all spoiled.
Dave Matthews did a DC-area bat mitzvah a few years ago
so charity isnt very big on that guy's list hu...
13 year old girls and no Gary Glitter?
For shame
The poor girl, look at that nose!
You know she'll get the nose job for Sweet 16.
when some girl wants rock stars and rap stars she gets them? spoiled and pathetic, it's not even about the music anymore with people
When defense contractors pay $10 million dollars for private parties with profits made from unjust wars, they are paying using your missapropriated tax dollars.
When did Maria Shriver start playing guitar for Aerosmith?
Didn't Ciara play one of the parties on "My Super Sweet Sixteen."
I hope Ms. Brooks sends thank you notes to all the men and women at Walter Reed Hospital and other places where soldiers maimed as a result of her daddy's business ventures are recovering.
Can't wait to see our troops head into Iran next to pay for her nose job and the therapist I'm sure she'll eventually need.
this is why i don't like jews
please share where i need to go so that i'll know ciara. i'd like to avoid that place. thanks.
First, 50 lauds Bush. Now, bat mitzvahs? All street cred down the toilet...
Ciara? Never heard of her either. I must be doing something right.
How appropriate that these "artists" are willing to whore themselves out being paid by "patriots" who are willing to sell the soul of our country for big-time cash.
Get rich, or (have others) die tryin'.
i don't get it why would steven tyler & joe perry whore themselves?
think of all the good that 10 mil COULD have done. Do 13 yr olds even LIKE aerosmith/tom petty/don henley?
shouldn't she had spent the money on a nose job?
i dont see why "getting out" has anything to do with knowing who ciara is.. Wouldn't it be the other way around? Like going out and doing something useful instead of staying in and watching garbage like mtv and listening to z100?
Being "hot" on pop culture and crappy music has hardly anything to do with "getting out"
Also I don't understand why you people care so much...
Oh the SHAAAMMEEE!!! I am truly disgusted and stared to retch and cry when I hear about this. In a time of war...when men and women in a war zone are dying because they don't have bullet-proof vests. This guy....I can't even continue. I have no respect for any human being that participated in this gross inhuman indecency. They should be shamed into donating their fees to the red cross, or the USO, a veterans group. This is just the worst thing I have seen in this war from home. We have become such a shallow, negligent country with no morals. I am weeping with frustration. How DARE they?! Have they no decency?!? No morals?!? NO SHAME?!?!? A pox on this family. A curse on his business. His vicious war profiteering should be considered a CRIME!! Call your congressmen. Call the IRS! Have him investigated! This is no way to spend our tax paying dollars. 90 cents of every tax dollar goes to the Department of Defense. WE PAID for THIS??!! Stand up and say NO! NO!! Not on my watch!
ABSOLUTLEY DISGUSTING! I will never listen to another Eagles song in the same way. What a disgusting group of people who decided to participate in this bizare ritual that in effect is paid for by our tax dollars while soldiers are dying for lack of better equipment. Yuck!
Hello, I'm Enrique Goldfarb, Northern New Jersey's #3 Bar Mitzvah Entertainer. I'm proud to say that I was not invited to perform at this bat mitzvah. That said, I celebrate the very celebrated bar/bat mitzvah experience. PLEASE HIRE ME TO COME TO YOUR BAR/BAT MITZVAH!!! I want to make the bar mitzvah the new Cinco de Mayo, the new Arbor Day.
This is the e-mail for her dadies company send them a message if you like! I did!
dschlegel@dhbt.com Daddies company Have anythign to say to them?
Most repulsive event ever. Maybe the reason the Pentagon is having difficulty providing body armor to our troops is because it has only one supplier: this asshole's company. But at least the little princess has had an bat vomitzvah the she'll never forget.
Was it necessary to include the Beatles among the disgusting human beings who populate this story?
Ciara did play at a Sweet Sixteen party but she kept calling the birthday girl the wrong name.
I didn't mind idiots spending millions for a child's party, just hearing about it.
I always hope the families go bankrupted or get arrested when I hear about these stories.
Hooray for the tolerance guy!
I think she's cute. Ignore these jerks and rock your natural face!
Hah, looks like Steven is pointing at the girl's nose and is laughing.
<3 Steven Tyler
i feel that it really is` none of our business on how these people spend thier money. but i do disagree on how that much money is spent on that or any party for just a few people. i personally would have spend money in a better way to help more live better.
I have it on good authority that the man hands in the top picture belong to Dick Cheney.
I have a crush on Enrique Goldfarb.
God, I love jewish chicks...
I love that Steven Tyler is wearing a HUGE Jesus necklace at a Jewish celebration....
Webby sez,
i bet u could get alot off grizzler in that nose! maybe Stevie nicks showed her how to baste it!
Webby sez,
if u look closely at 50's bling it sez "Goy Toy"
I wish aerosmith would come to my house and play a private concert for me and my friends! rich people get all the fun
I was there, I'm a Jewish long-islander..it was the most amazing party and yea a little over the top but if they can do it, lay off!
Damn it's embarrassing to be an American. All this greed and stupidity will come back to haunt these moronic tyrants. I'm referring to every American who sits back and does nothing. Party on while we're all being deceived. People are dying for no reason at all, and our liberties are being take away....but hey, if you can profit and have great parties, why not? There won't be any ramifications. Why does it have to take a catastrophe for these guinea pigs to start realizing we need to change our selfish and greedy thinking for the sake of Amercia's future??!! This country is going to crap! By the way, let's give that body armour a real test.......have that little party brat lay on the floor, then drop the armour on her face and see if her nose can penetrate it.
Hahahaha....Ciara looks embarrassed...
She is only a kid so to make fun of her nose is not fare!!!but nevertheless,they could have onated part of that money to the charity. I think that is fare since the gap between 'haves and have nots'is gigantic.
50 Cent only took the gig because he is a long time client of the girl's daddy.
50 Cent only took the gig because he is a long time client of the girl's daddy.
Sure the function was idiotic...but it's his money.As for you conspiracy theorists who think some brats' bat mitzvah is directly related to the war effort-the "big oil" conspiracy-and an arrogant nation outta' control...Might I suggest you submit your resume to the NYT?
For those of you who think this points up some huge jewish conspiracy...redirect that resume to THE FINAL CALL.
I find it sick to see what you all have posted on here. This girl has no control over what her father does for a living. For goodness sake, she's only 13!!! Lay off!! As for the money spent on this party, he's just offering a product that the government happens to buy. You can complain about the war and our government, but don't put that responsibility on a girl who has no choice as to the family she was born in to. This is the way those families roll.
Hold on - who is the 'hifalutin’ media-bashing prick who hasn’t been allowed near a 13-year-old girl since one turned up comatose in his hot tub'??
Can someone please tell me - apparently I missed this.
What a disgusting event.
Don Henley was arrested in 1980 after a 16 year old girl overdosed in his home.
Wahahaha @ the "Steven Tyler pointing @ nose & laughing" made my day!
I dont have a clue who "Ciara" is, but i know that egoiste shouldnt go out at all looking like that!
50 cent was invited because he was a major part of research & developement for said company. The others are probably future test cases, we can only hope.
I would like to see how sturdy these armors are anyway. "Hey, '50! You wanna test out this body armor for me? I'll fire a 9mm bullet, try to catch it!"
As I heard, the suit can't take 9mm bullets...DIE!
Hang on, since when did 50 have street cred? As a dear friend once told me, 'I've had more talented wanks'.
"what really happened" is that you have your head up your ass. no, no, no! what was I thinking? GI's died and Bush lied so that a yidden could impress his little girl, except, excuse me, not exactly: we fight imperialist wars so that said yidden can fork over good money to goyischer musicians
Ciara is hot, so leave her alone. As for the rest of 'em, they all sold their souls along time ago, so why be so surprised. If it's any consolation to you, they're all going to hell in a handbasket anyway. And finally, what the hell does shrayen mean? I've tried to translate but cant find it anywhere. Is it Yiddish, Hebrew....?
shrayen is Yiddish for "scream" as in:
shrayen gevalt = scream or cry-out woe (oy gevalt!), also used in the colloquial sense of "to scream bloody murder".
it has a biblical reference originally
Poppa gets rich selling defective body armor to U.$. troops and then puts on a 10 mil shindig for his little shitska.
She must feel proud that her party was funded by U.$. taxpayers and blood from dead soldiers.
Umetum vi ikh kum her ikh shrayen alts dem goy.
To wit:
Umzist mayn shrayen un mayn loyfn. ("My screaming and my running will be for naught.")
Anti-semitic pishers: you don't know what Brooks did or didn't do on his contracts, you don't know the fuck they did or didn't have to do with Iraq, you don't even know if he had or didn't have money before he got into the business: and if you believe that somehow the point of the contracts is to push unnecessary wars -- or the point of the wars is to make money for Jews to spend on nose jobs then you are as unevolved as your toe-sniffing grandparents. Anti-semites: born nothing, die as less.
Same-oh, SAME-oh...
http://www.reportersnotebook.com ...message board ..
Shrayen: (Yiddish) shout, cry out, yell
i.e. "Get Rich or Die Crying"?
I think this is a disgusting waste of money but the only thing more disgusting is most of the self-righteous comments left here. The religion of the people involved has nothing to do with it. Lot's of non jews have multi million dollar parties,check out Prince Williams 21st which apparently cost 40 million. She is some 13 year old who obviously did not pick the entertainment. How her father made his fortune is not her fault and if he decides to spend it on his daughter that is also up to him. Every body needs to lighten up and get a life.
You people are very very very scary
WHERE DO THEY GET THE MONEY ???.... They Tax ALL OUR food ..money that only goes to them. SUCKER .. http://www.petitiononline.com/kashruth/petition.html
BTW: the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), so powerful a lobbying group in Washington it's simply called "The Lobby" just had its two top officials indicted for spying on the US for Israel.
But again, the bottom line is that your kids are going to die in Israel's wars -- Iraq was only the beginning. Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and the jewel in the crown, Saudi Arabia and its 33% of the world's discovered oil, awaits American kids to spill their blood for another country.
Israel has power over both major US parties -- why do you think Hitlery Clinton doesn't want to withdraw from Iraq?
Because American Jews allied to Israel pay for Hillary's campaigns.
AIPAC and Israel want Iran and Syria next -- Syria because Israel wants the old Aqaba pipeline that runs from Kirkuk, Iraq, to Haifa, Israel and runs through Syria.
Do you really want your kids to die for Israel? Those kids who died because Brooks provided faulty equipment, do you think their parents/wives/husbands/children were invited to Brooks daughter bat mitzvah?
It's time for Americans to stand up for America and get Israel out of our foreign policy.
For those who remain unconvinced, please check out the master plan of the neo-conservatives called the Project for the New American Century -- see how your children's lives will be wasted on imperial wars FOR ANOTHER COUNTRY:
Note who is involved -- the neo-cons were stupid enough to put their plans on the web, so see what they have planned for you, or stand over the grave of your child/children after they die in Israel/the military-industrial complex, wars.
COMMUNISM IS ALIVE !!!... MOST of the founding fathers of ccmmunism were jEWs starting wih Karl Marx, Lenin, etc.. http://www.jewwatch.com
The Neocons were not "stupid" for putting their plans on the web. They were blatant, knowing no one would do a damn thing about it. As for the Jew comments, I am not anti-semitic. But I have noticed that Jewish people do control a helluva alot of things here in the U.S., and I find that ironic. A comedian once said that if Iraq was so strong, and such a big threat, then how in the hell did we take over the country in a couple of days. People have to know that Iraq posed no threat to the U.S., and I strongly believe that our occupation of Iraq is for the benefit of Israel. Anyways, I digress, because this is not what this thread is about. I'll just say that i'm now studying Chinese, and plan to move there in about 5 or 6 years, because the U.S. is sinking faster than the Titanic. As for the subject at hand, I just think that $10 Million on a party is very irresponsible. It's bad economics. It's greedy bastards like this that keep the economy unbalanced, and millions of Americans without healthcare, and food on the table. Citizens, stand up and take your country back. DAMN!
"Mitzvahpalooza" is irresistible fodder for the Seattle P-I people column. We will credit you, of course. If this is a problem, please contact me right away.
Stephanie Reid-Simons
Maybe next we could arm our soldiers with rocks and trash can lid armour. Bet it'll work better than the crap that we're giving them now.
e-vil. i truly feel sick to my stomach
not for nothing but . . . This guy does not have anything to do with the occupation of Iraq. He happens to own a company that makes body armor and has contracts with the yes, the military, but also with the police. He didn't send anyone in to Iraq though. You ccan blame him as much as you can blame GoodYear for providing the tires that go on the Humvees. Do your research next time.
Idiots, your bus is leaving.
Brooks may not have sent any of our children to Iraq, but his buddies in Israel and their whores in Congress sure did.
Israel controls US foreign policy. The Office of Special Plans in the Pentagon was outed by non other than an Israeli Brigadier General Shlomo Brom, formerly in charge of Israeli intelligence for the Israel Defence Forces.
Brom in a study for the Jaffee Institute of Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University in Israel, found that Israel deliberately lied to the US and UK about Iraq's *weapons of mass destruction*
So for Israel's lies our kids our dying and this little girl gets $10 million that should go to paying 1/1,000,000,000 of what we owe the people of Iraq and our dead in Iraq.
Y'all need to shove the racist anti-semitism. This is an issue of class, not race. Let's not make our side look less rational by buying into racist rhetoric. There's real issue sto complain about here.
Do me a favor Jackass, move to Iraq and make sure to stand real close to any supicious cars parked along roadside. You would be doing the world favor you crazy conspiracy theory, propaganda spreading, douchbag!
It's amazing how Israel's defenders consistently resort to name-calling rather than refuting facts.
Do ME a favor Jack-A*s and sign up to serve in the USRAEL military, because Syria and Iran await and we need all warm-blooded idiots at the front to fight Israel's wars!
Post your zip code and I will send you the address of the nearest military recruiting station! That is if you're not a coward...
And by the way Steel Avenger, Arabs are true Semites, Israel is not a *democracy* rather it is self-identified as a "Jewish State" and within Israel itself there are legal divisions based on whether one is an Ashkenazi Jew i.e., a European Jew or a Sephardic Jew or and Ethopian Jew, etc.
Ashkenazi Jews have no genetic claim to the *Holy Land*, they are converts, but they are the ones who run Israel and, to add insult to injury, discriminate against darker Jews.
BTW -- what exactly did Palestinians, Arabs, or Muslims in general have to do with the Jewish Holocaust???
Time to stop USRAEL's endless wars in the Middle East because WORD next time it's going to be YOUR AMERICAN KIDS DYING IN ISRAEL'S ENDLESS WARS.
To any ignorant fuck who says to leave these people alone or in any way tries to defend this type of boorish behavior...
Read the below, go to the link, practice some literacy, and kill a corporate patriot to save this doomed world.
David H. Brooks, CEO of bulletproof vest maker DHB Industries, earned $70 million in 2004, 13,349% more than his 2001 compensation of $525,000. Brooks also sold company stock worth about $186 million last year, spooking investors who drove DHB’s share price from more than $22 to as low as $6.50 [DHB was trading at $4.20 today]. In May 2005, the U.S. Marines recalled more than 5,000 DHB armored vests after questions were raised about their effectiveness. By that time, Brooks had pocketed over $250 million in war windfalls.
MORE jEWISH ARROGANCE and CHUTZPAH ....SEE... http://www.amenusa.org
...USS Liberty and False Flags at ... http://judicial-inc.biz ...
SUDKERS !!!! ......
The whole thing is just a disgrace.
There is nothing here to do with religion or nationalism, the whole issue here is morals, and the lack of them. Mr. Brooks has obviously more money than brains and like every maniac showoff will face his downfall at some point. That's just the way things happen. My advice to him would be to shut up and protect his family from this free-fall, and look at the shame that what he has brought to his family and to his local Jewish community.
As a Jew, I would like to thank this disgusting scumbag for reinforcing every hoary stereotype that every Anti-Semitic wanker ever held about the Tribe.
Thanks, jerky.
Plus he's probably a Republican, if he's a defense contractor. Republican Jews should have their yarmulkes revoked. My opinion, if you're insulted, I don't care.
You poeple are all f'd up! You are all so concerned about how this guy spends HIS money and how HE'S spending money that HE made from this "unjust" war. The reason we are in this "unjust" war is so that you people can have opportunities to make money in the first place. Go live in France you righteous c*cks*ckers! You can all pay 65% taxes and work 35 hours a week, that's if you could find work as unemployment is 10% over there. The reason the US is so great is because people CAN do stuff like this. If you had that kind of money, you could do whatever the f you'd want to do with it.
You ever notice how much Steve Tyler is beginning to look like Judge Death?
I'm really hurt by all these anti-semitic, racist comments. What does her nose have to do with it, and why are you blaming the race of jews instead the artists that performed for her bat mitzvah? I like that the only slander that is towards Jews relates to them being rich, because there isn't any stereotype of Jews that promotes violence or something detrimental to soceity. Since when was being rich a bad thing in capitalist country such as the U.S? Some of the comments posted proves that anti-semitism is still prevalent and thriving in the world and this is tragic.
DYING IN IRAQ with Low Grade Body armor...The better to blow it on OBSCENE extravagence .... http://judicial-inc.biz/War_profiteers.htm
..... http://www/.informationclearinghouse.info
Don Henley donated all of the proceeds to his Walden Woods fund. We should comend him for his comitment to the environment.
You rock Don!!!
Brooks' OBSCENE profits come off the backs of the American taxpayer. ... His defective vests are just the tip of iceberg ....The war in Iraq benefirts the iSRAELI armaments industry
who sells HUGE armaments to America to fight there ...For example, ALL the bullets come for iSRAEL !!!.... We are there to BENEFIT zIONIST iSRAEL .....plain qand simple...and zIONISTS like Brooks are profitting off the blood of Americans and Arabs.... http://www.nogw.com/warforisrael.html .... http://www.nowarforisrael.com ..... ......
The problem is a religious one.....
I know you're all emotional about this but speaking as a non-american it's funny watching you guys getting ass-r4ped over and over by your own leaders...
This story was very sad. Regardless of their religious or ethnic appartenance ,their conduct is not acceptable.
Mr Brooks and Co., what will you tell your Superior Being when you meet Him/Her? I'd certainly enjoy a Polaroid of that moment for sure...
Cheers and peace to all people of good will.
BROOKS, The War Profiteer .... http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/november2005/301105warparty.htm ... ..... .....
A tasteless and obscene display of ill-gotten gains. And as no fan of rappers, who promulgate pimp-whore-jail "culture," I'd just like to add that 50 Cent's presence at the celebration of a 13-year-old girl's birthday party is especially crazy.
instead, he should have paid 50 to punch in in the nose that would have been sweet
The level of discourse here is unbelievable!
First, greedy dad kills US Marines and loots their dead corpses for gold fillings and bags of gems, all for SPOILED DAUGHTER'S BAT MITZVAH!
Also... They are JEWISH! Ripley's "Believe It Or Not!" (Not! Like, how likely is it that a girl having a Bat Mitzvah is JEWISH? Holy crap!)
Next... She has a BIG NOSE! Ha Ha! Bet she'll be visiting the offices of McNamara Troy very soon! HA!
But wait... here come the PARTY DEFENDERS! And they say - hey all you haters, if you can't afford to book 50 Cent and Ciara and fucking Steven Tyler and other rap and rock LEGENDS, then you must be a lazy fucktard, for that is the only explanation as to why a person does not have multi-millions! Money is EASY! And now a quote from my favorite PARTY DEFENDER:
" So unless you are in the Peace Corps or in the military get off your high horse and stop bitching. "
Yes, unless you are in the Peace Corps (in which case you are probably in Ukraine or Chad or somewhere else so remote it is very unlikely you would be wasting precious minutes reading about a big-ass Bat Mitzvah bash) or the MILITARY (in which case you are probably in Iraq, dodging IEDs and mortars and training the AWESOME IRAQI ARMY, and fighting TERRISTS) then you SHUT IT! Only members of those two very exclusive clubs may make racist remarks about the girl with the BIG NOSE (HA!)
This is a very important discussion. Thank you all very much.
Someone at the top said:
Poor Girl she needs a nose job.
Don't worry, she gets that on her 16th birthday.
Overall this is so offensive and disgusting.
I was disgusted with the Foo Fighters for taking 150 Grand (or however much) to play at a SONY party for the video game convention a year or two back.
This is what 'artists' do now?
Kenny G wasn't onstage.
He played during cocktail hour, as guests arrived, like a strolling mariachi at El Torito.
PS: You all voted for Bush and thats why were in this war.
Hey, moron - a company doesn't see a 13,000% increase in revenue w/out some sleazy dealing in the backroom, or cutting corners on product (so easy to do with Pentagon/DOD contracts), so, yes, this is an obscene amount of money, in every sense of the word, derived as it was from the death of countless servicemen & women.
Refreshing to see that so many are aware of the truth, and not cowed by the Pavlovian squeals of 'anti-Semitism!'. Yes, this war was planned long ago by Israeli interests, and is but the beginning of sorrows, unless we work to put a stop to it.
i think steve is looking to bite it off in the first photo. SNAP!!!
ah! (mouth drops) I am horrified at some comments and ashamed to be a U.S. Citizen.
All the architects of the invasion of Iraq were Jews or sympathizers:
Paul Wolfowitz (#2 at the Pentagon directly under Rumsfeld)
Douglas Feith (#3 at the Pentagon. His father co-founded the prototype of Israel's Likud, and Doug Feith himself wrote the war map we're following in the Middle East "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm"
Douglas Feith wrote this document in 1996 for Benjamin Netanyahu, the newly elected Israeli Likud Prime Minister.
Feith's co-authors were : Richard Perel of the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board, and David Wurmser, now in Dick Cheney's office.
It's not *anti-Semitic* (and by the way Arabs are true semites as opposed to the European Jews who run Israel) to TELL THE DAMN TRUTH.
10 Marines killed today for Israel. Wonder how many were wearing Brooks' *armor*
Or enlist and die for Israel, but leave America for Americans who love OUR country.
This blog is very scary. How a stupid party could generate so many anti-semitic and anti-Israeli comments is frightening. I am over 50 years old and Jewish and in all my life, I have never seen so much anti-Jewish comments in one place.
You are a bunch of people who hate. Your comments are so negative; they aren't even funny (nor true). Learn to love. Mr. Brooks may have done something excessive, but he did it for his daughter whom he loves. He didn't get on the stage and talk about how much he hates the Iranians, the Palestinians, etc. Nor, did he tout Israel. It was just a party. And, none of you know how much charity Mr. Brooks gives. Maybe he has donated a lot to something that has helped you.
Yes, the wealthy party very differently from the rest. Forbes flew all his friends to Morocco for one of his major birthdays, the guy who got indicted at Tyco give his wife a birthday party that costs as much as Brooks' party (if not more), the weddings of Tori Spelling and her ex and Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston were several millions each that were basically thrown out (in only 9 months for Spelling and at least Brooks will always have his daughter).
Plus, give the guy credit, he made his fortune by himself. Which none of you did. He employs lots of people, he pays lots of taxes, he gives away lots of money to charity. He gives back. So appreciate him for that.
And stop spouting hatred. It is the hatred that is destroying the Middle East, not the Israelis.
LIES....LIES....and MORE LIES.... SEE... http://www.tvnewslies.org ....un-reported ... israel .. ......... ........ ......
READ the Letters .... http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/letters/ XXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxx
We're spending $5 billion a month in Iraq just to blow things up and kill people. Brooks is just one of the many sociopaths feeding at the trough of Defense spending.
Ciara is invited to my birthday party for sure. Where do I send the invitation?
wow i wish i had that much money to spend. god damned JAP.
"Don Henley donated all of the proceeds to his Walden Woods fund. We should comend him for his comitment to the environment.
You rock Don!!!"
I honestly hope your being sarcastic, otherwise you're a class-A fucking MORON!
By what logic, and for what reason, would someone purporting to support the "environment" perform at the glutonous, self-indulgent 'shindig' of an open supporter and defender of Zionist warmongers (whose sole goal is the exploitation of the earth through the destruction of innocent lives), and whose support contributes to the absolute anihilation & degradation of the environment through the use of depleted uranium, chemical, and other deadly weapons?!
Can all you self-appointed, blinkered, hypocritical jerk-offs, shout, "Oy vey!"?
I thought you could!
“Jews are just like everybody else, only more so.”
I think it was David Ben-Gurion who said that.
Play with it a little, roll it around on your tongue. See what it feels like. And then do a crossword puzzle, because it’s time to start thinking.
David Brooks is a decadent pig who threw a disgusting party and shamed a very special ritual, sending the wrong message not only to the rest of the world, but, equally importantly, to his daughter.
He is not the first Jew of low character, or the last. He doesn’t represent all Jews, or even most Jews. Indeed, this would disgust many Jews. But there is something very Jewish about David Brooks: he’s a man who used his mind to make big things happen by figuring out what it took to come out ahead in a complex system, a system in which his fellow mortals were doing their best not to sink in, but one in which he learned to maneuver deftly in. David Brooks is a successful man, and that is a very Jewish quality.
Jews are successful in any field that requires cognition and creativity. They have made some of the best gangsters in America, and some of the best swindlers. But they’ve also been able to stand out as giants of the intellect – setting the standards for excellence in medicine, math, physics, music, literature, and so much more. How many Jews are there in the world? 15 million? In a total world population of ~6.5 billion, Jews comprise roughly 0.23% of all of humanity. But, as a simple measure of disproportionate Jewish contributions, let’s take the simple example of Noble Prizes. Between 1901 and 2005, more than 750 Nobel Prizes were handed out. Of these, at least 158 are Jews. (Jewish Virtual Library.com) That means that Jews have received Noble Prizes of a factor 91 times that of their size.
This has nothing to do with big noses, with fancy parties, or with world domination. It has nothing to do with Israel, or Richard Perle or Paul Wolfowitz. These 158 Jews didn’t take orders from any centrally ruling Jewish committee. They were just great men of enterprise and talent – like everybody else, only more so.
Jewish tradition teaches similar morals as those taught in Christianity, expressed most simply in the maxim: “Do not do unto others that which you would not want done unto yourself.” I’ve known a lot of Jews in my day, and many have possessed great talent, but how they exercised this talent was variable. Jewish people, like everyone else, are human – some are moral, some are not.
But a fundamental way in which Jews do differ from much of the rest of the world is in their yearning for utopia, for a return to the Garden of Eden. Jewish tradition passes down a yearning for greatness, happiness, warmth and health. You, who research so diligently on Jews gone awry, should add another task to the docket: explore the difference between areas populated by Jews and those without Jews.
Contrast a kibbutz in Israel with a town in Iran, Syria, or Saudi Arabia. Which has organic farming, sustainable development and women’s rights, and which is muddled in its own fanatical religious misery?
Contrast small town America with a Jewish urban haven in any number of big cities. Which has greater freedom of expression and thought, greater cultural and intellectual offerings, greater health and standard of living?
Jews live life by LIVING IT, not wallowing in it. Attribute it to what you will – evolution (as a recent University of Utah study has argued), education, God…whatever you want. I don’t want to talk about the source or the reason. The important thing is that Jews make things come alive.
And you know what you don’t like about Jews? You’re envious. You pick out the bad apples, and ignore the ones at the exact opposite end of the spectrum. Are Noam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein part of this great conspiracy of yours, as well?
Here’s my advice to you. If you look around and see things that dissatisfy you, go and do something about it. Go volunteer, become a doctor or a nurse, do social work. Embrace whatever it is you do. But don’t spew hate. You’re only reinforcing your own demons and spreading your vitriol to others around you. Don’t spread your sickness.
I’m a proud Jew. Proud of my heritage and of my people’s many accomplishments. I’m also proud of my non-Jewish friends who have grabbed life by the balls. Many of my best friends are non-Jewish, and they are wonderful people too. They put their great talents and energy into proactive, positive projects. They live life to better it.
But you, all you do is hate.
Did they have a LOT to Drink there ??? ....Here DRINK THIS.... http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article6912.htm ..... ...... ......
spending 10 mil on a party, i'll tell ya whats shameful about that, i know people who work for that company who havn't seen a raise in 8 years but cant afford to get another job because for finacial lockup.
know this, Brooks is all about the money...and he's not the genius the previous writer spoke about, he has swindled to get that cash.
Go back to the main blog and get a load of Steven Tyler's "comment" on the gig.
To the "Proud Jew" and everyone on this board, I would suggest you read the Kol Nidre, the first prayer of Yom Kippur, which is the Jewish Day of Atonement.
Read it for yourself, but the Cliff Notes are that it basically allows any practicing Jew to lie, especially to a non-Jew, and be absolved for the sin of lying. Atonement, my a*s.
As a Catholic I had to do 10 novenas for jay-walking, but that is what differentiates Jews from Muslims or Christians (except for *rapture Christians* who only feel that they have to accept Jesus as their savior to be saved -- no helping old ladies across the street for this lot), we have to take responsibility for our actions.
Part of the tenents of Islam is the giving of alms (gifts to the less fortunate), and when I did aid work in India it was the Muslims who helped the poor the most.
Jews are smarter than everyone else: a recent study reported on in major newspapers and publications (New York magazine for one) has proven it, but that doesn't excuse their idea that they are *The Chosen* and can screw everyone in their path.
And it certainly doesn't excuse Israel using the US military as a proxy army to fight her endless wars. Israel needs to go away, and then maybe we will have peace in the Middle East.
BTW: Syria is actually secular, as was Iraq and Lebanon -- women have equal rights. This demonizing of these countries is yet another *great* Israeli myth designed to have yahoos in the US hate Arabs.
Israel is not our country but over generations American Jews like this twerp have profited inordinately from exploiting Jewish Holocaust guilt (why should Americans feel guilty? We were slaughtered fighting WW II, a war we should never have been in to begin with -- Roosevelt and his Jewish financiars wanted us in so we were, same with WW I)
And yet the ingrates over in Israel laugh behind our backs, bribe and threaten our *elected* representatives and drive us into endless wars, lethal for both our children and our economy.
Israel wants the world and unless we here in the US wake up and see who is driving these wars, Israel will have it, over our children's dead bodies armored or not.
You are kidding, right? I will soon tear your points apart, but now I've got to go study for finals. Until then.
--The Proud Jew
So many complaints about the religion of the child being thrown an obcene party. So many attacks against Israel, and against Jews. Only one of you mentioned the Dick Cheney, so allow me to add a bit: His Halliburton options have risen 3,281% in the last year. The options, which were worth $241,498 last year are now worth more than $800,000,000. So, tell me, you ignorant fools, WHO does this war belong to?
discraced my lady friend stevie nicks,this just mite cost you got your check book handy, you can write another check for $50,000,000 payable to stevie nicks, for shameing her in public,
YEP ....
http://www.middleeast.org ...forum ...
..... ....
http://10077.com/node/603 ....
http://www.libertyforum.org .... .....
DID they have ANY JACK ASSES THERE ? ...How about donkeys ??.... http://www.itszone.co.uk/zone0/viewtopic.php?t=9475 .... ..... ....
fabulous! thx for posting those pics and comments. very entertaining! (u know, this post of yours have been linked by others)
and "Get rich or die shrayen?"
HAHAHAH - that has been quoted elsewhere as well!
F Scott Fitzgerald and Orwell couldn't have come up with this. Is this bitchin little girl's birthday party going to be on pay per view- It will revive Kenny G.'s career. After all, he probably was just biding time to marry this chick
Classic. Don't expect to be treated as an individual when you're from a minority group. Your behavior will always be attributed to your ethnicity, whether you're Jewish, Black, Latino, etc.
If this guy were some WASP, no one would have mentioned anything about that.
The level of ignorance here is staggering.
I'm from the same town as Mr. Brooks and all I can say is don't blame this poor girl. This was a party to showcase her father's disguisting war profiteering. Not only was this a disguisting, tacky, tasteless, classless event, but worse it gives a bad name to Jews. Fortunately, this man is obviously not too bright, because he suspiciously started selling off shares of his company's stock last year, right before it plunged (Martha Stewart anyone?). You have to be an idiot to call such attention to yourself in this way. Why not just go to jail now, and spare the attorney fees.
jEWS like to Blame others for THEIR crimes .... http://www.whatreallyhhappened.com/lavon.html .... AND blame others for THEIR Defective products that costs lives... Brooks is NO different ...
.... .... ....
WAR PROFITEERING is just another way of saying War Criminal... defective vests are costing American lives and countless maimed...
This is just as bad as what iSRAEL is doing in Palestine... ... http://www.israel-state-terrorism.org .... .....
http://www.deathmasters.com .... ....
DIRTY MONEY :...This is just Dirty Money..Like when the jEWS STOLE
ALL the money from Palestinian bank accounts AFTER Ethnically Cleansing OVER 750,000 Palestinians from, their homes and lands .... http://www.robincmiller.com/pales2.htm ... ....
http://www.palestineremembered.com ..... .... ....
http://www.Btselem.org ... http://www.gush-shalom.org ....
http://www.deiryassin.org .... .....
iSRAEL USES America...Aand sees NOTHING wrong with KILLING us when it suits THEIR purpose.... They ATTACKED an UN-armed American ship in international waters KILING 34 sailors and marine and Wounding 172 ....This was another of their False Flag Operations They wanted Egypt to get the blame ..America was minutes away from nuking Cairo .....READ... http://www.ussliberty.org ..... .... ..
WAR PROFITEERS like Brooks benefit from bUSH's War for iSAREL ....
http://www.itszone.co.uk/zome0/viewtopic.php?t=34928 .... .... ..
WEBLINKHOSTING.COM would be a good source
I only have one question: was the lox belly or nova?
this entire thing has reached Cleveland! Brooks isn't the only one, check out Ridinger (NYT) in Florida, with Ashanti and Ja Rule, the kid wore a $27000 D&G dress! Hope the kids have learned values like charity, empathy and compassion.
This comment is to wondergirl,
Wondergirl I couldn't agree with you more I think what you say is true but you said that somebody needs to stand up and say something about this. How about you it only takes one person to start and the rest will follow.
Like Destiny's Child say stand up for life, stand up for love. It starts right here
SERVING 2 FLAGS... Brooks is like a LOT of zIONISTS...They serve 2 flags..iSRAEL and America... But Usually...iSRAREL FIRST... http://www.planetquo.com/Serving-Two-Flags ....
http://www.americanfreepress.net .... .... ...
Dying In Iraq With Low-Grade Body Armor
Another shaddy zionist making profit off our innocent boy's and girl's in Iraq.
Who is David Brooks?
Brooks is a war profiteer, who owns Point Blank Body Armor (a subsidiary of his DHB Industries), a company that supplies the Marines with bullet-proof vests. He is a New York stock speculator and Venture Capitalist, who made a fortune off the government, and old ladies' pensions.
David Brook's $189,000,000 Windfall
Brooks take his company public, and teachers, retirees, truck drivers, union pension funds, buy the stock. Right before a negative event (faulty armor), Brooks sells, and pockets a fortune. The SEC has numerous complaints.
Brooks has a giant warehouse/factory based in South Florida. The employees are non-union immigrants. He is alleged to engage in union busting.
Get over it. You're all just complaining cause you wish you could have what she does. Don't deny it, you're on the internet tairing a part a 13 year old girl's nose because she's richer then you. Shut up and get lives. A close family friend had Ashlee Simpson at his daughter's bat mitzvah cause he could afford it. If you could afford to give your child that you would to. And furthermore, who says these people aren't charitable. Clearly they have a lot of money, you don't know where they donate or they donate to. For all you know he could have donated 100million dollars to some random charity yesterday in honor of her bat mitzvah. So shut up and get over it.
Hey if anyone went.....how was Stevie Nicks' performace? What
song(s) did she sing?
EgOiStE said...
if you've never heard of Ciara, well, you need to get out more.
^^^^What a gay wad^^^^^
I say more power to the jews...spend all that money!
zIONIST jEWS are Racists .... http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/palestinians.html
.... .... ...
I totally agree with Anonymous
MAPS TELL THE STORY... http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/mapstellstory.html .... ....
http://www.zionismexplained.org .... .....
So Offense Contracter jEWS like Brooks can continue to sell DEFECTEVE equipment and put American lives and bodies inn jeopardy
... http://www.itszone.co.uk/zone0/viewtopic.php?t=45400 ...
Elizabeth Brooks is a sweet kid. No matter what anyone thinks of her father's politics or spending habits, there is NO reason to attack or insult her. What kind of people make nasty comments about a child, because they disagree with her parent's actions? Elizabeth had every right to enjoy her celebration surrounded by friends and loved ones. Anyone who takes pride in being nasty about a child is not a good person. And just for you anti-war people who are angry about our soldiers, my husband IS a soldier. And I don't worry any more or any less based on how Elizabeth celebrated.
Dear Tabloid Baby,
Wow, what a scoop! Hilarious photos. I'm writing from Rolling Stone, and we're interested in publishing the exclusive Bat Mitzvah pics. I don't know of any direct email address through which to contact you, so -although unorthodox- this comment forum seems like my only option. Please contact me at steadysabes@hotmail.com at your very earliest convenience.
Many thanks in advance.
this is absolutly ridiculous. What do you think a bat mitzvah is!??! Google anyone?!?!?! Most Jewish people do not have extravagant BASH Mitzvahs like this. Understand that after intense years of studying, some parents elect to have a celebratory coming of age party for their 12 or 13 year old son or daughter. Two years ago, i had a modest (but SO fun) party for my bat mitzvah. A bat mitzvah to most people does not mean having a party. This is a day where your identity as a jew is confirmed. You are accepted as a full fledged member of the jewish community. You can take on obligations as a Jewish adult; and make important ritualistic, identity, moral, and many other decissions.
SO, to everyone whoever thinks that this is what "all jews" do...is making dangerous assumptions. Even if it is what we all do, who cares. Go have your coming out balls, sweet sixteens, confirmations, no one is saying its too extravagant. All of these parties are sometimes taken out of hand, and thrown in bad taste. But if you can do it, why not shower your kid with something wonderful. This is not how all, or even most jews behave. If you think this girl's bat mitzvah party is some "jewish conspiracy" then you're obviously not 'sheppen much nachus.'
Yom Tov everyone, Yom Tov.
Why blame the child? It was the fathers party.
yeah im a recently returned soldier from ramadi, the real deal holyfield... after reading all these posts you know, the nose jokes (which i also noticed and snickered to myself about) , also im a secular jew so yeah up yours... also we got the anti-anti-semetic aparently libertarian crowd who says its ok to spend money and if the government doesnt like the inferior then they should buy from someone else...
im honestly just too tired and frustrated to even answer this argument without being face to face with someone... i would just choke you if i could...
so let the girl have her party, yeah id bone her anyways but she could benefit from a nose job... the guy can in theory spend the money that is his but he's still a piece of shit for providing inferior product and this is a perfect example of gross excess while others do in fact go without... go join the army and go to iraq, or better yet join an NGO and go to iraq and see for yourself how those people are living... im sure theyd appreciate havin fiddy come and rap for them
Hey Tabloid baby!
Blender Magazine is reaching out to you. Can you email me at payne@blender.com ??
Love your Blog!
And Love Mitzvahpalooza photos and want to work with you!
iSRAEL will probably give Brooks a medal for providing defective vests that end up with maimed and killed Americans ... Just like the hero's medals they gave to the bulldozer driver who ran over an killed an American girl in Gaza.... The driver BACKED UP and RAN OVER her AGAIN !!!... http://www.rachelcorrie.org ........ http://www.astandforjustice.org
.... .....
AMERICANS DON'T KNOW NUTTIN... http://www.ifamericansknew.org ....
.....http://electronicintifada.net ....
http://www.openbethlehem.org/pages/become_a_citizen_of_bethlehem.asp ....
feed us CRAP... http://www.the7thfire.com/7thfireNews.htm ...
http://www.kurtnimmo.com/ ....
http://www.giwersworld.org .... http://www.cursor.org .... ....
Palestinia n OLIVE HARVEST ONCE AGAIN MARRED BY ILLEGAL iSRAELI SQUATTER-COLONISTS.... These are people to whom Brooks gives his ill-gotten gains ... http://electronicintiifada.net/v2/article4343.shtml
and to the catholic up there, why aren't you apologizing about your pervert priests molesting children? btw, i'm not jewish or white.
they got don henly and stevie nicks as a package deal with the caterers. they performed after clearing plates
What they REALLY think :
http://www.catus48.com/verses.html ....
http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/palestinians.html ....
every jew over 50 says schwartza? does this include the numerous jews who were active in the civil rights movement, ie. the ones who marched next to MLK? or the ones from the anti-defamation league? or someone like my dad (53), blocking the South African entrance to the UN to protest apartheid in the 80s, and going to jail for it. Yeah, us jews really hate black people. Afterall, we share nothing in common. neither of us were ever slaves, oppressed, racialized, or deprived of our culture, right? check ur history, bubble boy.
george w is worried about adding advanced placement math classes , how about all the kids that cant even add. teach them something that will get them a job. bring back tracking, vocational opportunities
jEWS talk among themselves that they are "suoerior" people...Once a jEW even called into a talk show and ranted on and on about how many jEWS there are with college graduates, PhD's, etc... Amongst themselves they consider themselves to be the MASTER Race ....But they usually do NOT mention to the Untermensch ...[ NON-jEWSS ].. http://100777.com/node/603 ....
Their "holy" book the tal-MUD even calls NON-jEWS ... "excrement"... http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/talmudx.htm
http://www.abbc.net/talmud/index.htm ...
http://www.abbc.net/talmud2.htm .....
It's time to WAKE UP Folks !!! ....
http://wake-up-america.net ...And LEARN something about the jEWS
!!! .... http://www.jewwatch.com ..... http://www.crescentandcross.com
and zIONISM .... http://www.zionismexplained.org ....
we have sources that are personally connected to Elizbeth Brooks. The fact that Jewish people are being stereotyped is horrible. Elizabeth never asked for any of this, her father made all the plans. She is a nice, friendly, funny, caring, beautiful(inside and out), smart, artistic, wonderful girl. Anyone who has the chance to know her is lucky. She is a great friend. She is welcoming to others and not a JAP. Her nose is just fine! She is a great, normal teenage girl. She had an over the top bat-mitzvah but anyone who was there had an amazing time and truly cares for her. Everyone who was invited to the party knows Elizabeth personally and feels pain for her that people are saying horrible things about someone they don't even know. She is an innconent thirteen year old girl who did nothing bad towards you. Anyone who is thinking/saying these terrible, disgusting thoughts really need to take there pain out somewhere else. Seriously, get a life. Clearly Elizabeth has a bigger more exciting life than you. At least she has friends and family who love, adore, and care for her. Please stop with these comments because don't think she doesn't read every single one of them and feel horrible about herself. She is confused about many things. Like, why her father threw this party for her when she didn't ask for it? and why people hate her when she did nothing wrong. It was a celebration and anyone who is saying bad things are just jealous they didn't get to know Elizabeth and be lucky enough to celebrate with her and her family and friends, all the people who truly love her. Anyone who was in invited to this party who posted these personal pictures is disgusting, you should be ashamed of yourself. The Brooks' family invited you to their celebration of their daughter coming of age and you post these pictures from your digital camera, probably the one you recieved as a goody bag. I feel horrible for the family that they trusted you to be a kind guest and you backstab them by posting pictures online. Those pictures are personal and private. Ones that only Elizabeth, friends, and family should be able to look at. We hope that the people with no lives who are reading this right now are ashamed. Bye!
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i think this girl is lucky...and soo sweet.. so what if ppl (jews) are rich and have sick bar and batmitzvahs...i mean mine was not that extravagant but all of it is amazing.
hello i think that you all need to get over yourselves and get lives because i am reading this as one of elizabeths best friends and you are all disgusting people that should just go fuck yousrselves if your gonna tlak abotu someone in a horrible way liek this.... she reads ll of these posts and feels like people are just trying to make hr upset when she did nothing wrong or anyhintng to hurt anybody. and for the people who commeneted above me saying the same htings that i am saying god bless you she read those comments theother day and i was with her and it really made her happy and myself because i have witnessedd all of the pain she has gone through over htis when her parents were just doing somethign nice for their daughter whom they love very m uch. stop being so jeaous and get over it it was over a year ago and people all make money their own ways lawyers defend murderes and get them off the hook even if they are guilty and they will continue to go on lilling more and more people. and just to let you know the profilts were profits of things that saved almost all of the peoople in the war so if i were you and i werote a horrible comment i would feel ashamed of myself for doiongi this to a teenage girl whom is my best friend and did nothing to hurt any of you but you all make fun of her appearance and her nose like what the fuck is wrong with you sick people. she should not have to deal with this from any of you. im sure that if you actually went to the partyy and werent so jealous than you would not be sayingt hese horrible cruel things about someone that you have never met before in your life. and if some of you on this blog were at the party and are doing this to her and her family after tey spent so much time effort and mobey on making sure you ahd a great time at their party than you are a low life person and i hope that you do not ever have success in anythign you do and appologize to her be cause you have made her so upset and i for one think that you have to stop making fun of this girl for doing nothing wrong to you, and why the hell should you care how anad what someone else decides to spend theri money on. and in l of the newspapers they money is all lies.
adios amigos and get lives shut up about the girl whose party u wish u were invited too and if you just read my whole entry than i hope you understand that you abhve no life and the only reason i am doing this is because they are my personal best friends and i love themm all very mucha and you all shoudl go fuck yourselves and take this shit about their family off of the internet.
bye hope this help[ed you to realize the low life scum that you really are.
shes the backround of my computer and i think her nose is beautiful
Nose jobs are horrible. But not as bad as circumcision. Hopefully she'll try to undo all the bad her fathers done. Nothing wrong with a Bat/Bar Mitzva, everyone should have one, but $10 million is sick.
Foul language has become such a rampant neo-con comments trademark. It's possible, but not that probable that comments left by Elizabeth's "friends" are just that.
It's not her nose that's grotesque. It's her dad. If he spent $10mil from his own bank account to fund this over-the-top party, that would be just disgusting. But it would be his money. Instead, he kept his millions and spent company money. While sending thousands of defective bulletproof vests to Iraq. In Japan, a CEO like that would do the honorable thing and plunge a sword into his abdomen. Her dad is scum and I hope he stays in jail where he belongs.
And Henley, Tyler, Nicks, Petty and all the others are a bunch of whores for doing a BatMitzvah in the firstplace. 50 cent? Ha!
Look like Mr. Brooks isn't bullet-proof, either.
Now isn't that just ironic?
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Useful information ..I am very happy to read this article..thanks for giving us this useful information. Fantastic walk-through. I appreciate this post.
Ciara is kind of cool, but I don't remember any songs specifically. I currently work from home selling import export goods online, mostly cd's and dvd's. 50 cent was sure a big seller back then when he came out.
It wouldve been nice if Niki Minaj was already popular back then.
Well this post certainly reminds me of the time when I worked as a teacher, all my students listened to these rappers. It was a great job but the pay was not enough for my mortgage.
Now I am working from home selling import export goods online, mostly digital items and gifts for this upcoming Christmas. My profits have been looking great and I was able to pay off my mortgage also. Everyone can do this, work from home and earn big profits online. The question is HOW and WHERE to find info.
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